
In July, no matter how busy you are, often give this soup to your family to replenish energy and enhance immunity, don't miss it

author:Xiaoliang health kitchen

June is coming to an end, July is coming, send away the cool weather, immediately usher in a very painful day, it is the middle of summer, the heat is unbearable, the temperature continues to rise, the sultry weather makes people anxious, the mood is not high, the appetite will be particularly poor, it is easy to get on fire and heat stroke, at this time it is recommended to eat less spicy food, drink more soup and water, and reserve energy for the body. Halfway through the summer, dog days are coming, give your family a taste of this beautiful soup - cordyceps flower morel mushroom pork bone stewed chicken soup, a simple stew in a pot, the soup is delicious, smart people learn it quickly. In July, no matter how busy you are, often give this soup to your family to replenish energy and enhance immunity, don't miss it.

In July, no matter how busy you are, often give this soup to your family to replenish energy and enhance immunity, don't miss it

【The specific method of stewed chicken soup with morel mushrooms and pork bones with cordyceps flowers】

In July, no matter how busy you are, often give this soup to your family to replenish energy and enhance immunity, don't miss it

Ingredient list: select about 20 grams of high-quality cordyceps flowers (cordyceps flowers are a slender fungus, the color is light yellow, it smells faintly fragrant, the edible value is excellent, where do Cantonese people like to make soup, it can regulate qi and blood and liver and kidney, and there are many benefits), 400 grams of fresh chicken, and about 350 grams of high-quality pork ribs (pork ribs are a very popular part of the pig, half of the meat and bones, after blanching to remove the fish, you can blanch, steam or make soup, and the pork rib soup is particularly delicious, Reserve all kinds of energy for the body), half a piece of old ginger, a few large red dates, a little wolfberry, a few cooking wines, a drop of salt, a fresh yam, about 15 grams of jade bamboo, and other condiments.

In July, no matter how busy you are, often give this soup to your family to replenish energy and enhance immunity, don't miss it

Proper Fabrication Process:

In July, no matter how busy you are, often give this soup to your family to replenish energy and enhance immunity, don't miss it

1: Prepare ingredients such as chicken, pork ribs, morels, cordyceps flowers, red dates and yams in advance, wash the red dates first, remove the pits inside, and set aside for later use.

2) Chop the fresh chicken into pieces, soak it in cold water and cooking wine, rinse off the blood inside, cut the ginger into several thin slices, and clean the wolfberries for later use.

3) Chop the pork ribs into small pieces, rinse them several times with water, soak the morels in warm water, remove part of the roots, soak for 15 minutes, remove the sediment inside, and set aside for later use.

4) Peel the fresh yam, cut off the head and tail, cut the same length into sections, soak the jade bamboo in warm water for a while, and soak the cordyceps flowers in advance.

In July, no matter how busy you are, often give this soup to your family to replenish energy and enhance immunity, don't miss it

5: Add an appropriate amount of cold water to the pot, pour in the pork ribs and chicken, add the green onion and ginger slices, pour in some cooking wine, blanch the two ingredients, then rinse with warm water, prepare other ingredients for the soup, and start cooking this chicken soup stewed with morel mushrooms and pork bones with cordyceps flowers.

In July, no matter how busy you are, often give this soup to your family to replenish energy and enhance immunity, don't miss it

6: Prepare the soup in a saucepan, put the processed chicken, pork bones, morels, red dates, jade bamboo and cordyceps flowers and other ingredients in the pot, add some ginger slices, add a little cooking wine, add an appropriate amount of cold water, turn to high heat and simmer for a while.

In July, no matter how busy you are, often give this soup to your family to replenish energy and enhance immunity, don't miss it
In July, no matter how busy you are, often give this soup to your family to replenish energy and enhance immunity, don't miss it

7: Turn to low heat and simmer to make the soup rich, let the chicken and pork bones cook until cooked through, finally add half a spoon of pepper and a little salt to make the soup fully flavorful, if possible, you can put in the wolfberries, cook for about 2 minutes, and eat out of the pot.

In July, no matter how busy you are, often give this soup to your family to replenish energy and enhance immunity, don't miss it
In July, no matter how busy you are, often give this soup to your family to replenish energy and enhance immunity, don't miss it

Cordyceps flower morel mushroom pork bone stewed chicken soup is a warm and beautiful soup, which buys chicken, pork ribs and several ingredients stewed soup, the soup is delicious, nutritious and nourishing, delicious and not greasy, nourishing qi and blood, protecting the liver and kidneys, making the body stronger, and benefiting from early food.

In July, no matter how busy you are, often give this soup to your family to replenish energy and enhance immunity, don't miss it
In July, no matter how busy you are, often give this soup to your family to replenish energy and enhance immunity, don't miss it

Netizens, have you learned the skills of making this chicken soup stewed with morel mushrooms and pork bones? (All the pictures in the article are from the Internet)