
The rest of your life is too expensive, please settle the past, the love between Capricorn and Aries, remember to say goodbye

Text/Ling Ting Seven Seven

Love or not love, outsiders actually can not make any conclusive decisions, but also rely on the parties themselves, although the bystanders clear the authorities are confused, but no matter how confused the parties are, they still have to make their own judgments, perhaps for some people, there will be a little good gathering and dispersion of the ending, do not end up with a torn face, but if it is today to talk about these two constellations, then the results of good gathering and dispersion, can only rely on them to pinch and grasp.

This is the love between Capricorn and Aries that we want to mention today, some people feel that the attraction should be the constellation matching score of those who are high, in fact, friends who have experienced it, it is estimated that they will have this feeling, that is, it is easy to meet a constellation matching score is not high, but it is partial to the person who is fascinated by each other, this is the hard phase effect that Qiqi has always mentioned, and this hard phase that does not match, with the punishment phase of 90 degrees is the most obvious, the attraction of this hard phase is relatively strong, knowing that it cannot be done, Love must not be biased to choose.

Capricorn and Aries are also similar attractions, of course, this attraction will begin because of Aries initiative, and end because of Capricorn initiative, as to why this process, just follow the seven seven together to see, if you can make up for each other's problems in the process, the relationship will also be a passionate phase that can always have love.

The rest of your life is too expensive, please settle the past, the love between Capricorn and Aries, remember to say goodbye

Capricorn has to pay attention to the active and eye-catching Aries

In this interactive relationship, Aries's initiative is basically more than Capricorn, unless the person's Aries with a lot of Taurus traits, or a pure Aries, will not see their favorite people, still indifferent, Aries is sometimes very strange, they like the person is not a layer of unchanged, but follow the current feeling, if this Aries also carries a little Gemini characteristics, especially the moon with Gemini, Sagittarius and other such changing traits of the location, perhaps in the half-hearted journey, You have to make a note of it.

Capricorn, although there is a kind of soldiers do not move, you do not move I do not move, you come to move I still do not move, but for the people they like, they will still have some signals to give, it can be said that Capricorn is a bit sullen, and do not think that Capricorn in the feelings of identifying one person will not change, they are by the "sullen" characteristics, but there is no opportunity, can not take this step, but where someone takes the initiative, Capricorn may not necessarily refuse, if there are many people who take the initiative, maybe Capricorn will come to a person who does not refuse, For Capricorns, "cost-effective" is the last word, anyway, do not have to thanklessly chase, what is not good.

Just a few days ago, Wang Lihong, who broke the big news, the moon sign is in Capricorn, plus he is a pure Taurus himself, and he also carries the involvement of Mercury Gemini habits, so that he will have less real stickiness in the depth of his feelings, to know that his emotions are spat out a lot of ruthless indifference, in addition to because of Taurus's value reciprocal preference, there is Capricorn itself cautiously maintained in it.

The rest of your life is too expensive, please settle the past, the love between Capricorn and Aries, remember to say goodbye

And Li Lianglei is exactly the Aries girl, this initiative may not be really prominent for girls from the perspective of the sun sign, but Li Lianglei herself moon constellation in Gemini, and The Capricorn of The Venus constellation, although it is a bit suggestive of the initiative of the class, but basically she wants to take the initiative, it is inseparable from her own fundamental inner value driven, she is also a girl who requires stability, but because it is relatively direct in emotional expression, it has attracted the attention of Wang Lihong.

And the key factor between them, after reading what I just said, is there still a point that has not been mentioned, that is, Wang Lihong's moon Capricorn is exactly the hard phase of 90 degrees produced by Li Lianglei's Sun Aries, which is a position for men, the attraction level is relatively strong, the moon represents the characteristics of the lifelong partner that men desire, and Aries produces energy when it produces a punishment position with Capricorn, which is enough to make this moon Capricorn lose its original judgment direction.

It can be said that this is an intuitive contact that Capricorn desires, although they are not active enough, but they hope to get each other's initiative to show goodwill, as long as the other party is their own dish, the other party takes the initiative, even if it seems that there is no direct reaction, the probability of taking them is much higher, Capricorn and Aries between them is in this passive desire for each other's active state, as for Wang Lihong and Li Lianglei, in addition to the phase of this moon Capricorn and the sun Aries, they are also affected by their own Venus and north-south traffic, And the collateral effects between the attraction of planets such as Venus and Venus, feelings come and go, no way, who let Aries do things very prominently, had to attract the attention of the calm Capricorn.

Capricorn's calmness cannot withstand Aries' long-term toss

Of course, don't just say that Capricorn is ruthless and unrighteous, to know that there is a Saturn energy of Aquarius, Libra is not a calm and ruthless feeling, for these several zodiac signs, many things, they will have an abacus in their hearts, there will be their own way of calculation, and Capricorn, often need to give them a boost on this abacus, you need you to give it practical value, in order to have the possibility of long-term coexistence.

