
Subsequent! The owner cuts the safety rope of the aerial worker: the police reconcile after mediation! Fryer in the comment area

author:Soar long phoenix

I believe most people know that for workers working at heights, safety ropes are the guarantee of their lives!

If the safety rope falls off or breaks during the aerial work, the danger will be immeasurable!

But recently, in a small area of Chongqing, an unbelievable thing happened!

An owner angrily cut the safety rope tied to the body of the workers who were working at height, which made people break out in a cold sweat...... Afterwards, under the mediation of the police, the two parties chose to settle privately?

What the hell is going on?

Subsequent! The owner cuts the safety rope of the aerial worker: the police reconcile after mediation! Fryer in the comment area

Things reviewed

On June 30, on the roof of a small community in Yuzhong District, Chongqing, two groups of people were arguing fiercely.

A man said that he received a tender from the government, saying that there was a problem with the tiles on the exterior wall of the building in the community, and he wanted to ask "Spider Man" to check it.

After the man won the bid, he took several workers to the roof of the community, and after the workers set up safety ropes, they began to go down from the roof to check the tiles on the exterior wall.

Subsequent! The owner cuts the safety rope of the aerial worker: the police reconcile after mediation! Fryer in the comment area

This building is very tall, with 32 floors and nearly 120 meters, so several workers are also carefully checking! As everyone knows, danger is coming!

Because at this time, one of the owners on the roof heard that the workers were inspecting the exterior wall and erecting a safety rope, destroying his "sky garden" during the construction process.

Angry, he came up to theorize, and finally in anger, he suddenly picked up the military shovel and stabbed it three times, almost cutting the safety rope of the worker.

Subsequent! The owner cuts the safety rope of the aerial worker: the police reconcile after mediation! Fryer in the comment area

Judging from the photos at the scene, there is indeed a "sky garden" on the roof, which is not only planted with beautiful green plants, but also placed with small stone tables.

It can be seen that there should be a lot of people eating, drinking tea and chatting on it.

Safety ropes from several workers did pass through this garden as well.

The owner took a military shovel and pointed at the man's nose and scolded, "This is my territory, my private space, without my permission, who told you to build a rope randomly!" ”

He insisted that the workers had damaged his environment and that he was going to cut the safety rope with a military shovel.

Subsequent! The owner cuts the safety rope of the aerial worker: the police reconcile after mediation! Fryer in the comment area

The man was also frightened by his momentum, but he still didn't understand: "I didn't consult us beforehand, so I came up directly and cut the rope and cut it three times." There were four masters on the rope at the cutting position, and two masters happened to see it, and when they saw it, they stopped it. ”

Subsequent! The owner cuts the safety rope of the aerial worker: the police reconcile after mediation! Fryer in the comment area

The man wondered, shouldn't the roof be a public area? They've built so many buildings, they've never been in a situation like this before!

The man reasoned with him, but he just didn't get in the oil and salt, insisting that the site on the roof of the building was his own, and anyone who wanted to construct it had to have the final say!

Seeing that the communication was fruitless, and fearing that he would further harm everyone, the workers immediately called the police, and the police quickly arrived at the scene and took the owner away.


After the owner was taken away, after the mediation of the police, he realized his mistake.

Fortunately, the workers were fine, so the man also accepted the owner's apology and compensation, and he had settled privately!

For the places that the workers get, they have to be restored to the owners!

Subsequent! The owner cuts the safety rope of the aerial worker: the police reconcile after mediation! Fryer in the comment area

In other words, this matter ends here, and it is a big deal!

The attitude of netizens

This incident sparked heated discussions, especially when netizens heard that the two parties had reconciled, and the comment area fell!

Some people say that it is really unacceptable to choose reconciliation for such a thing, and everyone is questioning the mediation of the police, which has seriously endangered life safety! Mediation should not be admonished!

Subsequent! The owner cuts the safety rope of the aerial worker: the police reconcile after mediation! Fryer in the comment area
Subsequent! The owner cuts the safety rope of the aerial worker: the police reconcile after mediation! Fryer in the comment area

Some people also say that the roof of the building was originally used as a fire escape and a part of the public facilities, and the owner occupied the public area as a back garden, which is already an illegal construction! Why is no one taking care of it, no one dismantling it?

Subsequent! The owner cuts the safety rope of the aerial worker: the police reconcile after mediation! Fryer in the comment area

There are also many netizens who accuse the property of occupying the roof, but the property not only cares, but also makes the owner of the roof act so recklessly, almost not causing a big disaster!

Subsequent! The owner cuts the safety rope of the aerial worker: the police reconcile after mediation! Fryer in the comment area

In the end, how can the owner of the roof of the building be? Or is it a high authority? Spark a heated discussion!

Personal opinion

The owner who picked up the military shovel and almost cut the safety rope with three knives was not impulsive, but malicious.

The essence of this behavior is very bad, and the relevant should be severely punished in accordance with the law to set an example!

After all, the red line of everyone's life cannot be crossed!

What do you think about this?

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