
I deeply remember Mr. Leung Hung Man

Mr. Liang Hongwen, a member of the Communist Party of China, a retired professor of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Shenzhen University, a special allowance expert of the State Council, a first-class registered architect in China, the founder and consultant chief architect of Shenzhen Tsinghuayuan Architecture and Planning Design Research Co., Ltd., died in Shenzhen on January 3, 2022 at the age of 88 due to illness.

Life of Mr. Leung Hung Man

Mr. Liang Hongwen was born in Guangzhou in December 1934. From 1953 to 1959, he studied at the Department of Architecture of Tsinghua University. After graduating in 1959, he stayed on to teach in the Department of Architecture of Tsinghua University from 1987, where he served as the director of the Art Teaching and Research Group and engaged in architectural design at the Architectural Design Institute of Tsinghua University. He has served as a teaching assistant, lecturer, associate professor, professor, director of the art teaching and research group, and participated in the national day project, Tsinghua University Mianyang Branch, Peking University Library, Chairman Mao Memorial Hall and other engineering architectural design work.

From 1983 to 1984, he participated in the campus planning and architectural design of Shenzhen University.

From 1984 to 1985, he was a visiting scholar at the University of Michigan, where he taught at the School of Art, where he taught watercolor workshops and exhibited.

From 1987 to 1995, he taught in the Department of Architecture of Shenzhen University, and engaged in architectural design work in the Architectural Design and Research Institute, and was one of the founders of the architectural discipline of Shenzhen University, during which he won the Outstanding Teacher Award of Shenzhen University many times, making great contributions to the development of the architectural discipline of Shenzhen University.

In 1995, he retired from the Department of Architecture of Shenzhen University and founded the Shenzhen Branch of the Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University (renamed Shenzhen Tsinghuayuan Architecture and Planning Design Research Co., Ltd. in 2016), serving as the chief architect of the consultant, presiding over the planning and design of many important projects, and won a number of excellent design awards.

After thousands of sails, cheerful and open-minded, laughing at life

Mr. Liang's life has been full of twists and turns. When he was assigned to the Art Teaching and Research Department when he first graduated, Mr. Liang was very distressed at first because he could not engage in the architectural design of his beloved, but in line with the principle of "obeying the needs" and the ethics of "obeying the needs" and the ethics of Tsinghua students who "obeyed the needs", he actively obeyed the work arrangement and quickly integrated into the art teaching and research department collective.

Later, for a period of time, the husband had to be separated from his four-year-old daughter, and in the cold winter, he could only live in a dormitory with no bedding on all sides, and had to work on the farm. Even so, Mr. Optimistic "When he saw the blue sky and green grass on the shore of Poyang Lake, he suddenly felt heaven, and the heavy physical labor life was so beautiful." ”

I deeply remember Mr. Leung Hung Man

Mr. Leung Hung Man as a teenager

I deeply remember Mr. Leung Hung Man

Mr. Leung Hung Man with his daughter

In 1995, when he founded the Shenzhen Branch of the Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University (now Shenzhen Tsinghuayuan Architecture and Planning Design Research Co., Ltd.), Mr. Liang, who did not understand operation and management at all, served as the executive dean and chief architect, from the project, program design to engineering drawings. Affected by the Asian financial turmoil, the industry is depressed and struggling. However, Mr. And his colleagues withstood the pressure and together developed the company and became a large-scale architectural planning and design enterprise with great influence in the Shenzhen industry.

I deeply remember Mr. Leung Hung Man

Shenzhen Tsinghuayuan Architecture and Planning Design Research Co., Ltd

Mr. Liang's life is full of ups and downs, from the upheaval of the family in his youth to several life waves in his growth, no matter what difficulties and setbacks he encounters, He can face it with a positive and optimistic attitude.

Immerse yourself in research, skilled, painting life

From 1959 to 1964, Mr. Liang stayed in the Department of Architecture as an art teacher in the Fine Arts Teaching and Research Department, assisting the director of the department, Mr. Cheng Guoying, in teaching and management. At that time, the teachers of the Art Teaching and Research Department of the Department of Architecture, who were engaged in art teaching with his husband, were mostly high-quality students who graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He often accompanies these artists to observe art exhibitions, carefully read albums and books, and go to mountain villages and ancient towns to sketch and paint. In this way, He quickly adapted to the work of art teaching and integrated into the team of artists.

I deeply remember Mr. Leung Hung Man


After 1979, Mr. Liang was transferred to the Art Teaching and Research Department for the second time and served as the director of the department, at this time a large number of teaching materials, teaching aids and fan paintings were lost, and everything had to start from scratch. Mr. Hua Yiyu followed Mr. Hua Yiyu to study the technique of architectural perspective rendering, which had a great influence and contribution to the Department of Architecture, at that time, whenever the Department of Architecture received a design project for a large public building, Mr. Hua was often responsible for drawing renderings together with Mr. Hua, and made great progress in the expression technique of architecture. In the early 1980s, at the suggestion of the head of Wu Liangyong's department, all the staff of the teaching and research department visited the Dunhuang Grottoes and admired the splendid ancient religious art for the first time, and its vast and quiet beauty traveled through time and space, touching Teacher Liang. Since then, Buddha painting has also become a hobby of Mr. Wang.

