
Trump warns: Biden drags the United States into World War III

author:Strong Martial Arts

Former U.S. President Donald Trump recently warned that Biden would "drag the United States into World War III." Because under the leadership of Biden, the crime rate in the United States is rising, Europe has also fallen into "chaos", and the Middle East has "exploded directly". Serbian President Vučić also has predictions about the outbreak of World War III, and he is even more pessimistic than Trump. Vučić believes that within half a year at the latest, three wars will break out. For these two things, I would like to give you three points.

Trump warns: Biden drags the United States into World War III

First, Trump said this to get votes for himself. Trump's statement is clearly an attack on his political opponents, after all, the presidential election is just around the corner. In this year's election, it is still Trump vs. Biden. Trump's statement that Biden will "drag the United States into World War III" is itself irritating Americans' sensitive nerves.

For the past half-century, Americans have been fighting wars, from the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War to the Afghanistan War, and it has not stopped for almost a moment. But the U.S. government has invested a lot of resources in these wars, and none of them have been won by a large margin. On the contrary, there are countless American civilians every time, who have to pay for the war. And Trump is now instilling in Americans the idea that Biden is a warmonger and that he is provoking World War III, so that American civilians who have suffered so much from war will vote for him.

Trump warns: Biden drags the United States into World War III

Second, Vučić's remarks also show that he is under great pressure. Although the Cold War has ended, the United States has not dissolved NATO, which was established to "confront the Soviet Union." In the past 20 years, NATO has also absorbed a large number of new members. In 2004, seven countries including the three Baltic states, Romania and Slovenia were admitted. After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Finland and Sweden were absorbed, and it can be said that the United States has deployed its own troops to Russia's doorstep, and the total number of NATO member countries has also expanded to 32. In fact, NATO's eastward expansion also happens to be one of the root causes of the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

In other words, in response to Vučić's remarks, Trump actually revealed the truth, and in the context of the 32 countries are expanding their armaments, the pressure on Vučić, as the president of a European country, is also unprecedented.

Trump warns: Biden drags the United States into World War III

Third, while what Vučić and Trump say is not alarmist, Europe is not monolithic. In fact, within the EU and NATO, there are also those who remain opposed to the expansion of the war. For example, after the United States partially lifted restrictions and allowed Ukraine to use NATO-aided weapons to attack the Russian mainland; The Austrian Minister of Defense made it clear that some Western countries have crossed the line by allowing Ukraine to use its weapons to hit targets on Russia's homeland.

The Slovak Prime Minister also stated that what some Western countries want is not peace, but the escalation of their own tense relations with Russia. Slovakia does not want to be drawn into such a military adventure. Therefore, if this situation continues to develop, a political crisis may also erupt within the West.

In any case, no matter what the purpose is, the United States' practice of provoking a large-scale war around the world will only arouse the disgust of more and more countries, if Biden can realize all this, and perhaps there is still the possibility of confronting Trump, if Biden still continues to plunge the United States into the quagmire of war, then the probability of winning this year's election is basically zero.

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