
The Manchu Qing ruled for more than two hundred years, why did they fail to promote their own language and writing everywhere?

It is not difficult to overthrow a dynasty through war, but it is not easy to govern a new dynasty, and dynasties that have been replaced by poor governance in history abound, and the Qing Dynasty faced the same problem when ruling a vast territory. Because the Manchus were only hundreds of thousands of people at that time, and the population of the Han nationality in the vast inland areas under their rule had already exceeded 10 million, it was very difficult to promote new writing and languages on the basis of the already perfected language and writing, and it was possible to change it from an early age. However, in order to maintain its own rule, the Manchu Qing did not choose to do so in the end, but cooperated with hanchen as much as possible and relied on these hanchens to help govern the world. Many famous ministers of the early Qing Dynasty surrendered from the Ming Dynasty, and they naturally did not know Manchu or understand Manchu writing, and this group of people was so large that it was impractical to promote it to them. Coupled with the fact that the wars in various parts of the early Qing Dynasty were still not settled, the Qing court's main energy at this time was focused on counterinsurgency, and naturally had no time to take care of the promotion of its own Manchu language and Manchu language, which was generally used among the same ethnic groups, and was preserved with reference to the Chinese language in terms of rules and regulations. By the time the rulers of the Qing Dynasty wanted to promote it, it was too late, and the Qing emperors themselves also advocated Han culture and inherited Confucian culture as their own. I'll talk about a few things:

The Manchu Qing ruled for more than two hundred years, why did they fail to promote their own language and writing everywhere?

Manchu and Manchu situation

Manchu is not original, it is also a script created on the basis of the Mongolian script. According to the Manchurian Records of the Qing Dynasty, in 1599 AD, in order to strengthen the national identity and improve the cohesion of the nation, Nurhaci ordered two ministers, Erdene and Gagai, to borrow mongolian letters to create Manchu.

They eventually changed the Mongolian alphabet to Mandarin without circles, and then promulgated the new script began to be used by the people under their rule, which also laid the foundation for the establishment of the later Jin Dynasty.

Later, the minister Dahai added 12 characters and circled them next to the old Manchu script to make the Manchu script more perfect, which was called "New Manchu" and was used locally. It was not until the Establishment of a formal regime in Beijing after the Qing Army entered the Customs, that most of the edicts and edicts were issued in Manchu during this period, and it also became the main script used in the pao, official documents, teaching, translation, and daily life. Among them, the Shunzhi Dynasty and before the manchu recital folded, and after the Kangxi and Yongzheng dynasties, it was generally manchu and Han combined with the bibi, and there were fewer Manchu or separate Chinese.

However, over time, the number of people who spoke and wrote Manchu gradually decreased, and by 1884 AD, the number of Manchu speakers in the country was only about 40,000. The Manchu language was gradually lost after that, but it was not until the end of the Qing Dynasty that some lower classes in Beijing continued to use the Manchu language, and gradually disappeared after the founding of the Republic of China.

The Manchu Qing ruled for more than two hundred years, why did they fail to promote their own language and writing everywhere?

Why Manchu and Manchu could not be promoted during the Qing Dynasty

First of all, from the internal factors to analyze, the Manchu rulers and aristocratic groups still used Manchu and Manchu in the first and middle periods of the Qing Dynasty, but they also knew Chinese and Chinese, because they still had to use Chinese and Chinese when discussing dynastic politics and issuing edicts, and they had to understand. Although the emperors of the Qing Dynasty have always advocated that the Manchus should use Manchu and Manchu, the reality is that the Manchus cannot understand Chinese and Chinese, and you cannot communicate with people in other places, let alone govern the localities. Moreover, the rulers of the Qing Dynasty themselves also knew Chinese and Chinese, and mostly used them to handle official affairs in their daily administrative affairs, which made the imperial relatives and nobles in the dynasty even less motivated to learn Manchu.

Secondly, the territory under the rule of the Qing court was very large, and the vast majority of the population was still Han Chinese, and to rule it, it was necessary to master its script and language, which was the foundation, otherwise it would not even be understood and how to rule. Moreover, the script used in major examinations such as the imperial examination at that time was also In Chinese, so it was not feasible to forcibly promote Manchu in local provinces, which was the main reason why Manchu was not promoted.

The Manchu Qing ruled for more than two hundred years, why did they fail to promote their own language and writing everywhere?

In summary, the lack of universal popularization of Manchu and Manchu in the Qing Dynasty was the result of a combination of internal and external causes, and even the rulers had to adapt to the situation at that time.

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