
Emperor Taizong of Liao could not make sure that the Central Plains would soon retreat north, and later Emperor Taizong of Jin would be able to handle the long-term occupation of the Central Plains

Introduction: Shi Jingyao, in order to usurp the Tang Dynasty, promised to cede youyun sixteen prefectures to the Khitan and proclaimed himself emperor. However, after Shi Chonggui succeeded to the throne, he no longer submitted to the Khitans, which annoyed Yelü Deguang and led 100,000 Khitan cavalry south to the Central Plains to occupy Kaifeng and called the emperor Liao Taizong. However, Emperor Taizong of Liao did not gain a foothold in the Central Plains, and was forced to evacuate the Central Plains on the way and died and was mummified. However, more than a hundred years later, the same Jinguo Jurchen soldiers drove south to occupy Kaifeng, which led to the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty, and the Central Plains north of the Huai River were completely destroyed. Liao and Jin also went south to Kaifeng, why didn't Liao occupy the Central Plains for a long time and Jin could?

Emperor Taizong of Liao could not make sure that the Central Plains would soon retreat north, and later Emperor Taizong of Jin would be able to handle the long-term occupation of the Central Plains

Stills of Yerushalayim light

It is said that when the Liao and Jin attacked Kaifeng, they were both historical periods when the Khitan and Jurchen nationalities were at their peak, and the results that should be dealt with against the Central Plains Dynasty should be similar. But the results are similar, but the long-term results are very different. Emperor Taizong of Liao, who claimed the title of emperor in Kaifeng, was driven back to his hometown, but the Jurchen Jin regime permanently occupied the hinterland of the Central Plains, although there were repetitions in between. Let's do a simple combing of the reasons:

Historical timing is different

When was the Central Plains when Yelü De guang went south to Kaifeng? You sang the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period when I appeared, and why did the five generations change not by military power and combat strength. Therefore, the Five Dynasties period was a historical period in which the Central Plains regime was quite strong in combat, and Yelü Deguang was able to enter Kaifeng because the Later Jin general Du Chongwei and others also fantasized about being emperors, so they did not have much resistance before they sacrificed Kaifeng City. This allowed the Khitan long drive straight in to take kaifeng.

However, no one expected that Yelü Deguang actually wanted to occupy the Magpie's Nest for a long time, which made these arrogant generals of the five generations annoyed. The surrounding regimes did not agree to it, and at this time, the pride of the Tang Dynasty remained, and no one could claim to a Fan state. The forces of the brigade against the Khitan rose and fell, and Liu Zhiyuan had already proclaimed himself emperor in Taiyuan to establish the Later Han regime. We will give an example of the combat strength of the Five Dynasties period, and later Zhou Chairong did not fall behind in fighting against the already stable and powerful Liao. Yelü Deguang could not stand in the Central Plains at all, and could only retreat back to his hometown.

Emperor Taizong of Liao could not make sure that the Central Plains would soon retreat north, and later Emperor Taizong of Jin would be able to handle the long-term occupation of the Central Plains

Unlike the Jin Dynasty, the newborn Jin Dynasty faced the Northern Song Dynasty, which was emasculated by the martial arts; the Northern Song Dynasty, which was accustomed to using literature to control the martial arts; and the Northern Song Dynasty, which had no status and sense of honor for the warriors. At this time, the Northern Song Dynasty had long since lost the domineering spirit of the southern conquest and northern warfare during the founding period. Can the rising Jurchens see that the rich Northern Song Dynasty and the army of straw bales can not be covetous? Can such an army serve the rivals of the Golden State?

When the Song and Jin allies to destroy the Liao, and the Liao regime is about to be destroyed, the Northern Song Sent Tong Guan to lead more than 100,000 troops to attack Youzhou in a vain attempt to take advantage of the chaos to retake Youyun Sixteen Prefectures. The result? The two miscellaneous mourners led by Yelü Dashi were beaten by the fart and urine stream, and they were defeated. In the end, you had to spend money to redeem Youzhou City, do you think such an army can not be underestimated? It was also this battle that the Jin State saw the fact that the Northern Song Dynasty was defeated outside the Jin Yu, and had the idea of attacking Kaifeng in the Central Plains in the south.

Emperor Taizong of Liao could not make sure that the Central Plains would soon retreat north, and later Emperor Taizong of Jin would be able to handle the long-term occupation of the Central Plains

Different forms and methods of rule also led to the Long-term occupation of the Central Plains by the Jin Dynasty

The Khitan Yelü Deguang vainly sought to achieve direct rule in the Central Plains, a warlord who was impossible to accept at that time, both the people's hearts and the warlords with heavy troops. The Central Plains are occupied by you Khitans, what should we do? These warlords were still waiting for a change of dynasty, which made Liu Zhiyuan quickly proclaim himself emperor in Taiyuan and establish the Later Han regime.

After the Jin state occupied Kaifeng, it quickly withdrew, and successively formed Zhang Bangchang's puppet Chu regime and pseudo-Qi regime to rule the Central Plains, and did not directly rule itself. Therefore, how the pseudo-Qi expropriated and violently expropriated the Central Plains has no direct relationship with the Jin Dynasty, and can be pushed onto the puppet regime. At about the same time that zhongyuan was plagued by the puppet regime, the direct rule of the Jin state coupled with the relatively moderate means of rule in the hinterland of the Central Plains was relatively smoothly occupied by the Jin state for a long time.

Emperor Taizong of Liao could not make sure that the Central Plains would soon retreat north, and later Emperor Taizong of Jin would be able to handle the long-term occupation of the Central Plains

The will of the people is different from the will to resist

After occupying Kaifeng, Yelü Deguang burned and killed and plundered without evil, and also directly occupied the Central Plains. Originally, it was in line with the hearts of the people of the Central Plains that Emperor Shi Chonggui of the Later Jin Dynasty did not submit to the Khitans, so even if Shi Chonggui was defeated and taken back to the north, everyone hated the Khitan even more. Coupled with the strong combat effectiveness of the military generals and the strong will to change dynasties during the Five Dynasties period, it is not surprising that Yelü Deguang was forced to withdraw his troops.

Looking at the Jin Dynasty, it was indeed stained with the light of the Liao regime, and the Liao's han rule over Youyun and other places was different from the Khitan rule area. The Golden State, which was still in the era of slavery, was even more brutal and powerful. Therefore, when the Jurchens attacked Kaifeng, the frightened Emperor Gaozong of Song had already fled to Jiangnan. Although there were also rebels in the Central Plains who resisted, who could be dead in the escape policy implemented by the emperor. Moreover, after the success of the First World War, the Jin Dynasty quickly withdrew and ruled through the establishment of a puppet regime.

Emperor Taizong of Liao could not make sure that the Central Plains would soon retreat north, and later Emperor Taizong of Jin would be able to handle the long-term occupation of the Central Plains

brief summary:

To sum up, the Jin Dynasty was able to occupy the Central Plains for a long time only when it implemented the appropriate policies in the appropriate historical period that it was able to occupy the Central Plains for a long time. The Khitan Yelü de Guang was not available at all times and places, so he could only be driven back to his hometown.

I am the emperor of history, welcome your attention; if there is a flaw, the axe is right.

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