
Nicholas Tse confessed that after 20 years of falling in love with Faye Wong, the eldest son is no longer silent! Did it really roll over this time?

author:A pleasure

The emotional entanglement of stars in the entertainment industry is sometimes even more exciting than film and television dramas, which often surprises the melon-eating masses. And the emotional stories between those big stars are simply a hot topic in the entertainment industry, even after a long time, it is difficult to forget. Let's talk about the story between Nicholas Tse, Faye Wong and Cecilia Cheung, which is like an emotional series spanning a long time, from their youth to the present, the emotional entanglement between them is still talked about. Now they are no longer top stars. However, when people mention these three people, the topic continues.

Nicholas Tse's son has also grown up, so he will also talk about his father's feelings in front of the media. According to Tse Ting-feng's eldest son, from the time he and his brother remembered, they were rarely cared for by Tse Ting-feng, and on weekdays, the two children rarely saw their father, and they were very strange to Tse Ting-feng. And the growth and education of Nicholas Tse's two sons fell on Cecilia Cheung's body. The eldest son also said: Nicholas Tse is not a qualified father, he is not worthy of Cecilia Cheung. This is an elaboration from Tse Tingfeng's eldest son, which surprised many netizens, and everyone complained and questioned Tse Tingfeng's character. Is Nicholas Tse really going to overturn this time? What the hell is going on here?

Nicholas Tse confessed that after 20 years of falling in love with Faye Wong, the eldest son is no longer silent! Did it really roll over this time?

First, the reason for the divorce of Cecilia Cheung and Nicholas Tse.

Mention Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong, you can't avoid Cecilia Cheung, another big star in the Hong Kong entertainment industry. Compared with Nicholas Tse, a star born with a golden spoon, Cecilia Cheung is much inferior. When Nicholas Tse was very popular, Cecilia Cheung was still struggling to develop in the entertainment industry.

However, although Cecilia Cheung has no resources in the entertainment industry, with her clever and clever personality, as well as the character of a wide range of good friends, and the appearance that people like at a glance. Cecilia Cheung soon climbed the tall branch, that is, Chen Yushu, cecilia Cheung recognized him as "dry daddy". With this relationship, Cecilia Cheung has gained a lot of filming resources in the entertainment industry, and has also gained a lot of fame.

Nicholas Tse confessed that after 20 years of falling in love with Faye Wong, the eldest son is no longer silent! Did it really roll over this time?

After the female star became popular, it will inevitably attract the attention of some men, including Chen Guanxi, a big star who later sensationalized the entertainment industry. According to relevant media reports, Chen Guanxi's family is very wealthy, and the strength is also very strong, this brother, likes to shoot with young and beautiful female stars in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, and there is a habit, that is, he likes to record some things in the way of taking pictures.

It is Chen Guanxi's habit that directly leads to some of the things in the back. Everyone knows this, so I won't mention it again. Although Cecilia Cheung and Chen Guanxi have no results in their feelings, Cecilia Cheung has also more or less received a lot of benefits in her career. Later, Cecilia Cheung also became a popular first-line female star in Hong Kong at that time.

Nicholas Tse confessed that after 20 years of falling in love with Faye Wong, the eldest son is no longer silent! Did it really roll over this time?

Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung, two young people of similar age, are often hyped up by the entertainment media. But at that time, Nicholas Tse only liked Faye Wong, but due to the age gap and the opposition of his parents, Tse Tingfeng and Faye Wong did not become dependents at the beginning of the two thousand years. Later, Faye Wong married Li Yapeng, and the lost Nicholas Tse also chose to marry Cecilia Cheung. After marriage, the two soon had an eldest son, and within a few years they had a second son. In the eyes of outsiders, the family is very happy.

Nicholas Tse confessed that after 20 years of falling in love with Faye Wong, the eldest son is no longer silent! Did it really roll over this time?

However, the matter of Cecilia Cheung and Chen Guanxi pushed Cecilia Cheung to the cusp of the storm, and everyone criticized Cecilia Cheung. This sound also seems to have affected the stability of Tse Ting-feng and Cecilia Cheung's family. Under the continuous rendering of the outside world, Nicholas Tse also divorced Cecilia Cheung soon after.

Time passed, and later according to the media interview Cecilia Cheung learned that although Cecilia Cheung and Nicholas Tse have been married for many years, Tse Tingfeng seems to have been thinking of Faye Wong in his heart, and emotionally he still thinks about Faye Wong. There is no substantial love for Cecilia Cheung at all. Later, they had children, and Nicholas Tse also loved to ignore them, rarely went home, and seemed very indifferent. Through these things, it can be seen that Tse Tingfeng and Cecilia Cheung divorced seemingly because of Chen Guanxi, but in fact it is because Tse Tingfeng's heart is not in Cecilia Cheung's body at all, but has always stayed in Faye Wong.

Nicholas Tse confessed that after 20 years of falling in love with Faye Wong, the eldest son is no longer silent! Did it really roll over this time?

Second, Nicholas Tse's children lack paternal love.

From the words spoken by Tse Ting-feng's eldest son, we can see that this child is very eager for father's love, but Tse Ting-feng has rarely given true fatherly love to children for a long time. In real life, whether it is an ordinary family or a celebrity family, father's love is an indispensable emotion. Once the father's love is missing, it will inevitably cause a huge shadow in the child's soul. Even if Nicholas Tse has no love for Cecilia Cheung, he should not be indifferent to his children, and from this point of view, he is obviously not a qualified good father. Therefore, netizens are criticizing Nicholas Tse. In fact, this is also excusable.

Nicholas Tse confessed that after 20 years of falling in love with Faye Wong, the eldest son is no longer silent! Did it really roll over this time?

Third, Nicholas Tse should take care of the children, and it is indeed not easy for Cecilia Cheung to take care of the children alone.

