
Often difficult to fall asleep, drink some porridge that helps to fall asleep, corn and banana porridge, easy to make and delicious, collect

author:Rainbow Fairy Health Encyclopedia

Now, a lot of people have frequent insomnia, people around me, my colleagues, and my family, sometimes, I also have insomnia, but I have a lot of ways to condition myself and help my family. In life, as soon as a problem arises, I use a small trick.

Therefore, usually as long as you are the same as me, pay attention to, and master some natural, insomnia methods, including in terms of diet, you can take care of yourself at any time, take care of your family, be a diligent life home, adhere to your own lifestyle, so that the whole family's body can be kept in a healthy state, small problems appear, there is enough health knowledge, will immediately adjust in time.

You know, if you have long-term lack of sleep, if you don't sleep well, it will cause big problems in your health, and it will not be cost-effective at that time, and it will cost a lot of money to enter the hospital, and people will suffer.

Well, now I will not say more, today to introduce you to a corn banana porridge, this porridge is very delicious, but also very easy to do, especially people who like to eat sweets, this sweet porridge can also help you save a lot of money to buy desserts.

Often difficult to fall asleep, drink some porridge that helps to fall asleep, corn and banana porridge, easy to make and delicious, collect

Corn banana porridge, you can drink when you can't sleep

Because I am also a person with limited time, sometimes, time is very tight, there is no time to make a very rich food for myself, but as long as it is to eat, I will follow the conditioned food plan, prepare meals, to be able to do their best to do their best to protect health and wellness, after all, the stomach is limited, and to lose weight, every bite to eat, must have an effect.

Now, I'll share this corn and banana porridge with you.

Why recommend this porridge? Because bananas are very easy to buy and corn is sold everywhere, things become very simple. If you are late from work, these ingredients can be seen everywhere in the supermarket, but the delicious food is nutritious and maintaining.

Often difficult to fall asleep, drink some porridge that helps to fall asleep, corn and banana porridge, easy to make and delicious, collect

Bananas and rice, make jade banana porridge

The ingredients to be prepared are as follows:

Corn kernels 50 grams (you can buy fresh corn and thresh yourself), 40 grams of rice, 30 grams of bananas, 30 grams of sugar

Preparation Method:

1, Peel the banana, cut into slices, soak in water and set aside

2, Rice, corn kernels washed, set aside

3, put about 1000 ml of water in the pot, bring to a boil, add rice, and then put corn kernels

4: After bringing to a boil on high heat, turn to low heat and cook for 30 minutes

5, When the porridge is cooked, add the sugar and stir until the sugar is completely melted

6, Add banana slices and mix well, then bring to a boil

In this way, a fragrant corn banana porridge is cooked

Often difficult to fall asleep, drink some porridge that helps to fall asleep, corn and banana porridge, easy to make and delicious, collect

Corn contains a lot of B vitamins, which can improve mood

Bananas can promote the secretion of endorphin chemicals in the brain, relieve tension, help reduce stress, clear heat and calm the nerves, it can also nourish the stomach, moisturize the intestines and laxatives. Corn contains a lot of B vitamins, which can improve mood. Bananas, corn, rice, sugar together to cook porridge, rich in nutrients, very suitable for people who do not sleep well to eat.

This corn and banana porridge is not only delicious, but also a fast rice that office workers like, and it is made quickly. When you get home, while doing other things, you can stew this porridge and eat it in about half an hour. It is also better to eat at night, and it is very good to digest, so that it is basically digested before going to bed, which is conducive to sleep.

Among these ingredients, there are different ways to buy corn kernels, you can buy frozen ones, you can also buy fresh corn and get your own. I usually buy fresh corn and then thresher it myself with a threshing machine, which is cheaper and fresher than buying frozen corn kernels. Sometimes, I put the unburdened corn in the refrigerator in a plastic bag and eat it slowly.

Seeing this, do you want to give it a try? If you are often stressed, sleep badly, sleep difficult, then eat this porridge, healthy and delicious good porridge, our family will often eat, sometimes, will add more water, burn it very thin, in the weekend afternoon, when the afternoon tea of the health sweet soup to drink.

Now, the fruit corn in Yunnan is very cheap, fresh and delicious, and it is very cost-effective to buy it to make corn kernels.

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Yunnan fruit corn 5 kg / 9 kg free shipping ¥29.9 purchase

Choose fresh corn, use a threshing machine to pelletize yourself, put it in the refrigerator for preservation, fresh ingredients and save money.

304 Stainless Steel Corn Planer Threshing ¥22.3 Purchase

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#Food ##Wellness##Insomnia##Health##睡眠 #

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