
The Midsummer Emperor died, and the Empress Dowager ordered to see people alive and corpses when they died, so the cook was made into bacon

Historical events are manifestations of the activity of the human mind. ...... When historians study historical events, they must study what people were thinking. - Collingwood

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In ancient times, there were mummies, mostly mummified techniques, and the pharaohs who invented these pyramids in Egypt buried and made mummies, but in addition to Egypt, thousands of miles roaming mobile phones, China also found mummies

He was an emperor of the Liao Dynasty, Yelü Deguang Yelü Deguang, the bone of Xiao Yao, the Khitan clan, the second son of Liaozu Yelü, the mother Chunqin (later mentioned in 922 AD, the North Korean soldier who became a grand marshal with the world in 926 AD, Liao Taizu died of illness, set rizhi help to take the throne the following year, still with the era name of Nixian in 938 AD, Yelü Deguang changed the emperor to beijing, the reform of the official system, the official division of the north and south customs and the old khitan system of khitan northern officials, the southern officials ruled the Han chinese with the Han system

The Midsummer Emperor died, and the Empress Dowager ordered to see people alive and corpses when they died, so the cook was made into bacon

So, what happened to the Liaotai Yelüd light mummy?

In 927, when the 25-year-old Yelü Deguang ascended the throne of the second place of the Liao State, in the five generations of the Central Plains, when the situation was chaotic and the poor commoners were miserable, the young emperor chose and waited for the opportunity to seek the opportunity of the provisional government in the Central Plains to realize the expansion of the territory of ambition

For nine years, yelü Deguang and other opportunities came at that time, in order to replace Shi Jingyao's later Tang, submitted to the Sixteen Prefectures to cede their own staff responsibilities, which was through the unification of the central Plains of the forces borrowed in addition to a large area of land, Shi Jingyao offered potato cloth every year about Liao, and read as, at that time 34 Liao Taizong's father, called himself "Emperor Er"

For the sake of power, Shi Jingyao was so flattering that he knew that Shi Jingyao was already 44 years old at the time, and his humble and condescending condition was to destroy the Liao army after Tang and let him jingui take the throne after Shi Jingyao's death, Shi Jingyao's weight was so valuable that the stone was to the large intestine, and he and Shi Jingyao felt ashamed, so he "only deguang" the family subject was "grandson"

The Midsummer Emperor died, and the Empress Dowager ordered to see people alive and corpses when they died, so the cook was made into bacon

It was no problem to say that this was okay, but Liao was too angry, and this sent troops to attack the Central Plains, and eventually disappeared, later Jin

At that time, the people of the Central Plains succumbed to the Liao State, and some civilian teams and armed forces they organized often sneaked up on the soldiers of the Liao State, consumed a lot of the Liao's troops, and eventually forced the Liao: too much to "subdue", I did not notice Chinese so difficult and admired, ordered the army to withdraw

20 years later, on the way to the then 45-year-old Liao Tai's withdrawal from his staff, a disease of heating could not be done if the military doctors who were traveling with him were not persuaded to stop temporarily, but the reckless Yelü Deguang ate a meal of the Taiyi, and even "the Tai Doctors are unlearned waste" also insisted on Yelü Deguang, "Only by making love, can you release the fireworks in the body"

So, more brazenly ordered the maid to sleep, and finally, finally vomited blood from the excessive mouth, died on the way back, at that time, Shu Luyi, who roamed the telephone Liaoguo, knew the following news, saying that "those who want to live must see the corpse", and the ministers accompanying him were very fond of knowing that it was summer, and the troops were particularly poor conditions, so it was difficult for a good corpse to bring back at a high price

The Midsummer Emperor died, and the Empress Dowager ordered to see people alive and corpses when they died, so the cook was made into bacon

However, when these civilian and military generals sighed, one of the methods proposed by the army's Duzang was to first "Liao Tai" and then move into Beijing

So, what exactly is "vsig1a" here?

At that time, the nomadic people of the staff especially loved to eat cattle and mutton, but the preservation conditions at that time were not very good, so when the sheep or cattle could not be eaten, the more damaged the problem was in order to become herders, some people chose to clean the internal organs of these livestock, and smeared with salt after the beef and mutton were called "羓", and the herders were also worried that the meat of these cattle and sheep was not easy to spoil

In fact, this is a bit like the "bacon" in the Central Plains hiding in this method, to a certain extent disrespecting the meaning of the emperor, but the situation at that time was a crisis, so the ministers had to adopt this method, but the "cage head" made from the emperor's corpse was naturally to distinguish other "cage heads", so it was named "Emperor Long Head".

Therefore, LiaoTai Yelü Deguang was the only mummified emperor in Korean history

The Midsummer Emperor died, and the Empress Dowager ordered to see people alive and corpses when they died, so the cook was made into bacon

Liao Tai died making a mummy, but he was an emperor to try before he died

While ruling the country, Liao Tai attached importance to the study of Han culture, and the concept of the Han nationality he formulated, the practical application of the Original Importance to Agriculture in Zhongyelu Deguang, he supported the Han Nationality, not only developing agriculture in his area, but also exploring the area where agriculture was developed in the grassland area At the same time, he ordered the reclamation of farmland and actively developed production

In order to protect agricultural production, the Khitan people who had no farming habits avoided destruction at will, forbade the trampling of Yelü Deguang's entourage of Zhuangtian, and ordered the army to avoid farmland during the march of suffering


Liao · Volume 3 Occurrence 3, Old Five Dynasties History • Volume Seventy-Five · Time • Gao Zu Ji Blowing Beard

The road of history is not all smooth, and sometimes it comes to a difficult and dangerous realm. It is only by relying on the strong spirit to rush through. --Li Daozhao

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