
Chat Zai Story: Painting dead people

author:Folk Gu Temple

In the last years of the Tongzhi Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, there was a man named Lin Fu in Henan, who was fourteen years old this year, and his brain was not normal since birth, and he could not speak when he grew to six years old, and he basically did not react to what others said, saying that it was basic, because occasionally he would make some responses, but no one understood the meaning.

A little older, Lin Fu was addicted to painting, as long as he was awake and only did two things, the first was to paint, and the second was to stand facing the corner of the wall, grunting in his mouth, and drawing in his hands, no one knew what he was talking about and who he was talking to.

Chat Zai Story: Painting dead people

Not only that, most of Lin Fu's paintings are also more chaotic, and he can't see a clue, but he still enjoys it, there are paper drawings on paper, there are walls to paint on the wall, and nothing is painted in the air.

Lin Fu's father had died when he was young, leaving only Lin Fu's mother to raise Lin Fu alone, the hardships were needless to say, she couldn't hold back, or found a good match, with his help, life was still passable. Good people call him Fengjiu, no house and no land, relying on blindness to make a living, the only advantage is to be generous, purely a player with a flower.

At first, Lin Mu was still very embarrassed, afraid of others gossiping, and afraid of stimulating Lin Fu, always sneaking together. Later, I thought that the people around her had never really helped her except to see jokes, and only she knew if her life was good or not, so why should she care about the eyes of others?

In addition, Lin Fu lived in his own world all day, did not react to anything else at all, and did not need to care at all.

Lin Mu's boldness gradually grew, and she didn't care about anything anymore. However, she and Fengjiu have an unspoken tacit understanding, that is, they do not interfere in each other's lives, Fengjiu wants to come, want to go, and pay money to the family in the day, one is dashing and one is comfortable, and they all feel good.

On this day, the second eldest lady of the neighbor was a guest at the Lin family, because the second eldest lady lost a gold ring the day before, looked for two days and did not find it, was beaten by the grandfathers, and was depressed in her heart, and she has been crying and complaining about her grievances with Lin Mu. Lin Fu, on the other hand, was painting next to the two of them, very quiet and very engaged.

The painting was almost done, Lin Fu got up and went to the hut, and the second eldest lady saw that the sky was going to be noon, and she wanted to go home to cook for the grandfathers, so she wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, got up to leave, and without saying a few words thoroughly, she stood in front of Lin Fu's painting and nagged. As the second eldest lady spoke, she suddenly bowed her head, and couldn't help but be stunned, and ha lowered her waist to carefully look at Lin Fu's painting.

Chat Zai Story: Painting dead people

Lin Fu's painting is mostly incomprehensible, but this painting seems to be in a better situation. In the middle of the picture is a twisted pig pen with several nostrils facing the sky, and a fat woman outside the pen, shoveling pig manure with a shovel in her hand. The dung pile on the side of the woman's side was already quite high, and at the very bottom of the dung pile, there was a small circle, shining like a light.

The second eldest lady pointed to the small circle and asked, "Do you see if this is my lost ring?" Lin Mu came to look at it for half a day, and she also felt that this was the case. The second eldest lady suddenly patted her thigh and said, "Broken, the pig dung of the day before yesterday was pushed away by my family's heavenly killing." "Ran out after saying that.

After lunch, the second lady returned, covered with pig dung, standing in the courtyard grinning, holding a gold ring in her hand. Lin Mu covered her nose and smiled, "Did you really find it in the dung pile?" The second eldest lady wiped her face and said, "Really, I turned over the dung pile at the mouth of the village for two hours before I found it, Lin Fu is simply a god!" ”

What the second eldest lady knows, the whole village and even the whole state and county know. Lin Fu was able to draw and predict things that did not go away, and people knew that there was a living immortal. Many people came to the door to ask for tests, but they were all rejected by Lin Mu, because she did not know that Lin Fu happened to run into a time.

