
5 melons in 1 day, Yang Ying's live broadcast, Wang Xingyue's studio apologized, and Yu Haoming's relationship was exposed, all of which were big melons

author:The master of the Bayu Hall

One stone stirs up a thousand waves, there are so many melons in the entertainment industry, in just one day, some people show affection, some people apologize, some people shout to their ex-boyfriends, and some people start live broadcasts to bring goods, all of them are big melons!

1, Yang Ying made her live broadcast debut in Simba's live broadcast room, which aroused heated discussions among netizens

I believe everyone should know that yesterday, Yang Ying, who had not been seen for a long time, appeared in Simba's live broadcast room for a live broadcast with goods, which instantly aroused heated discussions among netizens.

5 melons in 1 day, Yang Ying's live broadcast, Wang Xingyue's studio apologized, and Yu Haoming's relationship was exposed, all of which were big melons

In yesterday's live broadcast room, Yang Ying wore a ball head, a high ponytail, and dressed more casually, talking and laughing with Simba and other anchors.

In just one hour in the live broadcast room, millions of people poured in to watch, and in the live broadcast room, Simba praised Yang Ying, but Yang Ying seemed to be more restrained and didn't talk much.

5 melons in 1 day, Yang Ying's live broadcast, Wang Xingyue's studio apologized, and Yu Haoming's relationship was exposed, all of which were big melons

Some netizens speculated that Yang Ying was going to make a comeback, you know, because of the Crazy Horse show, Yang Ying had not appeared online before, and now appearing in the live broadcast room does it mean that it is okay.

5 melons in 1 day, Yang Ying's live broadcast, Wang Xingyue's studio apologized, and Yu Haoming's relationship was exposed, all of which were big melons

Of course, it seems that Yang Ying is still in a very good state, and her performance in the live broadcast room is relatively easy-going.

2, Wang Xingyue's video is suspected of Yu Zheng's anger, and the studio issued an apology, which aroused heated discussions among netizens

Recently, Wu Jinyan said that Wang Xingyue's new drama "Ink Rain and Clouds" officially came to an end, but there were problems in the two days.

5 melons in 1 day, Yang Ying's live broadcast, Wang Xingyue's studio apologized, and Yu Haoming's relationship was exposed, all of which were big melons

The reason is that in the side story, Wang Xingyue's team is suspected of releasing a high-gloss shot of Wang Xingyue's battle damage in order to avoid suspicion, which caused heated discussions among netizens.

You must know that this drama "Ink Rain and Clouds" is a big heroine drama, but as the male lead, he directly sent out his personal tidbits first, and netizens were very dissatisfied with this.

5 melons in 1 day, Yang Ying's live broadcast, Wang Xingyue's studio apologized, and Yu Haoming's relationship was exposed, all of which were big melons

Moreover, Yu Zheng was also furious after learning the news, saying that this time the extras were in vain, and he also said that he would severely condemn and hold a meeting to discuss the dismissal of a cadre.

5 melons in 1 day, Yang Ying's live broadcast, Wang Xingyue's studio apologized, and Yu Haoming's relationship was exposed, all of which were big melons

Soon, Wang Xingyue's studio issued an apology statement, saying that the relevant content had been deleted, and the staff who publicized it would also be criticized.

5 melons in 1 day, Yang Ying's live broadcast, Wang Xingyue's studio apologized, and Yu Haoming's relationship was exposed, all of which were big melons

To be honest, many netizens feel that Wang Xingyue is more likely to become popular, you must know that a big heroine drama, now the male protagonist is already out of the limelight, and the popularity is here with him, although he said that he posted the wrong video and was complained by netizens, but he quickly apologized, and in the face of such an operation of his artists, I don't know how Yu Zheng will deal with it in the future!

3, Wang Xiaofei posted a group photo on her birthday, and showed her affection generously with his wife Ma Xiaomei, which sparked heated discussions

Recently, Wang Xiaofei celebrated her birthday, so the family held a birthday banquet together, and the performance on the scene immediately aroused heated discussions among netizens.

5 melons in 1 day, Yang Ying's live broadcast, Wang Xingyue's studio apologized, and Yu Haoming's relationship was exposed, all of which were big melons

In the live broadcast, Wang Xiaofei and his wife Ma Xiaomei celebrated their birthday together, and Zhang Lan, who is her mother-in-law, also jokingly smeared a cake on their faces.

5 melons in 1 day, Yang Ying's live broadcast, Wang Xingyue's studio apologized, and Yu Haoming's relationship was exposed, all of which were big melons

In addition, looking at the expressions of Wang Xiaofei, Ma Xiaomei and Zhang Lan, it seems that this birthday party is quite successful.

