
What are the characteristics of Gemini personality?

Take myself, I'm a typical Gemini.

So what are the salient characteristics of Gemini in terms of handling things and emotions?

Gemini is really emotional things, for example, I know a netizen, chat for two months, the other party said a sentence "then after seeing you will not think so", then my psychology may begin to plan how to meet in the future, how to see this person after what, there is an inexplicable sense of closeness to this person.

And geminis are also very assertive in dealing with things.

It is difficult for someone to really enter the eyes of Gemini, in fact, they are neither perfectionist nor spiritual purity, they just like to make conclusions according to the rules of their hearts.

The principle of gemini is generally what it is, generally depending on mood and impression.

Gemini generally want to break things very crisply, even if the end of this is Gemini himself uncomfortable, but as long as Gemini feels that your feelings can not reach the same treatment she wants to get after paying, you let Gemini disappointed, Gemini will not be entangled with you.

The like of geminis, most people may not see it, because gemini is afraid of rejection, gemini may release a lot of information used to confuse you, may make you feel that it is not gemini who likes ah, is not like me. Yes, the likes of the twins will not make it obvious to you, but the dislikes are on the table.

Generally speaking, the people and things that are in the hearts of Gemini, Gemini dare not and does not want to give the opportunity to let himself be rejected.

So do you have such Gemini around you, if you enter their hearts, you can definitely feel the gentleness and thoughtfulness of Gemini.

‖ Constellations:

The order of appearances between people is very important,

I'm glad you're here now,

Then find a random place to sit down first. ^_^

Seat constellation

I'll stop here today, see you next time

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