
Three-front warfare, the United States must rush to the table!

author:Wind forests in the distance

A Filipino politician choked up and cried at an event in Beijing two days ago.

As the president of a political organization in the Philippines, he spoke on the spot about some of the current concerns of Filipinos:

Like, will we have a war in the Philippines?

Three-front warfare, the United States must rush to the table!

Now that it's getting worse, will we be a battlefield?

Later, he couldn't help choking up, saying that as a Filipino, an Asian, I don't want my country to become a battlefield.


The words of this Filipino are moving and can't help but make people think a lot.

Think differently and watch your country (which is still very weak) slide into the abyss of war step by step, and no one can stand it.

In particular, the tragic situation of the Russian-Ukrainian war and the Gaza war is in front of us.

Inadvertently, a small conflict quickly turned into a skyrocketing war, with countless casualties and ruins all over the ground.

But, I'm talking about but, politics is very realistic.

A broken Philippine ship took advantage of the national disaster on the mainland (the embassy was bombed), the night was dark and the wind was high, and forcibly sat on Ren'ai Jiao, and then lied that the ship was broken, and kept saying that it would be withdrawn as soon as possible, which is 25 years.

Three-front warfare, the United States must rush to the table!

Saying that, this Ren'ai Jiao has really become theirs, and now they have changed their caliber to fight for Ren'ai Jiao.

In particular, the introduction of external forces such as the United States, Japan, and Europe has muddied the waters of the South China Sea, making the situation extremely complicated.

The Philippines, as a former colony of the United States and now a de facto colony, has become a pawn and tool in the geopolitical game of the United States, and it has behaved very aggressively and fiercely.

It is impossible for Todai not to respond in some tough way.

Besides, even though his family was crying in Beijing, Marcos Jr. still felt that it was not "safe" enough, and he had to bring in the Japanese Self-Defense Forces.

We know that Japan occupied most of Southeast Asia during World War II, such as the Philippines, which was a colony of the United States before the war and was the primary target of the Japanese army.

At that time, the population of the Philippines was only 16 million.

In proportion to the population, the number of Filipinos killed and injured during World War II was very tragic.

This is a deep feud in the sea of blood, and it is also pro-American, and the attitude of South Korea and the Philippines towards Japan is very different.

The Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs said that the foreign and defense ministers of the two countries will soon hold 2+2 talks to prepare for the formal signing of the "Reciprocal Access Agreement"

This kind of agreement, to put it bluntly, is to form a paramilitary alliance with each other, and the most important agreement is to allow "the other side's troops to deploy on their own territory".

Three-front warfare, the United States must rush to the table!

This is fun, just like when the United States and the president signed that friendship treaty, they opened everything to each other, for example, American goods can come in at will, troops can be stationed at will, military bases are everywhere, warships are open at will, and the sky is flying at will.

However, was China capable of sending these things across the ocean to the United States?

So, the agreement sounds good, Japan and the Philippines can station troops in each other, but in the final analysis, it is the Japanese Self-Defense Forces that will garrison troops in the Philippines.

Face history. If the Japanese army enters the territory of the Philippines again, I wonder how the Filipinos will feel?

Marcos Jr. thought very well, the strength of the Self-Defense Forces is far above the Philippine military, and pulling this partner in can significantly enhance the strength of the Philippines in the South China Sea, and then integrate with the US military, then it can form a powerful force in the South China Sea, which is enough to compete with the coast guard of the Eastern University.

This is another "fulcrum" to contain the power of Dongda, and it can be regarded as a tactical "innovation".

However, no matter how hard he works, has Marcos Jr. ever thought about it, himself and Japan are just chess pieces.

No matter what, what Japan wants is to take the opportunity to break free from the shackles, let the American boss loosen its bonds, and strive to become a normal country. Is it really just to fight for a few small islands?

In exchange, the troops stationed in various countries will stir up the wind and waves, muddy the waters of the South China Sea more and more, and become a "chessboard" of democracy themselves?

