
Qi Jiguang, a hero of the Anti-Japanese War, learned the art of war at the age of 9 and played a national momentum

I believe that everyone knows that Our country and Japan have a deep relationship, and Japan has appeared in the land of China many times as an aggressor, but we have all sent them back to their hometowns one by one. During the Ming Dynasty, Japan at that time was still called Dongying, and since the failure of the Yuan Dynasty's conquest, Japan had stopped invading China, and by the late Ming Dynasty, it was even more difficult to repeat. It is precisely because of this that a generation of famous generals of the Ming Dynasty has been created - Qi Jiguang. Today, I will talk to you about Qi Jiguang's deeds.

Qi Jiguang, a hero of the Anti-Japanese War, learned the art of war at the age of 9 and played a national momentum

Qi Jiguang

Qi Jiguang (1528-1588), ziyuanjing, nantang, was a native of Penglai, Shandong, a famous general of the Ming Dynasty, an outstanding military figure, who swept through the Wukou ru and was known as "a rare general in ancient times" in China.

Qi Jiguang's father was a general of the Ming Dynasty, and when Qi Jiguang was born, his father Qi Jingtong was already 56 years old, because he was old and had children, so he loved his younger son. He named his son Jiguang in the hope that he would inherit and expand his career in the future.

I believe that everyone does not know it, this famous anti-War general looked thin and dark when he was a child, but he can not underestimate him, he is a small devil, dare to do, with chivalrous courage, at a very young age has become the head of the children. Because he has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, his strength is great and his courage is also great. He is most disgusted with those who bully and bully the weak.

Qi Jiguang, a hero of the Anti-Japanese War, learned the art of war at the age of 9 and played a national momentum

Sweep through the Wokou

At that time, there was a son of an official eunuch, nicknamed "Little Black Bully", who was tall and strong, and often bullied other children. In a game, a child topped a few words of "Little Black Bully", and he was thrown to the ground, and was forced to learn to bark under his crotch. Xiao Jiguang happened to be passing by, because he had long been unaccustomed to the evil deeds of the "little black bully", he rushed forward at the moment, and without saying a word, he rounded his fist and beat him up, so that the "little black bully" also learned a few dog barks to be relieved.

Qi Jiguang's father often told him when he was very young that a military general should have the dignity of sacrificing himself to serve the country and have the courageous spirit of being a pioneer. It can also be said that the door out of the tiger, under the influence of his father, Qi Jiguang inherited the Qi family martial arts from an early age, and practiced a good martial art, with swords, guns, swords, and halberds.

What is even more rare is that he likes to read his father's military books at a very young age and is full of interest in tactical tactics. At the age of 9, he was able to "melt mud as a foundation, cut bamboo into poles, cut colors to build square bases, pile up rubble as a barrier, array orders, study variations, and be shrewd in the troops, like a whole brigade" quite like a modern training formation, practicing military techniques, and already having the style of a small general. These performances of his can also fully show his good talent in the military.

Qi Jiguang, a hero of the Anti-Japanese War, learned the art of war at the age of 9 and played a national momentum

In the twenty-third year of Ming Jiajing (1544), the 17-year-old Qi Jiguang began his 40-year military career because of his ancestral military merits as a hereditary commander of Dengzhou Wei. In the thirty-second year (1553), the Jin capital commanded the Affairs of you, and set up the office of Dengzhou Shuicheng Taiping Lou, and the governor of Shandong coastal preparation. During his term of office, the sea frontier under his jurisdiction was quiet and the people were safe.

In Zhejiang, in order to resist the Japanese invaders, he recruited more than 3,000 brave peasants and miners to form a new army. Combat teams are basic combat unit members who are equipped with different weapons according to age and physique. When fighting, the whole team members play their personal strengths, cooperate with the battle, can attack and defend, and are flexible in advance and retreat, called the "Mandarin Duck Array". After Qi Jiguang's strict training, the new army team soon became a strong brigade, known as the "Qi Family Army"

Qi Jiguang, a hero of the Anti-Japanese War, learned the art of war at the age of 9 and played a national momentum

In the forty-first year of Jiajing (1562), the Wokou in Zhejiang was pacified, and Qi Jiguang was sent to the south, twice to aid Fujian, sweep away the Fujian coastal Wokou, and once entered the territory of Guangdong to suppress the Wokou. In the first year of Longqing (1565), the southeast coast was finally purged. During his ten-year-long career in the SoutheastErn War of Resistance, he successively served as a dusi shi, a staff general, a commander, a deputy general soldier, a du, a du du tongzhi, and a general soldier, starting from Ningbo, gradually moving south, and finally to Fuzhou. From the town to guard a corner of the defense and then to the whole territory of the town of Fujian and Zhejiang Jin, Wen Erfu, to supervise the water and land of the various rong affairs. More than a hundred battles, large and small, invincible, the "Qi family army" prestige is well-known in the world. The plague on the southeast coast that has been poisoning the people for hundreds of years has since been basically settled.

In the first year of Longqing (1565), Qi Jiguang was transferred north, the official worshiped the prime minister, and the general soldier was also responsible for the training of troops in the four towns of Jizhou, Changping, Liaodong and Baoding on the outskirts of the Beijing Division, and the defense of the governor. During his term of office, he built the Great Wall, built enemy platforms, organized heavy battalions, prepared firearms, and created a set of strategies and tactics for coordinated operations by foot, horse, and vehicle, so that the defense along the Great Wall would "serve as the crown of all sides" and effectively resist aggression from outside the Pass on many occasions. The pressure from the Invasion of Tatar cavalry from Outside Guanwai, which had long plagued the Ming Court, was lifted, and in the sixteenth year of the town, "the side was prepared to repair the food, and the thistle gate was feasted." "Gong sheng shi rank dadu governor, Jin Prince Taibao, and concurrently Shaobao."

Qi Jiguang, a hero of the Anti-Japanese War, learned the art of war at the age of 9 and played a national momentum

It can be said that it is precisely because Qi Jiguang led the Qi family army to march south to the north, smashed the arrogance of the Wokou, and created the momentum of China. It is precisely because we have such national heroes that the land of China can not be invaded by foreign enemies. The prestige of the Qi family army resounded overseas and became the backbone of the resistance against the Wokou. In the late Ming Dynasty, it was precisely because of the existence of Qi Jiguang that the aggressive heart of the Wokou was crushed again and again.

However, in 1582 (the tenth year of the Wanli Calendar), Zhang Juzheng, the first assistant of the cabinet in the imperial court, died of illness, and Zhang Dingsi took the opportunity to say that Qi Jiguang should not be placed in the north, so Qi Jiguang was transferred to Guangdong by the imperial court.

Qi Jiguang, a hero of the Anti-Japanese War, learned the art of war at the age of 9 and played a national momentum

In 1585 (the thirteenth year of the Wanli calendar), Zhang Xigao impeached Qi Jiguang again, and Qi Jiguang was deposed and died of illness after returning to his hometown. A generation of famous generals has thus fallen and retreated from the curtain of history. But Qi Jiguang's spirit and deeds are worthy of our affirmation, he is a well-deserved national hero, he defended the dignity of our nation, although he has long passed away, but still passed on the world, is well known to us, we are proud of having such a national hero!

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