
A brigade of the Army's 71st Group Army "Wang Jieban": to be a good soldier of the Wang Jie style in the new era

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(Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Strengthening the Army, we report on the battlefield) Wang Jieban, a brigade of the Army's 71st Group Army: To be a good soldier of the Wang Jie style in the new era

A brigade of the Army's 71st Group Army "Wang Jieban": to be a good soldier of the Wang Jie style in the new era

Wang Jieban, a brigade of the Army's 71st Group Army, conducts extreme physical training at a training ground in eastern Anhui Province (photographed on September 5, 2018). Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Li Zhihao)

Nanjing, 2 Oct (Xinhua) -- Title: "Wang Jieban", a brigade of the Army's 71st Group Army: Be a good soldier of the Wang Jie style in the new era

Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Xin and People's Liberation Army Daily reporter Han Cheng

"Comrades, today is a special day ... The best way for us to remember The Elder Wang Jie is to firmly plant the banner of 'two fears' on the embankment, no matter how serious the danger is! ”

Although he had already triumphed from the front line of flood control, Huang Long, deputy squad leader of the "Wang Jieban" of a brigade of the Army's 71st Group Army, told reporters that the shouts of company commander Liu Xinqing on the walkie-talkie on the night of July 14 would still echo in his ears.

That day was the 55th anniversary of Wang Jie's sacrifice. In previous years, the soldiers of "Wang Jieban" would go to the place where the old squad leader had sacrificed, but on this day this year, they were on the way to the emergency movement to fight the flood in Jiujiang.

In the early autumn, when this reporter braved the rain to rush to the sea training ground, the "Wang Jieban" fighters were driving a chariot on the vast shore beach. Squad leader Wang Damao told reporters: "This year, 4 new members have been added to the class, and the goal of our sea training this time is to lead the new with the old, let the new comrades adapt to the needs of the battle position as soon as possible, and let the 'Wang Jieban' always maintain a state of full combat effectiveness!" ”

On the afternoon of December 13, 2017, President Xi Jinping inspected the Army's 71st Group Army, came to the "Wang Jieban" to sit in a circle with the soldiers, inquired in detail about everyone's study, training and living conditions, and encouraged everyone to continue to work hard and take the lead in being a good soldier in the style of Wang Jie in the new era.

Shortly after President Xi Jinping's inspection, the troops were equipped with a new type of amphibious infantry fighting vehicle, and the "Wang Jieban" changed from an engineer class to an armored infantry class, starting a leap from scratch.

The difficulties of transformation ensued. Despite great efforts, some difficult subjects have never been able to achieve breakthroughs. If it is Wang Jie's old squad leader who encounters difficulties, what will he do?

Wang Damao led the whole class to the statue of the old squad leader and asked everyone to pour out their hearts to the old squad leader. Everyone solemnly promised the old class leader: we must use real excellent results to add luster to the 3 words of "Wang Jieban".

Since then, "Wang Jieban" has been training on the mountain at 5 o'clock every morning, in order to save time for eating back and forth, the soldiers each went to the cooking class to take two steamed buns and put them in their clothes pockets, and finally simply brought their own cooking utensils to bury the pot in the wild to cook...

"From sappers to infantry, the first year of the transition was really painful, but we all gritted our teeth and pushed forward with one small goal after another!" Huang Long recalled that when he came back from training, he was so tired that he collapsed on the bed, and he always involuntarily recalled the scene when President Xi inspected, and encouraged himself in his heart: Don't forget the goals that President Xi put forward for us.

A brigade of the Army's 71st Group Army "Wang Jieban": to be a good soldier of the Wang Jie style in the new era

Wang Jieban, a brigade of the Army's 71st Group Army, accompanied by a company, conducts long-range mobile marching training at a training ground in eastern Anhui Province (photographed on September 5, 2018). Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Li Zhihao)

At the end of that year, the "Wang Jieban" organization summed up the year, and when the whole class of soldiers stood up one by one to report on the completion of the goal, everyone almost unanimously said: "Let's write a letter to President Xi!" Report on our progress this year..."

In this way, a letter written by a soldier was sent to Beijing and sent to President Xi.

On the eve of the Spring Festival in 2019, all the soldiers of "Wang Jieban" were overjoyed: President Xi wrote back to us -

"Hello guys! I received the letter and saw the photos of us communicating together more than a year ago, and the scene at that time came to my eyes again. I am happy to learn that you have conscientiously studied and implemented the party's thinking on strengthening the army in the new era, carried forward the spirit of Wang Jie, worked hard and struggled, and achieved new outstanding results..."

The commander and the soldier's hearts were tightly linked.

President Xi's cordial encouragement has become an inexhaustible driving force for the "Wang Jieban" military training. In the past three years, 9 fighters of "Wang Jieban" have obtained three professional level certificates of communication, shooting and driving, and have mastered 11 kinds of strike weapons. At the same time, the whole class also achieved the goal of any interchange of all battle positions, and took the lead in exploring the combat attrition training method, the reduction of the number of combat vehicles to 7 people does not affect the battle, the reduction of 5 people can continue to fight, and the reduction of personnel to two people can persist in fighting, and the results are promoted throughout the brigade.