I am afraid that the most real idea is: to find a way to surrender to the United States, in exchange for the thawing of the family property, and when the term of office is over, he will pat himself on the ass and continue to live a rich life in the United States, and the life or death of the Filipino people has nothing to do with him.


In the European theater, a large battle is slowly unfolding, the target, Kharkiv.

With the money and materials promised by the Western masters in the first half of the year gradually in place, and some newly replenished Zhuangding (cannon fodder) are also gradually in place, the Ukrainian army is trying to launch a large-scale counteroffensive in the Kharkiv direction, an area where the Russian army has been fighting for more than 1 month.

Three-front warfare, the United States must rush to the table!

After all, not long after the peace summit ended, the G7 meeting did not last a few days, and after all, Western countries have arranged tens of billions of aid funds at the end of the year.

After all, the 50 billion military aid arranged at the end of the year is guaranteed by 300 billion of Russia's seized foreign exchange assets, and the income from the assets is used as the source of funds for loan repayment.

Back then, when the war first began, Western countries aided Xiaowu as if they didn't need money, desperately hoping that the Ukrainian army could withstand it and the economy could hold on, and Ukrainian refugees were also very popular with European countries.

Three-front warfare, the United States must rush to the table!

Now, they are getting more and more picky, they don't want to give up their own money, and right-wing parties in various countries are clamoring to let Ukrainian refugees go home.

Britney has become Mrs. Niu, but you can't blame the Europeans, in the past 2 years, it has really been difficult to live by the war.

This battle is almost regarded as a relatively important battle before the Democratic Party's general election, if it is fought well, the Democratic Party has glory, and if the presidential election is good, there is a bright spot, and if it is not fought well, that is, the shortcomings of the Democratic Party, and if the United States wants to help, it will be difficult for Congress to approve it.

As for other European countries, if they don't play well, then the driver government will completely lose the possibility of reversing the scene, so why should everyone continue to invest in this project that is bound to fail?

Three-front warfare, the United States must rush to the table!

When the time comes, if you understand that the king is on the throne, then the whole West will abandon Xiaowu.

However, the Russian side is also actively preparing for war, and the emperor went to several countries a while ago, and did a good job in the necessary logistics and political work.

As for the Middle East, a lot has been said in the previous article, anyway, it has become a pot of porridge, a melee, and a point in Gaza, which has led to violent geopolitical turmoil in the entire Middle East.


Roughly, according to the above general description, Lao Mei is currently exerting and accumulating strength in the third line.

This is also Lao Mei's habit, calculating, calculating, calculating.

In the past two months, the assassination of leaders of many countries and the turmoil in the political situation of many countries have always had that beautiful figure behind them.

Do you think he is dying? Yes and no.

If you mess up the whole world, mess it up, and no matter how weak you are, you're still the boss and the first.

Of course, there are differences in the details.

Three-front warfare, the United States must rush to the table!

In the European direction, based on the performance of the past two years, the purpose of the United States is to mess up Europe, suck the blood of Europe, drive high-value industries to the United States, completely tear up the cooperation between Europe and Russia, and make Europe completely become a vassal of the United States.

More than half of this goal has been achieved.

In the Middle East, to be honest, this is not what the United States likes to see, but the power of Jewish finance capital is too strong, so strong that it has already stood above the American regime, and it can only play for the tiger, and if you don't have a face, you don't want anything.

In the direction of the Western Pacific, that's it, if someone offends me, I will offend someone.

Excluding any bottom line, Lao Mei said, since it is not safe to fight on two fronts, I will fight more than once, start at the same time, and mess up all of you, I am the first.

Three-front warfare, the United States must rush to the table!

It can also sell arms, and it can also snatch the capital, technology, and industry of the Eurasian continent to make itself stronger and stronger.

It's just that it's nice to think about, but the backlash is often very fast.

In the latest world pattern, it is actually clear who sits at the table and who lies on the plate.

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