
Xiao S's remarks overturned again! It is said that sexless life is satisfied by objects! Taiwan netizens laughed to death in the comment area!

author:Carbon Chief Entertainment
Xiao S's remarks overturned again! It is said that sexless life is satisfied by objects! Taiwan netizens laughed to death in the comment area!

Recently, Taiwan's entertainment industry has once again set off an uproar, and the well-known artist Xiao S unabashedly claimed in an interview that he and her husband Xu Yajun have not had sex for a long time.

Xu Xidi is the third in the family, she has two older sisters, the eldest sister is called Xu Xixian, and the second sister is called Xu Xiyuan. This family combination made many netizens curious and surprised. Someone commented on the social platform: "The Xu Xi family really has a goddess descending, and the three sisters are more beautiful than the other!" Such evaluations fully demonstrate their image and impression in the eyes of the outside world.

In addition, some netizens are also discussing the relationship and interaction between the three sisters. Some people think: "It seems that they have a good relationship, and the family atmosphere should be warm." Another netizen joked: "The three sisters must have a lot of interesting stories that can be made into a TV series!" This humorous perception also reflects the public's interest and curiosity about the families of celebrities in the entertainment industry.

In addition, Xu Xidi, as the third child, what role she may play in the family has also become one of the focuses of discussion among netizens. Some people speculated: "As the third child, maybe he has a more lively personality, right?" Another speculated, "Maybe she's a naughty person at home." Although there is no conclusive evidence for these speculations, they show the public's curiosity and imagination about the private lives of celebrities.

Xiao S's remarks overturned again! It is said that sexless life is satisfied by objects! Taiwan netizens laughed to death in the comment area!

Overall, Xu Xidi and her two older sisters, Xu Xixian and Xu Xiyuan, form a celebrity family that has attracted much attention. They not only have their own shining achievements in the entertainment industry, but also show a harmonious and happy side in family life. This family background undoubtedly adds a lot of charm to their personal image and has become one of the hot topics of public discussion.

Xiao S was recently interviewed by a popular show, in which she said straight to the point that she and Xu Yajun have not had sex for quite some time. This statement immediately caused a huge response and heated discussion on social media.

Some netizens left messages on social platforms saying that they were quite shocked and confused by Xiao S's public such a private topic. Someone commented: "This topic is too private, and celebrities shouldn't say it in public." Another netizen joked: "Is she going to be the spokesperson for some brands?" If it weren't for the advertisement, who would have said this kind of thing publicly? ”

Many people are also discussing Xiao S's motives and intentions for making such topics public. A netizen thinks: "Maybe it's to create topics and hype, doesn't the current entertainment industry pay attention to these?" Another said more directly: "Does she think this will increase her exposure?" ”

Xiao S's remarks overturned again! It is said that sexless life is satisfied by objects! Taiwan netizens laughed to death in the comment area!

In the course of the discussion, there were also people who took a relatively understanding attitude. Some netizens think: "It may be that she wants to take this opportunity to call on everyone to pay attention to the problems in marriage and raise the public's attention to such issues." Some people also tried to explain rationally: "Everyone's marriage and sex life are different, maybe she just wants to express her own attitude to life." ”

In contrast, Wang Xiaofei and Xiaomei's happy family life has become the focus of contrast. They often share sweet moments with each other on social media, and this image appears more stable and harmonious in the eyes of the public. Some netizens commented: "It is really heartwarming to see Wang Xiaofei and Xiaomei so happy." Another netizen joked: "In comparison, it's better to choose a quieter lifestyle." ”

Overall, Xiao S's practice of talking about his personal life in front of the public this time has aroused deep thought and discussion from all walks of life. The public's attention and acceptance of the private life of celebrities has also been reflected to a certain extent in this incident. The maintenance of the public image of the entertainment industry and the boundaries of private life may be a topic worth pondering for artists.

Xiao S's remarks overturned again! It is said that sexless life is satisfied by objects! Taiwan netizens laughed to death in the comment area!

On social media, Taiwanese netizens have different attitudes towards Xiao S's public sex life, reflecting a wealth of emotions and opinions. Some netizens expressed shock and bewilderment, believing that such intimate issues should not be discussed in public. Someone bluntly said: "This kind of thing should be resolved privately, and everyone will be embarrassed if it comes out public." Another netizen said more directly: "Is this too much? Celebrities also have a bit of a bottom line. ”

However, there are also some netizens who try to understand and explain Xiao S's behavior from different angles. Some people think: "Maybe she has her own ideas, maybe she wants to attract social attention by making these issues public, and call for attention to the real problems in marriage." Another netizen was reserved: "Everyone has their own way of life and ways to deal with problems, and we can't fully understand her thoughts." ”

In the discussion of netizens, some people also questioned the way celebrities in the entertainment industry made it public. Some netizens think: "Today's celebrities can say anything for hype, there is really no bottom line." Another explored in more depth: "Is it for celebrities to disclose these privacy issues for the sake of their own careers?" ”

In contrast, some netizens changed the topic and began to compare Xiao S and Wang Xiaofei's life attitude and public image. Someone commented: "Wang Xiaofei is so happy, why does Xiao S make these unpleasant topics public?" Another netizen joked: "It seems that a calm lifestyle is still more popular." ”

Xiao S's remarks overturned again! It is said that sexless life is satisfied by objects! Taiwan netizens laughed to death in the comment area!

Overall, Xiao S's disclosure of the details of his personal life in front of the public this time has sparked extensive social repercussions and discussions. The public's attitude and acceptance of the disclosure of celebrities' private lives have been fully reflected in this incident. For stars in the entertainment industry, how to find a balance between personal life and public image is obviously a problem that needs to be seriously considered and dealt with.

At the same time, Wang Xiaofei showed a completely different attitude to life from Xiao S in the eyes of the public. He and his new wife Xiaomei live a happy and stable life, and this image of family harmony has aroused the blessings and recognition of netizens, which is in stark contrast to the reaction of Xiao S's family.

An in-depth analysis of the different attitudes of the two families of Xiao S and Wang Xiaofei reflects the diversity of the public's attitude and acceptance of the privacy disclosure of celebrities in the entertainment industry. How to create a good image in front of the public has become a problem that people in the entertainment industry need to think about seriously.

The possible negative impact and public opinion turmoil caused by Xiao S's remarks cannot be ignored, which is not only about personal image, but also affects the public image and social reputation of the entire family. In the entertainment industry, it is particularly important to maintain a good public image and choose appropriate public methods, which requires artists to be more cautious and cautious in their words and deeds.

Xiao S's remarks overturned again! It is said that sexless life is satisfied by objects! Taiwan netizens laughed to death in the comment area!

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