
If Guo Mo wants Puyi to be his assistant, Puyi replies with five words, and Guo Moruo has no place for himself on the spot

If Guo Mo wants Puyi to be his assistant, Puyi replies with five words, and Guo Moruo has no place for himself on the spot

The heavens and the earth change, and the vicissitudes become mulberry fields. Puyi still did not understand what the emperor was? How to be a good emperor? Fate and history have propelled him into new China.

Since 1921, after several decades of struggle, the Communist Party of China has finally overthrown the three mountains and established an equal, free, and just socialist China with the people. In this country, there are no emperors, no courtiers, everything is equal, everything is a people who work hard for the communist ideal.

Puyi is a member of this country, and Guo Moruo is also a member of this country. Presumably, many people have more or less known some interesting things that happened between Guo Moruo and Puyi. Due to Puyi's special status and Mr. Guo Moruo's interest in literature and history, there will certainly be a lot of intersection between them.

Antique Identification Will

In the 1960s, as the chairman of the All-China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Guo Moruo, a great literary hero, began to study the history of the Qing Dynasty and the rise and fall of the Qing Dynasty for more than two hundred years. This is the first study on dynastic history since the founding of New China, so Guo Moruo attaches great importance to it.

If Guo Mo wants Puyi to be his assistant, Puyi replies with five words, and Guo Moruo has no place for himself on the spot

As the editor-in-chief of this project, he carefully collected and sorted out materials about the history of the Qing Dynasty. But after seeing some historical materials written in Manchu, he began to worry. He was Han Chinese, he didn't know Manchu, and none of the comrades in the project team were Manchus, nor did he know Manchu.

Just when Guo Moruo was worried, an antique identification meeting gave Guo Moruo a reminder. The identification was carried out at the Forbidden City. At that time, Puyi had just come out of prison labor reform and worked as a docent in the Forbidden City. Puyi grew up in the Forbidden City and is very familiar with the grass and trees of the Forbidden City, so this job is very suitable for him and very handy.

The antique identification meeting held in the Forbidden City was also carried out under Puyi's arrangement. He did not know who would identify and what to identify, but the instructions of his superiors were to let him prepare an empty room, arrange the venue of the identification meeting, and also allow him to participate in the identification meeting.

The identification meeting began, and Guo Moruo came in with a snuff bottle in his hand. Under Guo Moruo's research, he thought that this was the snuff bottle used by the Qianlong Emperor, but he was not sure, so he invited all antique experts to identify it together. Through this identification, he also met with various antique experts, which is also part of his work.

If Guo Mo wants Puyi to be his assistant, Puyi replies with five words, and Guo Moruo has no place for himself on the spot

The experts present watched and played with them one by one, and basically agreed with Guo Moruo's conclusion. However, Puyi, who grew up in the Forbidden City, raised objections. It was pointed out on the spot that this snuff bottle was not used by the Qianlong Emperor and was a fake.

After saying the fake, Guo Moruo wanted to distinguish it, but Puyi stood up directly and used what he had seen and heard in the palace compound in the first half of his life, what he had learned and known, and explained the reason why this antique was a fake.

At the end of the conversation, everyone present was impressed by Puyi's talent. Especially Guo Moruo, he did not get angry at Puyi for pointing out his mistakes in public, but took the lead in applauding Puyi's insightful explanation.

Puyi's refusal

Looking at this thin former emperor, Guo Mo thought thoughtfully and thought: Puyi is the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, he should be proficient in Manchu, and he can be transferred to help us sort out the historical documents of the Qing Dynasty. After having this idea, Guo Moruo treated Puyi with more blue eyes, looked higher, and appreciated a few points. As soon as the antique identification meeting ended, Guo Moruo couldn't wait to find Puyi.

If Guo Mo wants Puyi to be his assistant, Puyi replies with five words, and Guo Moruo has no place for himself on the spot

"Brother Yao, can we talk about the tea house opposite?"

"Please." Seeing Guo Moruo's invitation, Puyi did not dare to slack off.

