
Deyun Society Guan Jiuhai, high appearance and strong ability, Guo Degang has released a strong signal introduction: Guo Degang this year who guan Jiuhai characteristics and advantages Guo Degang will be how to win the Nine Seas

author:The sea talks about crosstalk

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > introduction:</h1>

About 2 years ago, a friend of mine (who only knew Guo Degang, Yue Yunpeng, Zhang Helun, and Meng Hetang) went to Beijing Deyun Society to listen to crosstalk. At that time, I came back and asked her, which branch of the Deyun Society you listened to? Do you know any actors? She said that she only remembered a very interesting actor, his name was Guan Jiuhai.

First acquaintance with Guan Jiuhai

Guan Jiuhai is a cross-talk actor of Deyun Society, a disciple of Guo Degang's "Nine" characters, born in Beijing in 1988, his original name was Guan Sihan. At the age of 24, Guan Jiuhai passed the admissions examination and entered the Deyun Society to study cross-talk performance, and 3 years later, he studied with Guo Degang, who belonged to the second batch of "nine" character apprentices.

Deyun Society Guan Jiuhai, high appearance and strong ability, Guo Degang has released a strong signal introduction: Guo Degang this year who guan Jiuhai characteristics and advantages Guo Degang will be how to win the Nine Seas

At the beginning of the stage of the Deyun Society, Guan Jiuhai formed a fixed partner with his disciple Zhang Xiaobai, and now the two are talking to each other in the deyun society sixth team led by Zhang Helun, Guan Jiuhai is responsible for teasing, and Zhang Xiaobai is responsible for praising. In the sixth team of deyun society, when Zhang Helun and Lang Heyan were not performing in the team, Guan Jiuhai and Zhang Xiaobai were the actors who saved the bottom and belonged to the backbone of the team.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > who Guo Degang is holding this year</h1>

In recent years, Guo Degang's disciples have been disciples one after another, and they have become red one after another through the master's strong support. For example, last year, Zhang Jiuling and Wang Jiulong participated in "Smiling Proud of the Rivers and Lakes" and held a personal special session. From the end of last year to the beginning of this year, Shang Jiuxi and He Jiuhua, another pair of the "Nine" character group, also held solo special sessions, and also frequently appeared on various David TV variety shows.

Deyun Society Guan Jiuhai, high appearance and strong ability, Guo Degang has released a strong signal introduction: Guo Degang this year who guan Jiuhai characteristics and advantages Guo Degang will be how to win the Nine Seas

This year, due to the impact of the epidemic, under the arrangement of Guo Degang, the people of Deyun Society began to compete on the stage of TV variety shows. Yue Yunpeng, Guo Qilin, Meng Hetang and others participated in variety shows such as "Extreme Challenge", "Run", "Ace vs. Ace", "Happy Comedian", "Happy Base Camp" and so on.

In addition to these well-known "horns" of the Deyun Society, there is also Qin Xiaoxian of the "Xiao" character section, who participated in many variety shows such as "It's Nice to Laugh", "I Want a Life Like This", "Happy Base Camp" and so on as the main guest, and it is obvious that Qin Xiaoxian is one of the apprentices that Guo Degang praised this year.

Deyun Society Guan Jiuhai, high appearance and strong ability, Guo Degang has released a strong signal introduction: Guo Degang this year who guan Jiuhai characteristics and advantages Guo Degang will be how to win the Nine Seas

In fact, in the Deyun Society, there are many young, capable, level, and popular actors, and Guan Jiuhai is such a person. He has cooperated with his partner Zhang Xiaobai for many years, the stage style of the two is fixed, experienced, in the "nine" character section, "Xiao" character section belongs to the more top actors, it can be said that they have the strength to become popular.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the characteristics and advantages of Guanjiuhai</h1>

In the Deyun Society, Guan Jiuhai is good-looking, capable, and distinctive, just like the beginning of the article said, after a performance, he can make people who do not know the Deyun Society only remember him.

Deyun Society Guan Jiuhai, high appearance and strong ability, Guo Degang has released a strong signal introduction: Guo Degang this year who guan Jiuhai characteristics and advantages Guo Degang will be how to win the Nine Seas

1. Superior appearance. I remember watching crosstalk when I was a child, the actors' looks were strange and very funny, but now it is different, and the small fresh meat crosstalk actors of the Deyun Society are more handsome than one. In the Deyun Society, where handsome men gather, Guan Jiuhai's appearance is also very high. Fair skin, handsome face, cool hairstyle, even if Guan Jiuhai is placed in the show business circle, his appearance is not bad.