5 melons in 1 day, Yang Ying's live broadcast, Wang Xingyue's studio apologized, and Yu Haoming's relationship was exposed, all of which were big melons

Not only that, it can be seen that Ma Xiaomei is very intimate to get something to eat for Wang Xiaofei, and she is also very filial to her mother-in-law, and the family is happy together.

5 melons in 1 day, Yang Ying's live broadcast, Wang Xingyue's studio apologized, and Yu Haoming's relationship was exposed, all of which were big melons

In such a scene, netizens couldn't help but sigh, after experiencing some emotional problems, this time Wang Xiaofei finally found true love!

4, Huang Jingyu's ex-wife posted another article shouting that Huang Jingyu was complained about by netizens, which caused heated discussions

Yesterday afternoon, Huang Jingyu's ex-wife Wang Yuxin posted a news on social platforms, suspected of calling out her ex-husband Huang Jingyu, which caused heated discussions among netizens.

5 melons in 1 day, Yang Ying's live broadcast, Wang Xingyue's studio apologized, and Yu Haoming's relationship was exposed, all of which were big melons

Wang Yuxin posted: "I didn't expect that being shortlisted for the Best Heroine of Jinjue hurt you so much. Refuse to disturb and any warnings, or I'm going to take a screenshot of your current girlfriend, notify them one by one, oh, no, show the producers your little composition, and some speechless follow-up. No amount of public relations plans and public opinion guidance can compare to the sincerity of the moment and letting go of each other. Let her go, your future is still promising”

5 melons in 1 day, Yang Ying's live broadcast, Wang Xingyue's studio apologized, and Yu Haoming's relationship was exposed, all of which were big melons

Wang Yuxin's words were suspected of calling Huang Jingyu, saying that he was disturbed some time ago and now he wants to issue a warning.

And some time ago, Wang Yuxin also went to the Shanghai Film Festival, and she went with the film "Shelter Tower". In this movie, she also mentioned Best Actress in the Asian Newcomer unit.

5 melons in 1 day, Yang Ying's live broadcast, Wang Xingyue's studio apologized, and Yu Haoming's relationship was exposed, all of which were big melons

Regarding Wang Yuxin's series of operations, netizens have begun to suspect that Wang Yuxin is going to make her debut as an actor, and because Huang Jingyu has recently filmed a new drama, she is still suspected of gaining popularity.

5 melons in 1 day, Yang Ying's live broadcast, Wang Xingyue's studio apologized, and Yu Haoming's relationship was exposed, all of which were big melons

I have to say that Wang Yuxin and Huang Jingyu are really entangled, and they once posted that they would end everything and no longer bother, but this operation makes people unable to understand it at all!

5, Yu Haoming's suspected relationship was exposed, and he took the girl home for dinner hand in hand, which sparked heated discussions

Recently, the paparazzi photographed Yu Haoming's relationship, which also aroused the curiosity of many netizens for the first time, and they were hotly discussed.

5 melons in 1 day, Yang Ying's live broadcast, Wang Xingyue's studio apologized, and Yu Haoming's relationship was exposed, all of which were big melons

In the video, Yu Haoming is wearing a peaked cap with black short sleeves next to him, and a girl wearing gray short sleeves and also wearing a white hat is next to him, and the two go to the car hand in hand.

Looking at Yu Haoming's appearance, he was obviously taking the girl to have dinner with her family, and was photographed by the paparazzi on the way back after eating.

5 melons in 1 day, Yang Ying's live broadcast, Wang Xingyue's studio apologized, and Yu Haoming's relationship was exposed, all of which were big melons

To say that Yu Haoming's love life is relatively low-key, he was also a proper handsome guy back then, just popular, because of a fire, he was burned, and he stopped for a long time.

5 melons in 1 day, Yang Ying's live broadcast, Wang Xingyue's studio apologized, and Yu Haoming's relationship was exposed, all of which were big melons

Now it seems that he has come out of the haze and rejuvenated his second spring, and netizens are also very interesting when they see Yu Haoming like this, but they have called out his good brother Zhang Yuan!

5 melons in 1 day, Yang Ying's live broadcast, Wang Xingyue's studio apologized, and Yu Haoming's relationship was exposed, all of which were big melons

The above are the many big melons exposed in the entertainment industry in the past two days, from Yang Ying's live broadcast with goods, to Wang Xingyue's apology, to Wang Xiaofei's birthday party to show affection, in short, they are all outrageous!

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