
Brain Hole: Give the President of the United States a nickname

author:River late OK
Brain Hole: Give the President of the United States a nickname


    1. Emperor Taizugao - George Washington

    The merits of the founding of the country, the reversal of the chaos of the world, the determination of the world, the opening of the Amerika dynasty.

    2. Emperor Cheng zuping - John Adams

    The founding of the country, moved the capital to Washington, D.C., and established the White House to dominate the world.

    3. Emperor Taizongkang - Thomas Jefferson

    The founding merit of the country, good at the six arts, Li Taixue. Topo Louisiana.

    4. Emperor Zhuangwu - James Madison

    Establishing the foundation of constitutional government for a hundred years, Ke Ying Yi created a republic.

    5. Honorable Emperor - James Monroe

    Yixia is a big defense, and there is no left side.

    6. Emperor Zhaoping - John Quincy Adams

    Chengzu concubine, without obvious merit, can be diligent in government.

    7. Wu Jingdi - Andrew Jackson

    Repeatedly ke hongyi, migrate hongyi to xianyuan. Expand the soil for thousands of miles. Ran Shaoren.

    8. Hidden Emperor - Martin Van Buren

    No apparent work. However, its head is not a black barbarian and has a benevolent heart.

    9. Emperor Huaiyou - William Henry Harrison

    He died for the rest of his reign.

    10. Emperor Zhongding - John Taylor

    Although he succeeded the Great Unification in Cangjiao, he still ordered the Water Division, Ke Hongyi, and the North and South, and had the talent of an anguo.

    12. Ziwudi - James Knox Polk

    Diligent government, Kumedi, Tutu California. Do as you please.

    13. Emperor Zhangwu - Millard Fillmore

    The black ship opened the country and spread the power of the country to the ocean.

    14. Emperor Ling – Franklin Pierce

    Wisdom is useless, wisdom is not practiced.

    15. The Emperor of Mourning – James Buchanan

    Appeasement and can not and north and south.

    16. Emperor Liezong Zhaowu – Abraham Lincoln

    Dingping the Rebellion of the Seven Kings, interpreting the black barbarians, and giving Shuofang fertile soil. Lay the foundation of a century of prosperity and ruin! See thorns in stonemasons.

    17. DexiangDi - Andrew Johnson

    The south is a state, and the north is an ice field.

    18. Kingway-Ulysses Simpson Grant

    Shao followed Emperor Zhaowu to Pingnan, drove southward, and surrendered to the southern bandit Li. After traveling around the world. However, its greed for the government is not conducive to political affairs.

    19. Kwandi-Rutherford Burchard Hayes

    Stop the southern border of bingge.

    20. Wisetty-James Abram Garfield

    See the Thorn Inn at the end of the month.

    21. Kegonti- Chester Allen Arthur

    If you have a benevolent heart and cannot do it, you will not show merit.

    22. Chuang Liedi - Grover Cleveland

    Righteousness, impartiality, greed, and bowing have not been accomplished.

    23. Emperor Xuanrui - Benjamin Harrison

    Emperor Huaiyou's grandson, the inner bulldozing to suppress the strong, the external Latin and the collection of Sandalwood Island.

    23. Min Wudi - William McKinley

    Abundant silver and profit from the people, march to the west and expand the four directions. Mourning his eyes stabbed at Zhengsheng.

    24. Emperor Xuanwen - Theodore Roosevelt

    Shao accompanied Emperor MinWu in his conquest of Xiyi, Le Shi San Juan. The water dispatcher Wei Huanyu, chiseled the canal to the heavens, and protected the Latins to block the European barbarians. The Viking king is known for his ano-o-khun, ode to the De Khan.

    25. The Constitutional Emperor - William Howard Taft

    Good judgment, long experience Dali Temple.

    26. Mingruidi - Woodrow Wilson

    Smart and virtuous, Zeng Jia Hanlin. Ode to the Viking King: De Khan.

    27. Min Di - Warren Gammellier Harding

    Good woman, Lebo drama, far from loyal. Kill Yu Ren.

    28. Emperor Gongxiao - John Calvin Coolidge

    There is an ancient style, not good at words.

    29. Emperor Xuanhui - Herbert Clark Hoover

    Good engineering, but not cured. Dengji was born on the day of the Great Rule, and left the country at the time of the hundred wastes.

    30. Emperor Sejong Shōbun - Franklin Roosevelt

    Ordered to be in times of crisis, to inherit the shortcomings of the country in a hundred years. On the inside, the restoration and self-strengthening, the natural danger of the country, the silver wealth of the rich people, and the armor of the strong army; on the outside, the brave people's public war, breaking rome in the ruins, attacking the Wokou in the ocean, and Pingpu barbaric in The Elbe. Heroic and ambitious, inheriting the foundation of the ancestors for a hundred years, opening up the flood industry of all generations; bowing down to exhaustion, the happy land of the hundred million people, and the indoctrination of democracy.

    31. Muwiti-Harry S. Truman

    The court fought against the Russian Tatars, defended the Greek land in the Red Brow, raised the army in Goryeo, scattered silver wealth in the vassal states, and slaughtered the Wukou in the archipelago. It can inherit the foundation of the world, but it cannot be great.

    32. Xiangwu Emperor - Dwight David Eisenhower

    With Sejong crossed the ocean to attack thieves, forcibly attacked Pu barbarians in the desert, and suffered with the soldiers. After folding goryeo and Wukou, controlling Nanyang. Still carrying the power of Sejong.

    33. Simingdi - John F. Kennedy

    The face is like a crown jade, the posture is majestic, and the wind is flowing. The people are happy. With Sejong attacking the Wokou, attacking the Kou ships and saving the soldiers. Give the black barbarians the right of the people, and retreat from the red eyebrows. Mourning is stabbed at the stonemason.

    34. Emperor Lidon - Lyndon Baynes Johnson

    Folding Annan, no manifestation. There is a doubt about the sound of candle shadows axes.

    35. Mushunti - Richard Millhouse Nixon

    Stop Goannan, harmony and summer. Sigh it has the shame of Watergate.

    36. Dergonti - Gerald Rudolf Ford

    There is benevolence, no merit.

    37. Dejingdi - James Earl Carter

    Have a benevolent heart, through the summer. Viking King Posthumous: De Khan.

    38. Emperor Yiwu of Zhongzong - Ronald Wilson Reagan

    The emperor rises from the end of the micro, the inside is lightly endowed, and the people's livelihood is resting, and the outside is mighty and red eyebrows, and the wisdom of the Russian Tatars. The people remember his grace to this day.

    39. Emperor Hengwu - George Herbert Walker Bush

    A big food, a shock to the world.

    40. Revinti - William Jefferson Clinton

    Li Qi skill, abundant silver wealth. Rich country in the world.

    41. Emperor Wu - George Walker Bush

    Emperor Hengwu's concubine, Shaozhi. Two broken big food.

    42. Emperor Rendi - Barack Hussein Obama

    Zangliang Bow, Shi Baicao, Rebel King, Na Barbarian Yi. However, its carelessness was in the front, and its troubles were in the rear, first the black flag was rebellious against the big food, and then the Hu Yu was rebellious in the wind. Ode to the Viking King: De Khan.

    43. Chuan Mang - Donald Trump

    Weak title world, old age to ascend to the throne. Take the body of a nobleman as a red-necked Qianshou to ask for orders, change the law of the ancestors, drive out the people of Yidi, abolish the tribute of the foreign domain, and the seed of the absolute general. However, the prince was displeased, and the inside and outside were resentful, and the middle way stopped, and it was a disaster. However, the red neck is uneasy, and the comeback is unknown.