Zhang Zhendong, political commissar of the brigade, said: Over the past three years, they have extensively carried out joint training and joint education activities, brought into play the radiation and leading role of the "Wang Jieban" in establishing classes and educating people, and organized backbone cadres to live in the "Wang Jieban" in batches every year, so that officers and men can feel the spirit of Wang Jie on the spot and learn from the experience of building the class. Nowadays, "Wang Jieban" has led the training of more than 500 backbones of various types.

"President Xi Jinping stressed that the spirit of Wang Jie was, is and will always be our precious spiritual wealth, and we must learn and practice the spirit of Wang Jie and let the spirit of Wang Jie shine in the new era." Du Kai, the leader of the fourth squad of the Seventh Company of Armored Infantry who went to the "Wang Jieban" to participate in the joint training and joint education activities, firmly remembered President Xi's instructions.

The first person to call out at the late roll call was Wang Jie, who summed up the experience from the story of the old squad leader on weekdays, preferring to lose skin and flesh rather than let the results fall behind... "Wang Jieban" faced the momentum of transformation and overcoming difficulties and the practice and adherence to the spirit of "two not afraid", which deeply shocked Du Kai.

This year, when the Jiujiang River was fighting floods, Du Kai, like the "Wang Jieban" soldiers, wrote a farewell letter to his family on the embankment. In the life jacket, he quietly hid a backpack rope, which was tied to his body in an emergency to explore the way. Du Kai said that in the days of "Wang Jieban", he really understood what it meant to be "not afraid of suffering, and not afraid of death."

The hero's collective is a fiery melting pot, people who walk into "Wang Jieban" will be quenched and steeled, and the backbone who goes out from "Wang Jieban" has also become the sower of Wang Jie's spirit.

Wang Jiafeng, the former deputy squad leader of "Wang Jieban", has participated in many training competitions in the past two years, and in December 2018, he was commended by the Army's 71st Group Army as an "advanced individual in training and preparing for war". At the end of last year, Wang Damao found Wang Jiafeng: "You are no longer suitable to be my deputy squad leader, not because you do not have this ability, but because you have the qualifications to be a squad leader." ”

Wang Jiafeng was recommended by Wang Damao to serve as the class leader of the eighth class. After arriving at the new post, from the ideological style to the training standards, Wang Jiafeng took the lead like the old class leader, which greatly changed the class training results and the mental state of the personnel.

"'Wang Jieban' never picks up soldiers, nor does he keep them behind, and this is the key to making Wang Jie's spirit blossom and bear fruit in the whole brigade." Zhang Zhendong said: The brigade party committee has focused on continuously promoting the cultivation of the "two fears" spirit and landing in the depths, and has regularly carried out activities such as "ten learnings from Wang Jie" and "being a squad leader like Wang Jie" to guide officers and men to continue the red bloodline and strive to become heroes in the new era.

When the interview left, it was the day of the vehicle artillery field, and the reporter boarded the "Wang Jieban" infantry fighting vehicle and saw that Sergeant Xie Binbin was carefully wiping the artillery, and he said confidently: "Maintain the weapons and equipment, and this year's sea training will also play a 'opening red'!" ”

"Wang Jie's gun, we carry; Wang Jie's song, we sing." One is not afraid of suffering, the other is not afraid of death, single-mindedly for the revolution, and always follow the party..." Today, Wang Jie's spirit is like the seed of dandelion, floating in the fertile soil of the military camp and blooming a brilliant "hero flower."

A brigade of the Army's 71st Group Army "Wang Jieban": to be a good soldier of the Wang Jie style in the new era

Officers and men of a brigade of the Army's 71st Group Army "Wang Jieban" carry sandbags to reinforce the embankment at the 9th section of tushanwei in Jiujiang, Jiangxi Province, on July 22, 2020. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Li Zhihao)

A brigade of the Army's 71st Group Army "Wang Jieban": to be a good soldier of the Wang Jie style in the new era

Officers and men of a brigade of the Army's 71st Group Army "Wang Jieban" conduct infantry-tan coordination tactical training at a training ground in northern Anhui Province (photographed on December 19, 2018). Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Li Zhihao)

A brigade of the Army's 71st Group Army "Wang Jieban": to be a good soldier of the Wang Jie style in the new era

Wang Jieban, a brigade of the Army's 71st Group Army, conducts field search training in the hinterland of eastern Anhui Province on September 5, 2018. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Li Zhihao)

A brigade of the Army's 71st Group Army "Wang Jieban": to be a good soldier of the Wang Jie style in the new era

Wang Damao (right), the squad leader of the "Wang Jieban" of a brigade of the Army's 71st Group Army, explains Wang Jie's deeds to his newly enlisted comrades in the company's honor room (photographed on April 5, 2019). Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Li Zhihao)

A brigade of the Army's 71st Group Army "Wang Jieban": to be a good soldier of the Wang Jie style in the new era

A brigade of the Army's 71st Group Army, "Wang Jieban," conducts tactical training at a sea training ground (photographed on July 21, 2018). Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Li Zhihao)

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