I deeply remember Mr. Leung Hung Man

The Three Witches

"Painting has become a stepping stone for my life in a different place and interpersonal communication, and I have also experienced the common language of the world in which people love nature and pursue truth, goodness, beauty and moral concepts," said mr. Li. "Painting has become a tool for Mr. Li to improve his design level and communicate with people, and it is also an inseparable and important part of his rich life.

I deeply remember Mr. Leung Hung Man

Pen Drawing

I deeply remember Mr. Leung Hung Man

Liang Hongwen Painting Collection 1, 2

Famous teachers, green areas, architectural life

When Mr. Liang Hongwen entered the Department of Architecture at Tsinghua University, Mr. Liang Sicheng served as the head of the department. Mr. Leung Si Shing is knowledgeable and humorous. In the second grade, Mr. Liang Sicheng also commented on mr. Liang's small residential design work. Mr. Liang Sicheng's architectural history courses, as well as hand-drawn and watercolor paintings, also had an indelible impact on mr. Liang's professional learning.

I deeply remember Mr. Leung Hung Man

Mr. Liang Hongwen was with Mr. Wang Tan, Mr. Li Chengzuo and other teachers and students

In addition, both Mr. Wu Liangyong and Mr. Wang Tan had an important influence on the growth of Mr. Leung Hung Man. In particular, Mr. Wu Liangyong's attention to art education and his practice of diligent painting have directly helped Him and influenced his views on the interaction between cities and architecture, nature and humanities. Mr. Wang Tan is a disciple of Mr. Wright, a master of modern architecture in the world, and the first head of the Department of Architecture of Shenzhen University, and his exposition of Wright's organic architectural and educational views has profoundly influenced Mr. Wright's design practice.

I deeply remember Mr. Leung Hung Man

Shenzhen University Campus Plan

During his time in the Department of Architecture at Tsinghua University, Mr. Liang Hongwen participated in the architectural design of the National Day Project, the Mianyang Branch of Tsinghua University, the Library of Peking University, and the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall. In 1983, under the leadership of Mr. Li Chengzuo, he participated in the campus planning and design of Shenzhen University. The design won the "Excellent Campus Planning and Design Award" issued by the China Education Commission. On this basis, Mr. Leung completed the design of the central square and the concert center. In the design, more attention is paid to the design concept of the integration of nature, planning, architecture and environmental decoration advocated by Wright, so as to "conform to nature, introduce nature into architecture, combine new technologies with local materials, and design decorative elements such as sculptures, murals, fountains, greenery, and water flow at the same time as the spatial modeling; make full use of natural ventilation and lighting, and strive for economic savings." The concert center has become a prominent representative of low-carbon and energy-saving green buildings and "here and now" regional works. The central plaza has also become a model of excellent campus space due to its conforming terrain and atmospheric wide space experience, which has been widely praised by the industry.

I deeply remember Mr. Leung Hung Man

Shenzhen University Concert Center

I deeply remember Mr. Leung Hung Man

Shenzhen University Central Plaza and Building Complex

I deeply remember Mr. Leung Hung Man

Shenzhen University Concert Center Award

I deeply remember Mr. Leung Hung Man

Shenzhen University Center Square Award

Enthusiastic and tolerant, virtuous, exemplary teacher

Mr. Leung is deeply respected and loved by teachers and students. Whether he worked at Tsinghua University or Shenzhen University, he devoted great enthusiasm to teaching. At the beginning of his career as an art teacher after graduating, mr. Li was able to quickly integrate into the teaching group, respect and care for his predecessors, enthusiastically help colleagues, and be strict and loving to students. When teaching the preliminary course of architecture at Tsinghua University, Mr. Li left the students with the introductory message of "no matter how good the article is, there is nothing else strange, just just right; being a very good person, nothing else, just the nature". All these have deeply influenced the way students govern and behave.

In 1983, when he participated in the campus planning and design of Shenzhen University, the conditions were extremely difficult. Mr. Liang took the lead in the hot sun, taking other teachers and interns from the Tsinghua Department of Architecture to investigate the site, make models, repeatedly deliberate on the plan, and then implement it step by step. When designing the concert center, due to insufficient funds, the cost was limited, in order to find suitable and cheap materials. He often takes the design team and the students involved in the design to the building materials market to repeatedly select the available materials. When you can't buy the right building components, you personally take the students to buy materials to make your own. The students not only learned solid professional knowledge with Mr. Liang, but also were subtly infected by Mr. Liang's fearless, optimistic and open-minded attitude.

