
Keigo Kashino, Midnight Night, Ryoji Kirihara

author:Little V came
Keigo Kashino, Midnight Night, Ryoji Kirihara

What impressed me most in the whole book was Ryoji Kirihara's sentence, "My life is like walking in a white night." ”

Keigo Kashino, Midnight Night, Ryoji Kirihara


Ryoji and his father Yosuke

The story begins with the pawnshop owner Yosuke Kirihara being killed in an abandoned building next to the park, and the opening chapter begins with the policeman Sasagi Junzo throwing out the question, "How can there be children in the building", laying the groundwork for the following to uncover the unbelievable truth.

The only son of the owner of Ryoji Kirihara's pawnshop, he is in the fifth grade of elementary school and likes to cut paper, and his only friend is probably Yukiho Nishimoto, who reads books with him in the library and plays paper-cutting.

However, one day, he finds his father walking toward the abandoned building with Yukiho, and a confused Ryoji enters the building's ventilation duct and finds himself molesting Yukiho. So the little boy stabbed his father to death with the scissors he was carrying. Three knives on the shoulder and two knives in the front chest. For a child, the method of killing the father is not cruel.

After killing his father, Ryoji let Yukiho leave the building. He closed the door, piled bricks behind the door, fastened his father's belt, and climbed out of the vent he called the "tunnel of time."

As an adult, Ryoji talks about the murder of his father, cold and sarcastic, as if he really has nothing to do with himself, commenting that his father is a scrooge, and everyone hates him, and so does himself.

Ryoji Kirihara and his mother Yayoi

Every time Yayoiko has a relationship with her derailed object, Isamu Matsuura, she locks the lock that hangs on the staircase door. On the day of the crime, this was the case, Ryoji on the second floor found that the staircase door was locked, and guessed that his mother was meeting with his lover, so he climbed from the window to the outside of the house and ran out along the roof. This is certainly not the first time Ryoji has encountered this kind of thing, Matsuura has worked in a pawnshop for five years, and this extramarital affair that occurred in a pawnshop is self-evident for a young child who still needs family protection.

And Yayoko herself has said that she has never cooked a morning for her son, and dinner is almost always eaten outside. She didn't know what her son was doing every day, and even mother and son could meet for less than an hour a day.


There is no child in this world who does not want to be loved by their parents, and there is no child who does not love their parents.

After killing his father, Ryoji put his father's belt on, how do we understand this behavior, the former Fumi higashino Keigo left a foreshadowing, but until the final chapter has not been solved. Did Ryoji cover up the truth, or did his father's actions hurt him deeply? The author's intentional blank space gives us unlimited imagination and thinking.

I prefer to understand this as Ryoji wants to leave a trace of dignity to his father, although this act does not play a substantial role, but the belt buckled for his father is more like a farewell, he loves his father or once loved.

The same is true for his mother, Ryoji, who usually leaves home silently, turned back at the door on the day of the high school ceremony, said to his mother, "Then I am gone", and left a note on his mother's dresser saying "I will not come back".

It's just that no one understands his farewell.

Keigo Kashino, Midnight Night, Ryoji Kirihara

Ryoji and his lover Yukiho Nishimoto

During the nineteen-year watchful eye of the two men, the author only makes the two appear in front of the crowd at the beginning and finally of the story.

The first time was a paraphrase from the librarian,

The boy has a clever hand and will cut the paper into some shapes for the girl to see.

The second time was Ryoji committing suicide,

Snow Spike was standing next to him, his snow-white face leaning toward Kirihara.

But in the nineteen years of symbiosis, where people see it, they seem to confirm that, as the criminal police officer Junzo Sasagaki described, like gun shrimp and gobies cooperating seamlessly, mutually beneficial and symbiotic.

But in the invisible place, how they exchange information, how they meet, how they plan one conspiracy after another, and how they let sin blossom again and again.

Santa Claus, who handed out cards at the storefront, was riding the escalator, and he also looked with a pleasant tiredness.

All the descriptions of Ryoji are of deep eyes, cold temperament, little speech, stiff expression, and an indissoluble anger on the body, but when they appear in the same place as Yukiho, they exude a pleasant atmosphere. At the same time, it also paves the way for The following Liang to commit suicide, and even if he dies, he will protect the snow spike.

Patchwork bags embroidered with "rk" (Ryoji Kirihara ryouji) and boutiques named after "r&y", the English abbreviations of Ryoji and ryouji &yukiho names hang in the street markets that everyone can see. This love that cannot walk in the sun can only exist in this way.

Keigo Kashino, Midnight Night, Ryoji Kirihara

Ryoji and his friend Yuhiko Enmura

The acquaintance of the two is not glorious, and at first Ryoji looks for Yuhiko to participate in the aid of the friendship. Tomohiko, who was new to this, secretly contacted Yukiko Hanaoka and indulged in excessive indulgence, which led to Yukiko's sudden death. Ryoji accidentally learns that Tomohiko can write programs for his own use, so he uses his own way to help Tomohiko successfully escape the law. Therefore, for the next 6 or 7 years, Tomohiko was determined to help Ryoji do all kinds of things that were legal and illegal, but he kept his mouth shut.

After Tomohiko has a girlfriend, Ryoji consciously begins to stop involving Tomohiko in illegal things.

"I'm here too... help. ”

"I refuse."

"But it's dangerous..." Tomohiko muttered.

On the last day of 1985, when asked about his New Year's ambitions, he said he was "walking during the day", and when he realized that he was leaving, he not only gave the paper cut but also gave the shop to Yuhiko.

This person outside the plan entered Ryoji's life and even entered his eyes, getting the few warmths in his heart.

Keigo Kashino, Midnight Night, Ryoji Kirihara

His beloved

Ryoji has a pair of scissors, the blade part is more than ten centimeters long, and the front end is quite sharp. The body of the knife shines with a silver glow, and the German-made one has a classical style. This pair of scissors may have been earlier than he knew Yukiho, and Ryoji, who has exquisite paper-cutting skills and must be a fine hand, rarely cuts paper.

In Ryoji's room hung a paper-cut work of a sailing ship, even better than the paper-cutting craft performance at the garden party. Everyone who has seen his work admires his skill, but the parents who live by his side every day never value their children's talents.

The second work is a pattern of a boy holding hands with a girl. The boy wears a hat and the girl wears a large bow on her head, which is very delicate. He gave the work as a wedding gift to Tomohiko Enmura and his girlfriend. At the same time, Yukiho was also about to marry Makoto Takamiya, his New Year's wish was to walk during the day, and in his heart he must have longed to live with his beloved, but he knew that he could not turn back.

The third is at a newly opened boutique in Yukiho, dressed as Ryoji Santa Claus, and gives a little girl a beautiful elk silhouette cut out of red paper.

Every time he picks up scissors and cuts out his work, the whole person is lax, and even reveals his true character. But this scissors, like an artist's tool, is a sharp weapon to end his life when it is not paper-cutting, in a sense that the scissors guard the warmth and beauty in his heart, but it will always remind him that what happened in the abandoned building he killed his father with scissors.

At the moment when he was recognized by the criminal policeman Sasa Hengrunsan, he did not hesitate to cut his life with the scissors that were like treasures, and in this way, this gloomy, taciturn and extremely intelligent teenager was liberated. After that, he didn't have to wander through the dark exhaust pipes, nor did he always have to guard his beloved in places where people couldn't see.

The hundred ghosts traveled at night, and Ryoji, who had come to his opposite, eventually died out in the white night.

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