On this day, another neighbor lost a sow, unable to find it everywhere, so he had to plead with Lin Mu to let Lin Fu paint a picture, and the two were talking about this in front of the door, and Lin Fu had already painted and left. Lin Mu also wanted to see if Lin Fu's painting was accurate again, so she picked up the painting and looked at it with the neighbors.

The painting means that the sow is lying on the ground with a big belly and seven piglets around it. The two people looked at each other, the pigs were lost, how to get off the piglet? Lin Mu could only tear the painting, indicating that Lin Fu could not predict.

Who knew that seven days later, the neighbor's sow came back on her own, and brought cubs, and soon after gave birth, just gave birth to seven piglets, and because it matched with wild boars, the seven piglets were healthy, able to eat and drink, only lean meat and not fat meat, and the people who bought pig cubs lined up to bid.

Lin Fu's predictive ability was confirmed, and Lin Mu no longer doubted. However, there are new problems, Lin Fu is not anyone's questions will be answered, most of the time he does not respond, and it is useless to talk to him about money, so he can only rely on fate. Lin Fu was willing to tell you that the answer was the best, he was not willing to say that it was useless for the Heavenly King Lao Tzu to come.

Chat Zai Story: Painting dead people

During this period, Lin Fu painted a painting, a person lying in the middle, and the sun was rising behind, sprinkling ten thousand rays of light, and people did not know what it meant. It was not until three days later, when the Tongzhi Emperor died and the Guangxu Emperor took the throne, that everyone knew that it was the old emperor who had died lying down, and the light sprinkled was a metaphor for Guangxu. This incident became even more sensational, with many people coming from thousands of miles to visit, but few people with fate.

On this evening, Feng Jiu suddenly returned, hastily ate something, and said to Lin Mu when he was in bed: "I have to do a big thing recently, let Lin Fu paint a picture?" Lin Mu looked at the time and said, "It's too late, let's talk about it tomorrow." The next morning, When Mother Lin went to the lin fu room next door, she saw a painting on the table, which was a mess, and there were many people and many horses, some of whom were standing, and the other part of the horses were lying on the ground. Lin Mu handed the painting to Feng Jiu, who frowned after reading it, did not say a word, and went out.

Three days later, the wind and dust returned, and there was still blood on his body. Lin Mu asked what was going on? Only then did Feng Jiu tell the story of what had happened. Feng joined a bandit village nine and a half years ago, and as a spy under the mountain, he had money to spend and drink to the cottage to listen to the information, and he was at ease. However, a few days ago, the king of Shanzhai actually wanted to attack the prefecture and county Yamen, wanted to emulate the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of that year, and wanted to make the emperor dang for a few days.

The mountain came down and ordered that Feng Jiu be the vanguard officer, first attacking the yamen, and then the horse team on the mountain was killed later. At that time, Feng Jiu felt that to be a pioneer official was to send him to death, and when he heard that Lin Fu could draw predictions, he rushed back to see the future. When he saw the painting, he understood, and it would definitely end with a total annihilation. Therefore, after Feng Jiu returned, he kept his eyes everywhere, hiding at the end when he attacked the gate, and when the horse team arrived, the officers and soldiers immediately gathered in one place, most of the bandits were corrected by the officers and soldiers on the spot, and a few surrendered and captured, and he pretended to be dead to escape the disaster.

After this incident, Feng Jiu did not dare to run around and lived at home. However, over the years, many vices have gradually been exposed. Eating and drinking are small things, a gamble on a prostitute, so that a family can barely survive, smoke a big cigarette, really eat people and do not spit bones of the devil.

At this time, Lin Mu and Feng Jiu were transferred, before it was by Feng Jiu to help, Lin Mu and the two barely survived, now Lin Fu can make money, become Lin Mu raising Feng Jiu, Feng Jiu is also at ease, thinking that their mother and son should be responsible. Many people advised Lin Mu to leave Feng Jiu, and Lin Mu sighed and just shook her head. If she had some feelings for Feng Jiu, it would be true, mainly because at this time, Lin Mu was already pregnant with his flesh and bones.

Chat Zai Story: Painting dead people

Feng Jiu is also very happy, and feels that it is more justified to stay in this home, eating and lazy all day, eating and drinking.