I deeply remember Mr. Leung Hung Man

Mr. Leung Hung Man worked with the students to create a model of the rainwater inlet sculpture in the concert center

From 1984 to 1985, during a visiting lecture at the University of Michigan in the United States, Mr. Liang presided over the watercolor workshop at the School of Arts of the university. The final student's comment to Mr. Liang read: "I have never met such a good teacher! "The performance of American students in learning happily in the classroom, asking questions and expressing opinions without restraint, and treating teachers as friends has given Mr. Liang great inspiration and encouragement, and even influenced Mr. Liang's architectural design teaching after his return to China." In the early days of the Department of Architecture at Shenzhen University, most of them were young teachers who had just graduated from the school, and there were not many older teachers like Mr. Liang. He encourages students to speak freely, dare to express their academic views, improve their design level in discussion with teachers, and create a relaxed and free academic atmosphere in the department. In the project design, he encourages students and young teachers to participate in the design together, discuss together, and actively adopt the suggestions as long as they are reasonable. In leisure time, teachers love to chat with Mr. Wang's project team, and they can often get some design inspiration in the conversation.

I deeply remember Mr. Leung Hung Man

Mr. Liang Hongwen and his teachers are in Zhangjiajie

When Mr. Liang donated a book to the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Shenzhen University in 2018, she talked about her deep love for students and quoted a poem from the Indian poet Tagore's "Birds", which moved countless alumni:

I love three things in this world.

Sun, moon and you.

Sun for morning,

moon for night,

and you forever.

I love three,

Day, month, secretary.

The sun is the morning, the moon is the twilight,

And Qing, towards the twilight...

Sir is our respected teacher, a model for our work, life and study. She is always smiling, amiable, warm and friendly, infecting everyone around her. As she said in "Liang Hongwen Painting Collection 2": "Looking back on the past, whether it is setbacks or successes, it is the travel process of life, there is no failure or achievement to speak of, but do not forget the Tsinghua school motto of 'self-improvement, virtue and material' and the school spirit of 'hard work, deeds are better than words', and strive to do everything well, will help us to continuously overcome difficulties and make progress." Mr. Li once talked to everyone about a couplet of famous artists in the Qing Dynasty: "No rich color, no noble color, no learning color, fang is a scholar; there is a book sound, an organic sound, a child's voice, is a person" (meaning: no wealth, no magnate-like, no learned performance, but showing noble character; there is a reading sound, there is a textile sound, and there is a child laughing, which is a normal person). The gentleman said: "This is the plain and natural portrayal of life that I pursue. ”

His design works have won the Creation Award of the Architectural Society of China, the Excellence Award of Chinese Environmental Art Design, the First Prize of Excellent Educational Architecture of the Ministry of Education, the Second Prize of the Ministry of Construction, the Second Prize of Guangdong Province, and the First Prize of Shenzhen Survey and Design. She has trained many outstanding talents for the country, written a number of paintings, was named the "Top Ten Tsinghua People Who Moved Shenzhen" in the centenary celebration of Tsinghua University, and was awarded the titles of Outstanding Chief Architect of Shenzhen Survey and Design Industry and Expert with Outstanding Contributions for more than 35 years.

Mr. Treats people sincerely, optimistically, has both learning and ability, and has noble teacher morality, and is deeply respected and loved by teachers, students and colleagues. Her death is a loss to the world of architectural education and practice! Family, friends and family, faculty, students and alumni are deeply saddened!

Mr. Liang Hongwen has been around for eternity! All the way!


Mr. Liang Hongwen, retired professor of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Shenzhen University, member of the Communist Party of China, expert of special allowance of the State Council, national first-class registered architect, founder and consultant chief architect of Shenzhen Tsinghuayuan Architecture and Planning Design Research Co., Ltd., died in Shenzhen on January 3, 2022 at the age of 88 due to illness.

After learning the news of Mr. Liang's death, his former colleagues, relatives, friends, students, etc. expressed their condolences to Mr. Liang and their condolences to his family through various channels, and hoped to express their thoughts about Mr. Liang in a certain way. The family thanked all the condolences and condolences, and after fully considering everyone's feelings and some special circumstances of reality, it was finally decided not to hold a memorial service and farewell ceremony for the remains within any scope.

In order to commemorate and commemorate the wonderful life of Mr. Liang and his outstanding contributions to education, architecture and art, the family plans to hold a memorial service for Mr. Liang after the Spring Festival, and at the same time hold an exhibition of Mr. Liang's works.

The specific time, place and method of the memorial service will be announced separately after it is determined.

I hereby obituary.

School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shenzhen University

Retirement Office of Shenzhen University

January 6, 2022

Source | School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shenzhen University

Edit | Guo Jiaying

Editor-in-charge | Liao Kaidi

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