
Baoding police arrested the suspect suspect suspected of absconding for 16 years

author:China News Network
Baoding police arrested the suspect suspect suspected of absconding for 16 years

The suspects (first row: second from left, third from left) were arrested and brought to justice. Courtesy of the police

Baoding, December 8 (Xinhua) -- According to the Lianchi District Bureau of the Public Security Bureau of Baoding City, Hebei Province, on December 7, the bureau arrested two suspects who had absconded for 16 years after defrauding 1.59 million yuan.

According to reports, in August 2004, the criminal suspect Han XX (male, Baoding City, then 41 years old) took advantage of his position in a securities company in Baoding to arrange for his wife Du XX (female, Baoding City, then 40 years old) to be the lobby manager of the branch of the securities company. The two absconded in August 2005 by signing an asset entrustment management contract, collecting 1.59 million yuan of social funds. In the decade that followed, the police traveled extensively but failed to capture the two.

On December 7, 2021, the police in Lianchi District received a tip that Han X and Du X might be hiding in a community in Mancheng District, Baoding City. After receiving the report, the bureau immediately dispatched a number of police officers to conduct a control investigation in the hiding place of the two people, and arrested the two at 17:00 on the same day.

After interrogation, Han xxx and Du xx confessed to the criminal facts of absconding after defrauding others of money. At present, the two suspects involved in the case have been transferred to the Baoding Municipal Public Security Bureau Economic Crime Investigation Detachment for handling. (End)

Source: China News Network

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