
"Eliminating pornography and cracking down on illegal publications" entered the campus, and the "seedling protection" workstation of Caohu School was officially established

author:Modern Express

Modern Express News (Correspondent Li Yelin) In order to further improve the construction of the "seedling" workstation system, on June 27, the theme activity of "Protecting and Helping Healthy Growth and Rejecting Harmful Content" in Caohu Street was successfully carried out in Caohu School, advocating green reading and civilized Internet access, enhancing minors' safety awareness and legal literacy, improving the ability to identify illegal publications and harmful information and awareness of prevention, and promoting the joint maintenance of a clean and upright social and cultural environment.

"Eliminating pornography and cracking down on illegal publications" entered the campus, and the "seedling protection" workstation of Caohu School was officially established

In order to continue to carry out the special action of "eliminating pornography and fighting illegal publications and protecting seedlings" and build a positive and healthy ideological and cultural environment for young people, the "seedling protection" workstation of Caohu School was formally established, and after its establishment, it will take a variety of forms to carry out publicity activities such as "eliminating pornography and fighting illegal publications" and "protecting seedlings and green bookmarks", so as to do a solid job in the ideological and political education of minors, guide students to form good habits of advocating science, green reading, and civilized Internet access, and consciously stay away from infringement and piracy, obscenity, pornography, vulgar violence, etc. Harmful information and publications such as horror and superstition.

"Eliminating pornography and cracking down on illegal publications" entered the campus, and the "seedling protection" workstation of Caohu School was officially established

At the same time, Caohu School has set up a volunteer team of "Green Seedlings Protection", plans to carry out joint inspections and publicity activities inside and outside the school on a regular basis, increase the supervision of cultural venues such as printing and distribution, photocopying and printing, Internet cafes and Internet cafes around the campus, timely discover and clean up bad and harmful information inside and outside the school, effectively safeguard the cultural rights and interests of young people, and educate and guide teachers and students to identify illegal publications, enhance the ability to distinguish and resist, timely report illegal publishing activities and case clues, and promote the "Seedling Protection" action to fully cover all fields of society.

"Eliminating pornography and cracking down on illegal publications" entered the campus, and the "seedling protection" workstation of Caohu School was officially established

It is worth mentioning that the event invited the police of Caohu Police Station to bring a vivid and interesting "Seedling Protection and Network Security Lesson" to the students, elaborating on the importance of network security, and combined with the upcoming peak period of minors going online in the summer vacation, the "Prevention of Minors Internet Addiction Theme Micro Classroom" was held, clarifying the harmfulness of Internet addiction and calling on students to develop healthy Internet habits. The volunteers also popularized the basic connotation of "eliminating pornography and fighting illegal publications" for the students, explained in detail the methods and skills of simply identifying illegal publications, and set up a link to answer questions and win prizes, leading the students to enhance their ability to identify illegal publications in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, so as to escort the healthy growth of minors.

The "Colorful Childhood, Seedling Growth" painting competition was also officially launched in this event. With the theme of "Colorful Childhood, Protecting Seedlings and Growing Up", the event solicited original paintings related to "Eliminating Pornography and Fighting Illegal Publications" from the first to sixth grade students of Caohu School, creating a strong atmosphere of caring for the healthy growth of minors.

After the event, Caohu Street also placed the collected "drifting books" in the "drifting book house" to provide convenience for teachers and students to read between classes. In order to promote the construction of "Scholarly Caohu", Caohu Street and Caohu School jointly built a "Drifting Book House", with a total of more than 300 books "drifting", integrating the "Scholarly Caohu" reading brand into the daily learning of teachers and students, promoting reading exchanges, realizing knowledge sharing and recycling, injecting vitality into reading, and spreading the fragrance of books on campus.

In the next step, Caohu Street will link more social resources and carry out a series of colorful "seedling protection" actions to build a harmonious and green environment, so that every seedling can grow healthily and strongly.

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