This problem is not only generated in Wang Lihong's body, many boys who have seen the position of Capricorn in the moon, most of them will slowly become practical in the consideration of women, they will pay more attention to the actual value generated by women in the later stage, but when they pay their own efforts, when the value of women is insufficient, the measurement mode of Capricorn will begin, if this Capricorn is a person without status.

But where there is status, it will begin to compare the degree of suitability between themselves and the other half, even if they feel that the other party is excellent and liked, but because of the long river of time, widening the gap between the two, Capricorn has the upper hand, it is easy to because the other party is not in their own place, and gradually elevate themselves, and even "look down" and "look down" on each other, they will not think about the advantages of their own acceptance of each other, but will think about whether they have lost too much value in this relationship.

The rest of your life is too expensive, please settle the past, the love between Capricorn and Aries, remember to say goodbye

Of course, a moon in Capricorn girls will also have such a state, if it is Venus Capricorn, Mars Capricorn people, this state will be better, so for Capricorn partners, there must be a certain help, and Aries in the beginning, attract Capricorn is because of their own sense of value, but because Aries continuity is not strong, after a long time together it is easy to lack the embodiment of value, so that Capricorn generated a repulsive psychology.

I have to say that Capricorn is material, but also very material, sometimes the degree of material will be very, very stingy, this does not matter whether they are rich in family, or barren are easy to be so, the family solid as usual will appear this phenomenon of a dime, and Aries to be honest, they have their own courage and ability, but they can not do not stop moving forward, Aries is like an electric motor, the beginning is particularly energetic, but after all, the motor will run for a long time there will be problems or failures, In the middle of this, as long as you stop and let Capricorn find flaws that you can't accept, you will have disgusting thoughts.

If this person is a person with a particularly heavy earth elephant trait, especially pure Capricorn, this kind of thanklessness, relying on their own and having to look at the other party's face, this state will be stimulated at once, to know that Capricorn is actually still very proud of themselves, they also need to be worshipped, and they are completely obedient from the inside out, and they also need each other to have all aspects of their own needs, that is, what we often say can make money, can do housework, and can also have a variety of "stunts", At least it must be equal to Capricorn, otherwise the dry fight is still light, and directly scattering the fire is the final choice.

As an Aries, itself is a want to come out, a little acute, and there are types that do not care about the consequences, over time, it will give Capricorn a "no brain", not enough stable feeling, even if the original like is not good, to the later will become a problem, after all, Aries can not hide, and Capricorn hates the feeling of excessive tossing.

The love between Capricorn and Aries, remember to say goodbye

So to speak, in fact, capricorn's trough period, even if the other party accompanies them to come over, as long as you are not excellent in the later stage, this sense of gap will still exist, Capricorn needs a long-term sense of value in the emotion, it seems to be a greedy gluttony, will never be satisfied, with Venus Capricorn and moon Capricorn as the main title, if you are Capricorn but just a sun Capricorn person, do not have to over-enter the seat, if it is pure Capricorn, or a friend with a moon Capricorn position, It's time to think about it.

Especially the relationship between Capricorn and Aries, often let Aries relax, Capricorn reliability, is completely able to give Aries a strong sense of dependence, it seems like finding a backer, in fact, this idea is a time bomb, Aries needs to be their own always shining, this Capricorn will always be a patron, that is to say, in the relationship between Capricorn and Aries, Aries active, but the later Aries also have to look at Capricorn consciousness to take the initiative, although the early stage is their Aries initiative to show goodwill, The relationship found, Capricorn will also take the initiative, but will only take action when the value is found, and in the later stability maintenance environment, Aries actually depends on Capricorn's willingness or not, but where Capricorn needs Aries out, this relationship basically will not have much room.

The rest of your life is too expensive, please settle the past, the love between Capricorn and Aries, remember to say goodbye

Because Capricorn is best at cold treatment, regardless of it, don't pay attention to it, when they are a baby, everything will turn to you and think of you, but when they don't feel that you are their own person, they will let you go, leave you, and even become ruthless and unjust, and seem to be eager to give each other all aspects of the problem to "sentence".

In fact, for Capricorn and Aries, since the previous feelings have been illuminated, do not overly create some of each other's "guilt", but as a grumpy Aries, when encountering a breakup, it is inevitable that it will be a bit explosive at all costs, but unfortunately, the more this is the case, the more Capricorn will be more undesirable, but will create a variety of breakup clauses, and in the end it is still easy to suffer losses.

Say that in this relationship, the first to pay the emotion is Aries, and finally it is particularly easy to be sad, but also Aries, why not say goodbye, a relationship to each other, there have been memories, do not pass, do not continue to delay, everything in the past is not good, each other should also precipitate precipitation, because the rest of each other's lives are precious, for the present and do not leave room for each other, in fact, it is their own bondage, Capricorn and Aries separation, more open-minded to be more able to comfort each other, more able to appreciate the hard-won emotions.

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