In addition to the good congenital conditions, Guan Jiuhai is also accustomed to studying makeup, and often makes some makeup and eyebrow tattoo videos, so Guan Jiuhai also has the title of "beauty blogger" of Deyun Society. It can be said that the superior appearance is a feature and advantage of Guan Jiuhai, which makes Guan Jiuhai attract the attention of many fans.

Deyun Society Guan Jiuhai, high appearance and strong ability, Guo Degang has released a strong signal introduction: Guo Degang this year who guan Jiuhai characteristics and advantages Guo Degang will be how to win the Nine Seas

2. Solid basic skills. After 3 years of study at Deyun Society, Guan Jiuhai mastered the main points of the four lessons of cross-talk "speaking and singing", especially in "learning" and "singing". You know, nowadays, cross-talk actors want to quickly become popular, and having a good voice will be a great advantage, in this regard, Guan Jiuhai, who has a clear voice, is still very advantageous.

3. Fast on-the-spot response. Cross-talk actors, especially those performing in theaters, must have a flexible mind, because during the performance, they must face various unexpected situations and interact with the audience, and also quickly and flexibly respond to the various "hangings" played by their partners on the spot.

Guan Jiuhai has done a good job in the on-site reaction, he has a flexible mind, a fast response, and often creates some unexpected "baggage" in the process of live performance, the effect is very good, which is also an advantage for him.

Deyun Society Guan Jiuhai, high appearance and strong ability, Guo Degang has released a strong signal introduction: Guo Degang this year who guan Jiuhai characteristics and advantages Guo Degang will be how to win the Nine Seas

4. Love to dig and create. Art comes from life, and so does crosstalk. Guan Jiuhai likes to collect funny and interesting things in his daily life and on the Internet, and refine them into paragraphs and integrate them into his own programs. This allows Guan Jiuhai's programs to always remain alive, of course, if he can become popular, the continuous output of new programs will also be a guarantee for him to maintain his state.

Of course, it is not empty to say that Guo Degang is ready to hold the Nine Seas. Recently, a Weibo post by Guo Degang has attracted people's attention, and fans have speculated that this is likely to be a signal released by Guo Degang to close the Nine Seas.

On May 26, Guan Jiuhai, who had dyed his hair bright pink, dyed it yellow and posted a Weibo post. Guo Degang forwarded Guan Jiuhai's Weibo and joked: "Apprentice, you are a bit like a Japanese manga."

Deyun Society Guan Jiuhai, high appearance and strong ability, Guo Degang has released a strong signal introduction: Guo Degang this year who guan Jiuhai characteristics and advantages Guo Degang will be how to win the Nine Seas

You know, in addition to the apprentices who are particularly close to Burnt Cake and Luan Yunping, Guo Degang has rarely forwarded and commented on the disciples' Microblogs in the past two years, after all, his influence is there, so his remarks on the Internet are very cautious.

Just looking at Guo Degang's forwarding and commenting on Guan Jiuhai's Weibo this time, he is actually praising him, with the purpose of letting everyone know and understand Guan Jiuhai. By extension, this is also a signal that Guo Degang is about to close the Nine Seas.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > how Guo Degang will win the Nine Seas</h1>

Judging from the means by which Guo Degang has praised his apprentices in recent years, in addition to running a personal cross-talk special, going to variety shows is definitely the fastest and most effective way. However, the recent variety show resources have been given to Yue Yunpeng, Guo Qilin, Meng Hetang, Qin Xiaoxian and others.

Deyun Society Guan Jiuhai, high appearance and strong ability, Guo Degang has released a strong signal introduction: Guo Degang this year who guan Jiuhai characteristics and advantages Guo Degang will be how to win the Nine Seas

If Guo Degang wants to win the Guan Jiuhai, it is likely that like Shang Jiuxi and He Jiuhua, he Jiuxi was first brought by the famous shi brothers to participate in some programs, such as last year's Shang Jiuxi and He Jiuhua, together with Meng Hetang, Zhou Jiuliang, Zhang Helun Lang Heyan and other variety shows such as "Magical Chinese Characters".

Deyun Society Guan Jiuhai, high appearance and strong ability, Guo Degang has released a strong signal introduction: Guo Degang this year who guan Jiuhai characteristics and advantages Guo Degang will be how to win the Nine Seas

Of course, if there is the fifth season of "Smiling Proud of the Jianghu" or the second season of "Crosstalk with Newcomers" this year, Guan Jiuhai and Zhang Xiaobai are also likely to be a group of actors from deyun Society. In short, as long as Master Guo Degang is willing to praise, with Guan Jiuhai's ability and appearance, he will surely become popular quickly.

Do you think Guan Jiuhai will be Guo Degang's next disciple? Tell us what you think in the comments section.

(The picture comes from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author)

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