
is too brave, Liu Yuning turned over the centipede with his bare hands, Li Yitong was reminded to hug his fists and thank him, and netizens commented and died of laughter

author:Leisure wants to touch the fish
is too brave, Liu Yuning turned over the centipede with his bare hands, Li Yitong was reminded to hug his fists and thank him, and netizens commented and died of laughter

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Text: Leisure and entertainment want to touch the fish

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When Li Yitong was filming the set of "A Dream of the Book", a huge centipede crawled on his lap, and he was so anxious to remind him loudly.

The video can be viewed here


Video source: @Splendid Entertainment

The size of the centipede was so big that people were scared across the screen, and even the proxy photographer standing in the distance was frightened and kept shouting loudly.

is too brave, Liu Yuning turned over the centipede with his bare hands, Li Yitong was reminded to hug his fists and thank him, and netizens commented and died of laughter

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And Li Yitong himself was still stupid, and finally Liu Yuning found out and pulled the centipede with his bare hands, not afraid at all, and in the end, he and the staff searched with all their strength to drive the scary centipede away.

is too brave, Liu Yuning turned over the centipede with his bare hands, Li Yitong was reminded to hug his fists and thank him, and netizens commented and died of laughter

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After the centipede was successfully driven away, the field manager, Liu Yuning and Li Yitong thanked the agent for hugging their fists, which really made people gasp.

is too brave, Liu Yuning turned over the centipede with his bare hands, Li Yitong was reminded to hug his fists and thank him, and netizens commented and died of laughter

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Li Yitong later posted on Weibo in response to the centipede incident, saying that he was fine, and thanked fans for their concern. Her calmness and calmness have amazed netizens.

is too brave, Liu Yuning turned over the centipede with his bare hands, Li Yitong was reminded to hug his fists and thank him, and netizens commented and died of laughter

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Some netizens bluntly said: "If it were me, I was afraid that I would have been scared and flew all over the field!" Li Yitong's mood is too stable. In the face of such a terrible emergency, Li Yitong's composure is admirable.

is too brave, Liu Yuning turned over the centipede with his bare hands, Li Yitong was reminded to hug his fists and thank him, and netizens commented and died of laughter

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It's almost to the neck, it's so scary, it's thick, help

is too brave, Liu Yuning turned over the centipede with his bare hands, Li Yitong was reminded to hug his fists and thank him, and netizens commented and died of laughter

Liu Yuning is so brave that he dares to grasp it with his hands

is too brave, Liu Yuning turned over the centipede with his bare hands, Li Yitong was reminded to hug his fists and thank him, and netizens commented and died of laughter

I was suffocated the second she put her legs on it

is too brave, Liu Yuning turned over the centipede with his bare hands, Li Yitong was reminded to hug his fists and thank him, and netizens commented and died of laughter

This centipede seemed to hear it, how could it climb so fast

is too brave, Liu Yuning turned over the centipede with his bare hands, Li Yitong was reminded to hug his fists and thank him, and netizens commented and died of laughter

Liu Yuning went to turn over the centipede with his bare hands, but I had already ejected and taken off

is too brave, Liu Yuning turned over the centipede with his bare hands, Li Yitong was reminded to hug his fists and thank him, and netizens commented and died of laughter

The moment Liu Yuning found that Li Yitong had a centipede on his body, he did not hesitate at all, and stepped forward directly. Netizens praised Liu Yuning's behavior: "Liu Yuning is very reliable in and out of the play, and I feel as charming as some of the roles he plays!" "Does this mean that he is also like a hero in the play in life, haha."

is too brave, Liu Yuning turned over the centipede with his bare hands, Li Yitong was reminded to hug his fists and thank him, and netizens commented and died of laughter

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This incident also allows us to see the solidarity and mutual assistance between the crew. Liu Yuning's stepping forward, the full assistance of the field staff, and everyone's gratitude for the reminder of the agent made people feel the warmth and cohesion of this team.

is too brave, Liu Yuning turned over the centipede with his bare hands, Li Yitong was reminded to hug his fists and thank him, and netizens commented and died of laughter

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[Disclaimer] The source of the article material is the Internet, if there is a dispute about the authenticity of this article, the copyright of the event or the infringement of the picture, please contact me in time, and it will be deleted.

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