
Genghis Khan's descendants, carrying ancestral seals to treasure, experts say its historical value far exceeds economic value

China's history has a long history, broad and profound, this sentence has been continuously spread, the history is also very long and rich, so many people want to know the past historical dynasties, but also want to know how these histories developed? Therefore, for the aspect of history, many experts have called for the protection of cultural relics and cherishing, only the cultural relics and buildings left over from history can make people re-examine the development of history.

Genghis Khan's descendants, carrying ancestral seals to treasure, experts say its historical value far exceeds economic value

Therefore, for cultural relics and even history books, experts advocate protection and love, in order to identify cultural relics, some TV stations have also started a treasure column, for the cultural relics left by history to find a "home". As a descendant of the ancients, many people will naturally have some treasures in their homes, so they will also be identified by the treasure column, so everyone can also have the brilliance of the strange things. Genghis Khan's descendants, carrying ancestral seals to treasure, experts say its historical value far exceeds economic value.

Genghis Khan's descendants, carrying ancestral seals to treasure, experts say its historical value far exceeds economic value

A self-proclaimed 32nd-generation grandson of Genghis Khan came with an ancestral seal to identify the treasure, and this person also made a very clear explanation for the origin of the seal: it was the official seal given to the Ao Han Prince by the Mongol prince, and the reason why this person was a descendant of the Ao Han Prince, so he had this object. And this seal is their family heirloom, for this treasure, their family is even more precious, and even his grandfather almost lost his life for this treasure.

Genghis Khan's descendants, carrying ancestral seals to treasure, experts say its historical value far exceeds economic value

It turned out that in the early days of the founding of the country, some bandits heard that this treasure was in their home, so they revealed the truth and the location of the treasure to the old man's request for a big tie, but his old man preferred to die unyieldingly and did not want to tell the truth, this treasure escaped a disaster, for this seal, the whole family paid a lot of effort, but also injected a lot of thought. Of course, the experts were also full of curiosity about this tiger seal, and after identification, they found that this object was from the early Qing Dynasty.

Genghis Khan's descendants, carrying ancestral seals to treasure, experts say its historical value far exceeds economic value

This treasure is a tiger button seal, the tiger is somewhat domineering, so look at the appearance of this is a seal used by the royal family, in addition, this seal is not gold, but silver, plus the seal used by the emperor is a dragon, obviously this is not the emperor's thing, but the prince's use of things, because only the princes can use the tiger, so extrapolated down, experts said that this thing is true, under the seal, there are Manchu characters, so this is thought to be the prince of Mongolia.

Genghis Khan's descendants, carrying ancestral seals to treasure, experts say its historical value far exceeds economic value

However, the value of this object is at least about 1.5 million, but experts say that the historical value of this object far exceeds the economic value, it is recommended to donate it, but this person said that this is his family heirloom, which was protected by his grandfather with his life, he will not sell it, nor will he donate, but will continue to pass it on as an heirloom, so that future generations know their family's mission and identity.

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