
The situation in the Middle East has changed, Israel is in a hurry to go to war with Allah, and China has struck?



While the world's eyes are still focused on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Israel is already preparing for a new war against the Lebanese Allah forces that have recently left Israel scorched.

On June 26, Israeli Defense Minister Gallant, who was visiting the United States, said that he had the ability to return Lebanon to the "Stone Age." The reason why Gallant can make such bold statements is because he has received assurances from the United States a few days ago that the United States is "fully prepared" to support its allies if Israel and Allah fight a full-scale war on Israel's northern border.

Of course, the Americans are not stupid either, they deliberately emphasize that this "adequate preparation" does not include the dispatch of ground forces. To put it bluntly, it is to pay for food, and to shoot - but not to people.

The situation in the Middle East has changed, Israel is in a hurry to go to war with Allah, and China has struck?

As everyone knows, the Allah armed forces are strong, Hamas is simply a straggler compared to them, and more importantly, the relationship between Allah, which is also a Shia, and Iran can be called a strategic partnership, and once Israel fights Allah, Iran will not be able to end up in person.

At a time when the situation in the Middle East was full of gunsmoke and confusion, Israel's "old enemy" Saudi Arabia made a major move, and Saudi Defense Minister Khaled bin Salman led a delegation to visit China on June 25 and met with two high-ranking PLA officials within a day.

Just last week, a seminar for senior military officers from China-Arab countries, sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of National Defense and hosted by the International Defense College of the National Defense University, opened in Beijing.

The above two recent examples show that the defense cooperation between China and Arab countries has reached a new level.

As everyone knows, since the United States launched the "Indo-Pacific strategy" and was ready to go all out to deal with China, in order to withdraw from the Middle East step by step, the United States has resorted to various tricks, attracting some Arab countries, such as Bahrain, Morocco, and Qatar, to sign a peace agreement with Israel, in an attempt to form a "small alliance" composed of Israel and some Arab countries to contain Iran and maintain US influence in the Middle East.

And in the whole process, the question of Palestinian statehood was ruthlessly abandoned.

However, in March this year, Saudi Arabia and Iran reached a "reconciliation of the century" with the help of China, which completely disrupted the US plan to draw Saudi Arabia into the aforementioned "small alliance". Subsequently, a new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict caused by the "Al-Aqsa flood" operation launched by Hamas completely destroyed the great cause of the United States in the Middle East.

The situation in the Middle East has changed, Israel is in a hurry to go to war with Allah, and China has struck?

As we all saw, the unconditional and bottomless support of the United States for Israel has made the Arab countries more united, and the influence of the United States in the Middle East has declined.

We often say that if you don't occupy some positions, someone will occupy them.

When the countries of the Middle East in the midst of chaos want to establish a regional security framework that ensures their own security without relying on the United States, looking at the whole world, China, which has always adhered to the concept of "common prosperity and common development", has almost become the only choice for Middle Eastern countries.

Once China's position and influence in the Middle East take root and blossom, leaving aside the shrinking global hegemony of the United States itself, it will inevitably be conducive to the establishment of a united front among Arab countries and will inevitably play a role in promoting the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Let's think about it, is Israel anxious when it sees this glorious trend of "rising in the east and falling in the west"?

However, compared to Israel, it is obviously the United States that is more anxious.

If Israel continues to be allowed to engage in such "anger and resentment," even if the Middle East countries do not move closer to China, the United States will soon "betray and leave" in the Middle East.

As a result, we can see that the United States has constantly warned Israel not to go to war against Lebanon and not to escalate the situation, and has even put on a posture of continuing to withhold weapons and ammunition for Israel.

However, we have an old saying in China, "what you sow, what you get", today's Israel is no longer something that the United States can restrain itself, and the pro-Israel forces in the United States are even stronger than Biden can control, so there is the scene we mentioned at the beginning: the United States is not willing to spill over the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, but has to continue to support Israel as an ally.

The situation in the Middle East has changed, Israel is in a hurry to go to war with Allah, and China has struck?

In the end, we have to feel a little sorry for US President Biden, this old man has to face the menacing Trump at home on the one hand, and on the other hand, the international community has to try to pull the wild horse of Israel, and these two things, if you are not careful, will lead Biden into a situation from which she will never recover.

In fact, the current situation is not so complicated, whether it is the Americans or the Israelis, it is good to think clearly about one question: Even if the United States accompanies Israel in the Middle East tomorrow, will it really work?

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