As soon as he entered the tea house, Guo Moruo opened the door and said: "Brother Yao, don't hide from you, I am now studying the history of the Qing Dynasty, but we don't understand Manchu, and we can't get started with the literature like Xiaoshan." Therefore, I would like to ask you to come out of the mountains and assist me in translating Manchu and writing a historical work for New China at an early date. ”

Hearing Guo Moruo's remarks, Puyi looked embarrassed, but finally rejected him. He replied, "I won't be full of text." ”

Guo Moruo was astonished. I thought to myself, you grew up in the Qing Palace, and you are the prince who loves the orthodoxy of the New Jue Luo clan, how can you not be Manchu?! If Guo Mo did not say these words, he looked at Puyi's determined look and turned away angrily.

If Guo Mo wants Puyi to be his assistant, Puyi replies with five words, and Guo Moruo has no place for himself on the spot

He understood that this was still an "old feudal". He was no longer willing to deal with such people. Isn't it Manchu? I don't believe that in all of China I can't find a person who can translate Manchu!

The hidden story behind it

Seeing Guo Moruo's back humming away, Puyi also felt a tightness in his heart. But there was no way, he could only make such a choice. Although he is now a qualified citizen of new China, he has always been a disciple of Ai Xinjue Luoshi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and he needs to maintain his last pride.

Although he was the emperor of the subjugated country, he would never be a slave to the subjugated country. The Qing Dynasty had been overthrown, and he did not want to think about this painful past, let alone look at the rise and fall of the Qing Dynasty for more than two hundred years, after all, the Qing Dynasty was lost in his hands.

Of course, when the Qing Dynasty fell. Puyi is still very small, and he cannot push the responsibility to Puyi. But as the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, he could not face the ancestors in this way. This was one of the reasons he refused.

If Guo Mo wants Puyi to be his assistant, Puyi replies with five words, and Guo Moruo has no place for himself on the spot

Second, as a disciple of Ai Xinjue Luoshi, as the king of the Qing Dynasty, he could not participate in the judgment of the Qing Dynasty by later generations. The history of those two hundred years is the history of the struggle, the history of enmity and resentment of the ancestors of Ai Xinjue Luoshi, and even some secret histories that cannot be passed on to the world.

As a descendant of Aisin Kyaw Roche, he could not do such an insulting act to his ancestors. Therefore, he would rather offend the chairman of the Federation than do such a thing that violates his conscience and insults his ancestors.

A change in Guo Moruo's attitude

After being rejected by Puyi, Guo Moruo was very angry. He felt that Puyi was deceiving him, and Puyi was unwilling to contribute to the cause of New China. He still has the stinky shelf of the emperor of the old era and cannot actively contribute to the construction of new China. Therefore, he wrote a letter to sue Puyi, and repeatedly satirized Puyi in public that He was not a qualified citizen of new China, but a stubborn old feudal.

If Guo Mo wants Puyi to be his assistant, Puyi replies with five words, and Guo Moruo has no place for himself on the spot

However, some time later, someone mentioned Puyi's hesitation to Guo Moruo. Especially when mentioning the above two points, Guo Moruo was ashamed to find that he was too abrupt. He was bent on handling such a major historical task in New China, but did not take into account Puyi's psychology.

Ordinary people are not willing to refute their ancestors, how can Puyi, who was the king of a country, violate such a conscience and morality? Guo Moruo was remorseful. Therefore, at an appropriate time, he apologized to Puyi on the spot, saying that he was not thoughtful enough and hoped that Puyi could understand.

brief summary

Although the last emperor Puyi had lost his aristocratic status, his talents and learning were still needed by the state, and he was a qualified Chinese citizen.

If Guo Mo wants Puyi to be his assistant, Puyi replies with five words, and Guo Moruo has no place for himself on the spot

Although Puyi failed to do any useful help to Guo Moruo in this matter, in many moments in the future, Bren is antiques, archaeology, literature and other aspects, Puyi has made great contributions.

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