
If Zhang Liao defected to Liu Bei, who among the Five Tigers would be replaced? The comparison is clear at a glance

In ancient times, it was actually a very common thing for civilian generals to change masters, after all, in the chaotic world, the human lord needed talents to control the situation in the world, and the able people also needed to survive and complete the way to complete their life ambitions. In the chaotic world of the Three Kingdoms, this phenomenon became extremely common.

If Zhang Liao defected to Liu Bei, who among the Five Tigers would be replaced? The comparison is clear at a glance

The three kingdoms of Wei, Shu, and Wu all went through a long period of struggle to achieve a short period of peace and stability. Wei Guowen had Cheng Yu, Sima Yi, and Wu had five sons; Shu Guowen had Zhuge Liang, Fazheng, and Wu had five tiger generals; Wu Guowen had the Twelve Tiger Ministers of Jiangdong, and Wu had four governors. If Zhang Liao, the head of the Five Sons of the State of Wei, surrendered to Liu Bei, who among the Five Tiger Generals would be replaced?

If Zhang Liao defected to Liu Bei, who among the Five Tigers would be replaced? The comparison is clear at a glance

First of all, we must introduce the following Zhang Liao, Zhang Liao has followed Ding Yuan, Dong Zhuo, Lü Bu and others, and later Lü Bu was defeated by Cao Cao, and Cao Cao, who loved Talent, liked Zhang Liao very much and persuaded him to surrender. After that, Zhang Liao followed Cao Cao in his southern expedition to the north, made great military achievements, and became a very key general of Cao Wei, ranking first among the five sons of Liang. Once worked with Guan Yu to break the siege of Baima, break wuhuan in the north, and set Hefei in the south. Sun Quan personally dressed up several times, but he was beaten back by Zhang Liao. Sun Quan once commented on Zhang Liao: "Although Zhang Liao is ill, he should not be treated as well, be cautious! ”

If Zhang Liao defected to Liu Bei, who among the Five Tigers would be replaced? The comparison is clear at a glance

Later generations spoke highly of Zhang Liao, one was that he was as loyal to the lord as Guan Yu, and the other was that he had the wind of the Five Tigers, and his strategy and martial arts could be called a famous general at that time! If Zhang Liao had defected to Liu Bei at the beginning, then one of the Five Tiger Generals would have been Zhang Liao's seat. So who will be replaced?

If Zhang Liao defected to Liu Bei, who among the Five Tigers would be replaced? The comparison is clear at a glance

Guan Zhang and zhang were the brothers of Liu Bei Taoyuan Jieyi, and they were themselves highly skilled in martial arts, and they both had the title of ten thousand enemies during the Three Kingdoms period, plus the time they followed Liu Bei's southern expedition to the northern war, no one in the Shu Han camp could match, so it was estimated that it would be difficult for Zhang Liao to replace these two people. Zhao Yun followed Liu Bei when Liu Bei was defeated by Cao Cao and entered Yuan Shao's account, although there was no long time for Guan Zhang and Zhang to follow, but Zhao Yun was loyal and courageous, loyal to Liu Bei, never had two hearts, and even fought to the death to protect Liu Bei's son, plus Zhao Yun was recognized as a good general at that time, and the martial arts were perfect, so Zhang Liao could not take his place.

If Zhang Liao defected to Liu Bei, who among the Five Tigers would be replaced? The comparison is clear at a glance

So who will Ma Chao and Huang Zhong be squeezed out of the five tiger generals? The comprehensive historical analysis should be Ma Chao. Although Huang Zhong was old, he was one of the most important founding heroes of the Shu State, and Ma Chao did not have much of a high position in the Shu army, and he did not have any outstanding contributions after defecting to Liu Bei. Therefore, if Zhang Liao defected to Liu Bei, Ma Chao would be replaced!

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