
Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep

author:Moe Kami Tree Tree

On the evening of June 9, Xiao Zhan Studio released a food record video, recording Xiao Zhan's tasting of Qingdao's local snacks between drama performances in Qingdao, which immediately attracted a strong crowd of netizens.

Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep

In the video, Xiao Zhan appears in a simple black civilian suit and sits on a couch that resembles a backstage. At the beginning of the video, he invited everyone to "share their youth" in the classic BGM of "Huan Zhu Ge Ge", with a big smile and a good mood. However, Xiao Zhan's eyes are slightly red, the lower eye bags are prominent, and the stubble is obvious, which may be related to the role modeling of "Patient Five".

Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep
Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep
Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep

Probably after seeing the table full of food and having no choice, Xiao Zhan actually looked embarrassed before eating, and there was a sense of helplessness that was forced to "open". However, after eating the local characteristics of "cuttlefish dumplings" and "mackerel dumplings", he immediately looked happy, praised "delicious" one after another, and staged the "true fragrance" scene.

Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep
Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep

Xiao Zhan opened the food appreciation review mode while eating, and described the taste of each snack, as if he was recommending and sharing with friends. Although everyone's taste may be different, Xiao Zhan communicates according to his own intuitive feelings, has a sense of affinity, is very real and natural, and also contributes a lot of "Yan Yi" emojis.

Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep
Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep
Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep

But there was only one, Xiao Zhan was stunned when he saw it, and he shook his head violently without eating, and his facial features shrank into a ball, strongly refusing. It turns out that this is the local famous "fried scorpion", which is crispy and crunchy, and rich in protein. But these little guys got together, the scene was still more frightening, Xiao Zhan stared at the eyebrows and did not stretch.

Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep
Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep
Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep

Even if it smelled fragrant, it was put back in place, and it was carefully covered, afraid that I would never want to see it again.

Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep
Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep

However, when it came to Xiao Zhan's favorite "small bread" link, he said it endlessly, and it was completely commented on with professional standards. Generally speaking, eating bread is at most the distinction between "delicious" or "not delicious", but Xiao Zhan thinks while eating and puts forward a lot of pertinent suggestions: for example, the crust of the crust is enough, but it does not have to be baked so old; the level of the horn should be made, and unconsciously the "small bread taster" is on the line.

Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep
Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep
Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep

After eating a round, Xiao Zhan returned to the small bread and continued to comment that the small bread was baked a little too much this time, and pippen had been over time, and it seemed that the "unsuccessful" obsession with this small bread was very deep. Xiao Zhan once said that if he did not enter the entertainment circle, he might open a bakery, and he would bake small biscuits himself, and it was estimated that he was very good at baking toast and the like, and he was an expert. The idea of opening a store may not be just talk, but really enough homework. In fact, Xiao Zhan is also good at opening a bakery to do side business, and I believe that many people must go to punch cards.

Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep

Xiao Zhan is actually very self-conscious as an artist, when eating, he will first consider the calories of food, and he will also cover his mouth when chewing in front of the camera, paying attention to the image. And when you hear that the food has garlic paste, you take the initiative to give up, this food tastes relatively large, and it is easy to smoke others in the work.

Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep
Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep
Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep
Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep

But what is even more shocking is that Xiao Zhan actually said that he was "already so fat", although even the camera brother was "fan" by this sentence, but Xiao Zhan said very seriously that "everyone is saying that I am fat", and it turned out that the male star also had body anxiety. The requirements of the artist industry for the body are indeed very high, after the photogenic will naturally be fat a few degrees, sometimes because of the state or the lens angle problem, it will also look more swollen, Xiao Zhan ate a few more pieces of bread, it is deeply uneasy, but also reflects their self-discipline.

Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep
Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep
Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep

At the "Light Picking Ceremony" a week after recording the video, Xiao Zhan was very thin and handsome, which showed that he had done strict body management behind his back.

Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep

At the end of the video, Xiao Zhan copied his hand and said thoughtfully: "I still want to go to the beach, I want to find a chance to walk on the beach", his eyes were slightly lonely.

Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep
Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep

However, judging from the pictures released by the studio before, Xiao Zhan's trip to Qingdao still went to the beach as desired, played bubbles, and was very happy. Xiao Zhan's action is very strong, and when it comes to it, it must be done.

Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep
Xiao Zhan's eating broadcast is here again! I was stunned to see the fried scorpion, and the evaluation of the small bread head was the Tao, and the obsession was very deep

The new stop of "Dream like a Dream" is also about to open, what kind of food will Xiao Zhan taste at that time? It's pretty exciting to think about.

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