In the spring of the second year of Guangxu, Mother Lin gave birth to a son, and Feng Jiu was very happy. However, the sky was very dry, the rain did not fall, and in the autumn, the crops in Henan were not harvested.

In the past few years, there has been a great drought, not only in Henan, but also in Shanxi, Shandong, Shaanxi, and Zhili, and it can be said that the entire north is in trouble. The reason for this is that the imperial court was bullied and oppressed by foreigners and had no time to take care of the disaster; second, there were too many places affected by the disaster and too many victims; third, there were too many corrupt officials and corrupt officials, and the disaster relief money and grain that could be used on the victims was less than one or two.

Everyone who could run ran away, but it is said that they all starved to death on the road, surrounded by disaster areas, and there was no food to eat wherever they fled.

That night, Feng Jiu said to Lin Mu, "Lin Fubai is eating, I think he sold him, right?" Of course, Mother Lin disagreed and said, "You forgot how much money Lin Fu made?" Feng Jiu said, "When did he say anything, he did make some money before, but now the money is useless, how much money can't be exchanged for grain, he doesn't understand personnel affairs, he wasted grain in vain, your milk is not enough, what to do with this small one?" Lin Mu shed tears and said, "Although he is a fool, he is also my flesh." Feng Jiu said, "You see how clever our son is, we didn't kill him, we just sold him, let's save some grain, he will go out and do some work, maybe he can survive, otherwise all four of us will starve to death." Lin Mu did not agree, only said to consider it.

The next day, Feng Jiu brought back a person, he was specialized in upside down the population, it was a woman who sold it to Qinglou, or gave people a concubine, and the man sold it to others to work, and now even those who could not work were sold, that is, secretly killing and selling meat.

Of course, Lin Mu knew the matter here, but Feng Jiu insisted again and again, plus there was no milk today, the little one only drank a little rice soup, and whether he could survive in the future was still unknown. Lin Fu is a fool, if she can only protect one, she still chooses to keep the normal one.

Chat Zai Story: Painting dead people

But Lin Fu disappeared, and Feng Jiu looked for all the places he could find without a trace of him. Lin Mu found three paintings in Lin Fu's room and was looking at them carefully, trying to find clues to Lin Fu's departure. Feng Jiu was very upset, originally wanted to exchange some money for a use, but the result was that the person who ate the meal in vain was still gone, which was the chicken flying egg fight. He looked back to see that Lin Mu was still looking at the painting, slapped it on the ground, and scolded and grinned in his mouth to continue looking.

Lin Mu sat there in a daze, her eyes staring at the three paintings on the ground, and her heart kept beating.

The first painting is to the effect that Feng Jiu wants to kill Lin Fu, and Lin Fu is hanging and skinned; the second painting is full of dead people, it can be said that they are starving, and Lin Mu and another person are exchanging infants in their swaddlings. Obviously, it is a scene of changing children and eating, and I have heard that something similar has happened in reality. The third painting depicts a man crawling with rats, on the floor, on the beams, in the pot, everywhere are rats, the largest is half a person's length.

What does this mean? It shows that Lin Fu predicted his encounter, and even more predicted the encounter between Lin Mu and Feng Jiu.

Sure enough, the drought lasted for two more years, first hungry, Feng Jiu encouraged Lin Mu to change her son and eat, Lin Mu was suddenly demented, only smirked, others let her do anything.

Over the years, the drought still did not ease, Fengjiu sold Lin Mu, he was sleeping in the house, suddenly from all corners of the room out of the rats, crazy rats saw something bite, see things to eat, Fengjiu was surrounded by rats, and finally only a pair of white bones remained.

Chat Zai Story: Painting dead people

This is the famous Ding Pengqi famine in history, which lasted from the second year of Guangxu to the fifth year of Guangxu, and there was a large-scale plague of rats and locusts in the middle.

As for Lin Fu, no one had seen him again, some people said that he had already starved to death, and some people said that he had been taken away by the immortals and tempered.

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