
10 "Don't let go" of modifying sick sentences in junior high school Chinese, and don't lose points in the exam!

author:Cheng Nuo loves to share

● Don't let go of the sentence that starts with the "prepositional phrase".

The prepositional structure at the beginning of a sentence tends to lead to the lack of a subject subject in the sentence. As:

Example 1: By reading Xu Chi's "The Story of Yellow Mountain", I received a profound aesthetic education.

Example 2: During the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, due to the great integration of the northern ethnic groups, the development of industrial and commercial economy created conditions for the Sui to unify the whole country.

In a sentence, when the preposition or prepositional structure is located at the beginning of the sentence, we should carefully analyze the subject-verb-object and other components of the sentence.

This type of sick sentence is often corrected by removing the preposition at the beginning of the sentence.

Analysis: Remove "pass" in example 1 and remove "due to" in example 2.

● Don't let go of the "juxtaposition structure" in the sentence when you see it

The juxtaposition structure mentioned here mainly refers to the juxtaposition of verbs, nouns, and adjectives. There is a juxtaposition structure, and we can consider it from three aspects: whether it is logical, whether the word order is misplaced, and whether it is properly matched.

Example 1: Our newspapers, magazines, television and all publications have a greater responsibility to set an example.

Example 2: We need to discuss carefully and listen to President Wang's speech.

Example 3: To run a good business, it is still necessary to give full play to the talents of individuals, the strength of the collective and the effect of brainstorming.

Example 4: The excellent work and unique design of this high-energy mechanical engineer have been adopted by relevant units in China and appreciated by foreign experts.

In a sentence, words that contain and contain cannot be placed side by side.


Example 1: Newspapers and magazines are publications and should not be juxtaposed.

Example 2: "Discuss" and "listen" in "Discuss and Listen" have a sequential order, and should be heard first and then discussed.

Example 3: There is no collocation between the predicate "play" and the object "brainstorming effect".

Example 4: The subject part is a juxtaposition structure, and the predicate part is also a juxtaposition, and the "excellent work" in the sentence cannot be matched with the predicate "adopted".

● Don't let go of the "two-sided word" in the sentence when you see it

Such as "whether", "can", "good or bad", "good or bad", "success or failure", etc., it is easy to cause improper matching between two sides and one side, one side and two sides, and it is necessary to pay attention to whether the front and back correspond.

Example 1: A practical question related to whether they can successfully choose a job is in front of them: they must be able to use a computer, they must be able to drive, and they must have a foreign language level of 4 or above.

Example 2: The key to whether our city can seize the opportunity and develop rapidly in the strategic plan for the large-scale development of the western region lies in accelerating the training of a group of talents from all walks of life.

In these two example sentences, the first half of the sentence mentions two aspects of things, and the first half of the sentence of example 1 contains two aspects: whether you can successfully complete the course and what you can't do well; The first half of the sentence in Example 2 contains both the ability to seize the opportunity and the inability to seize the opportunity, but the second half of both sentences only speaks of the positive aspect.

Analysis: There are two ways to modify it, either to remove the words "can" and "whether" in the sentence, or to add words such as "can" or "whether" to another part of the sentence.

● Don't let go of the "negative word" in the sentence when you see it

It is easy to cause improper negation, and it depends on whether they have reversed the meaning because of repeated denials.

Example 1: Due to chaotic management and weak supervision, more than one major distillery in the country has not lost tens of thousands of trademarks.

Example 2: No one can deny that this practice of parents is not caring for their children, but the result may be counterproductive.

Analysis: These two sentences are typical sentences that lead to improper negation due to multiple negations. Example 1: The word "no" should be deleted from the sentence; Example 2 is a rhetorical question and a sentence with multiple negations, and the second "no" in the sentence should be removed.

In addition, there are some verbs that have a negative meaning or play a negative role, and they are often followed by no negative words, and if they do, the meaning will be diametrically opposed, such as the following two sentences:

Example 3: In order to avoid cheating in exams, the school has strengthened organizational discipline education for students this semester.

Example 4: In order to prevent the recurrence of such traffic accidents, we have strengthened traffic safety education and management.

Analysis: According to the meaning of the sentence, the "no" in Example 3 and Example 4 should be removed, because the purpose of "strengthening organizational discipline education for students" is to "avoid cheating in exams", and the purpose of "strengthening traffic safety education and management" is to "prevent the occurrence of such traffic accidents." ”

● Don't let go when you see "yes, yes, about" in the sentence

It is easy to cause mixing or reversal of the host and guest.

Example 1: Regarding this kind of overlord clause that infringes on the rights and interests of consumers, the China Consumers Association will give comments and expose them in a timely manner.

Example 2: Concepts such as cloning, SARS and avian influenza are unfamiliar to children who are still naïve.


Example 1 is a mixture of "for" and "about", and "about" should be replaced by "for".

Example 2 is to turn the subject and object upside down, and it should be changed to "Concepts such as cloning, SARS and avian influenza are unfamiliar to a naïve child" or "Concepts such as cloning, SARS and avian influenza are unfamiliar to a naïve child". ”

● Don't let go of the "pronoun" in the sentence when you see it

It is easy to cause unclear referentment.

Example 1: Ouyang Junyi pushed open the door and saw his brother and his girlfriend talking to each other.

Analysis: "His girlfriend" refers to whose girlfriend, I don't know it, and I made the mistake of referring to it unclearly.

● Don't let go when you see that there are "numeral words and words that are used in the table approximation" in the sentence

It is easy to cause contradictions.

Example 1: The cost per kilometer of Japan's levitation train is more than 900 million yuan, Germany's maglev and floating train is more than 400 million yuan, and the existing domestic maglev train is also about 200 million yuan.

Analysis: The contradiction between "reach" and "above" in "up to 900 million yuan or more" can be changed to "in", or "above" can be deleted.

● Don't let go when you see the sentence "yes" and "judgment".

See if the guest and guest are properly matched.

Example 1: His hometown is from Hai'an, Jiangsu.

Analysis: This sentence is a judgment sentence, the subject is "origin", and the object is "person", which is inappropriate. It can be changed to "his hometown is Jiangsu Hai'an" or "he is from Jiangsu Hai'an".

● Don't let go when you see that there are words in the sentence that "discover, reduce, and reduce are matched with multiples".

It is easy to cause logical inconsistencies.

Example 1: Due to the use of high technology, the price of a TV set has been reduced by two times compared to three years ago.

Example 2: The car of this model is 32 times smaller according to the simulation of the international Formula 1 racing car, and from the outside, it is not much larger than a toy car.

Analysis: It is illogical for words such as to reduce, reduce, and decrease to be matched with multiples, and such words are often matched with percentages or fractions. For example, it has been reduced by two-thirds, by 50 percent, by three percentage points, and so on.

● When you see the sentence "no matter, notwithstanding" and don't let it go

See if the two words are misused.

Example 1: Despite the extremely unfavorable climatic conditions and geographical environment, the mountaineers still overcame the difficulties and climbed to the top victoriously.

Analysis: The words after "no matter" are uncertain or selective, often with words such as "how", "how", "or "still"; The words after "notwithstanding" are definite and cannot be selective.

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