
The love of the first importer of durian "lotus" said

author:Xiangyang Radio and Television Station
The love of the first importer of durian "lotus" said


In supermarkets and street vendors all over China

Durian occupies the high ground of the market with its unique charm

With more and more Southeast Asian countries

of durians were allowed to enter the Chinese market

This fruit was once considered a niche fruit

It has developed into a "top single product"

Consumption is increasing year by year

The love of the first importer of durian "lotus" said

China is the world's largest importer and consumer of durian


Thailand became the first country to receive approval from the General Administration of Customs of China

Countries that export fresh durian directly to China

Since then, Malaysia has frozen whole grain shelled durian

Fresh durian in Vietnam and the Philippines

It has been approved to enter the Chinese market one after another

Share huge market opportunities

The love of the first importer of durian "lotus" said

Chinese consumers have become more diversified in their ways of purchasing durian

Shop from traditional brick-and-mortar stores

Go to the e-commerce software and mini program to place an order

and then hand-picked in the live video delivery

Diverse and convenient ways to buy

It constantly refreshes the shopping experience of consumers

It also continues to promote the best-selling of ASEAN durian in the Chinese market

The love of the first importer of durian "lotus" said

With the continuous deepening of the Belt and Road Initiative

The entry into force and implementation of the RCEP

The new land-sea corridor in the west

China-Laos Railway, etc

A number of interconnection projects have been implemented one after another

The regional economic, trade and transportation network is constantly being weaved

Press the "acceleration button" for Southeast Asian durian exports to China

The shipping time for fresh durian is constantly decreasing

This ensures that they reach Chinese consumers in the best possible condition

The love of the first importer of durian "lotus" said

Durian milk tea, durian mango ice, durian latte......

These are niche cold drinks infused with durian flavors

It is becoming the "new favorite" to quench your thirst in summer

Durian ice dumplings, durian mooncakes, durian cakes

Durian coconut chicken launched by hot pot + durian

Golden Durian Fish ......

Become a "special" player in the current food industry

It brings an unprecedented feast for the palate to diners

The love of the first importer of durian "lotus" said

Chinese "fanaticism" for durian

It has accelerated the process of "localization" of durian

Recently, domestic durian has bloomed in more places

Since last year, the first batch of domestic durians have been put on sale in Sanya

This year, Hainan Baoting, Wuzhishan, Ledong and other places

It also ushered in the durian hanging fruit

At present, the total planting area of durian in Hainan is about 40,000 mu

It is estimated that the fruit-bearing area will be about 4,000 acres this year

The love of the first importer of durian "lotus" said

The durian trade between Southeast Asian countries and China continues to expand

It is a win-win result for all parties

Research Fellow, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Guangxi Academy of Social Sciences

Lei Xiaohua said

The scale of durian "going north" in Southeast Asia continues to expand

The time continues to decrease

Chinese consumers are buying high-quality and inexpensive fruits at the same time

Local durian growers are also able to increase their economic income

Becoming a Belt and Road Initiative

Cooperation is a powerful testimony to mutual benefit and win-win results

Source: Xinhua News Agency

Editor-in-charge: Liu Yan Review: Du Hongli Final review: Zou Yan

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