Regarding marriage and divorce in the entertainment industry, it is very frequent, and it is said that this is glass love, which is broken at the touch. The two have no feelings, and divorce is normal, but for children, the two must have the responsibility to raise and accompany the children together. I think raising children is secondary, and more important. The classes I take, some of the children with poor grades, are often caused by the lack of parental company. Therefore, sometimes when I encounter some children with unsatisfactory grades, when I see parents criticizing their children for not working hard, I hate their parents very much. But I can't say.

Nicholas Tse confessed that after 20 years of falling in love with Faye Wong, the eldest son is no longer silent! Did it really roll over this time?

After Tse Ting-feng and Cecilia Cheung divorced, cecilia Cheung took care of the children's living life, a person silently paid attention to the growth of the child, a woman raised two children, and people who have been mothers should all know, it is very tired. And it's still a boy. At that time, Nicholas Tse only cared about his own feelings and was at ease with Faye Wong. He forgot that he was still a father and never said that he would take time to spend with his children.

When the child is sick, the only one who accompanies the child is Cecilia Cheung. Pain, crying, or tired, only Cecilia Cheung accompanied by the child's side, Tse TingFeng, as a father, should not help? Even if the two have no feelings, at least in front of the child, they still have to do their part! This responsibility is more about companionship than financial support.

Nicholas Tse confessed that after 20 years of falling in love with Faye Wong, the eldest son is no longer silent! Did it really roll over this time?

Although you are no longer Cecilia Cheung's husband, you are still the father of the child! Is it so hard to bear not to accompany the child for the sake of your own love? And Tse Tingfeng's two sons reacted particularly to their father, especially Xie Zhenxuan, who had little good feelings for his father. He said that his father had hardly participated in his own life, even if he took himself out to play, he had never been, and his mother was with him. I have to say that Nicholas Tse is indeed too derelict in his duties. A person can fight for love, but if he gives up even his own children, it seems excessive.

People's hearts are all flesh, even if Nicholas Tse takes a little time to accompany the child, he will not let the child hate him so much. A child's childhood is important, and if the parents are absent, this is bound to cause psychological harm to them during their growth.

Nicholas Tse confessed that after 20 years of falling in love with Faye Wong, the eldest son is no longer silent! Did it really roll over this time?

Fourth, I think that the love of FengFei has reached an end.

I think that at that time, perhaps Faye Wong saw that Xie Tingfeng was still a young man in his early twenties, not stable and mature enough, so she did not agree to Xie Tingfeng's pursuit and instead married Li Yapeng. But it turned out that Faye Wong and Li Yapeng were also inappropriate, and in the end they chose to divorce. Nicholas Tse liked Faye Wong at the beginning, but what he didn't get was that Tse Tingfeng reluctantly married Cecilia Cheung.

However, judging from what happened later, Nicholas Tse's heart has always been on Faye Wong's body, and Faye Wong also has Tse Tingfeng in her heart. After several times of division and merger, both of them have reached middle age, their personalities have changed a lot, they are more cautious about their feelings, and they are quite stable. They are now back together, which should be the result of careful consideration. I believe that after so many years of emotional setbacks, they should cherish each other doubly. I reckon feng fei lian has also reached an end point.

Nicholas Tse confessed that after 20 years of falling in love with Faye Wong, the eldest son is no longer silent! Did it really roll over this time?

In the relationship, these three people are not right or wrong.

Judging from the emotional entanglement of these three people for so many years, in fact, the audience can also find that the reluctant marriage is difficult to maintain for a long time, and only practical love is the basis for the stability of marriage, and it is also the source of a happy life. Therefore, when young people get married, they must be based on love in order to harvest a happy marriage.

Nicholas Tse confessed that after 20 years of falling in love with Faye Wong, the eldest son is no longer silent! Did it really roll over this time?

It is said that love does not distinguish between right and wrong, once you love, you must be together with a dead heart, and once you do not love, you must decisively separate. Regarding the love between Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung, when the two people were married at that time, many people were envious, saying that they were true love and believed that they would always be happy. But they don't want to, they are still divorced, maybe they don't love, maybe they don't love at all.

Nicholas Tse confessed that after 20 years of falling in love with Faye Wong, the eldest son is no longer silent! Did it really roll over this time?

Even if there is no right or wrong in feelings, when it comes to responsibility, it is obvious. Many people say that Nicholas Tse has never loved Cecilia Cheung, if Tse Tingfeng and Cecilia Cheung have no feelings, then why did Tse Tingfeng marry Cecilia Cheung in the first place? Obviously, they must have loved each other at the beginning, but they didn't love each other deeply. After Nicholas Tse was with Cecilia Cheung, many people also said that Cecilia Cheung was a small third step. Nicholas Tse has said in the media more than once that Cecilia Cheung is not a junior.

Nicholas Tse confessed that after 20 years of falling in love with Faye Wong, the eldest son is no longer silent! Did it really roll over this time?

Even after the matter between Cecilia Cheung and Chen Guanxi was later exposed, everyone thought that the marriage of these two people was in jeopardy, and at this time, Nicholas Tse impressed the audience, he constantly defended his wife in front of the media, and said that he did not care about Cecilia Cheung's past, who has not passed?

At that time, everyone thought that Tse Tingfeng was very generous and hoped that they could be happy, but there was no problem on the surface, but privately they had already quarreled continuously. Until the divorce, neither party said why. The reason for their real divorce is unknown, if Nicholas Tse does not care about the past of Cecilia Cheung and Chen Guanxi, they still get along as good friends, then why did they divorce later?

Nicholas Tse confessed that after 20 years of falling in love with Faye Wong, the eldest son is no longer silent! Did it really roll over this time?

Could it be that Nicholas Tse has loved Faye Wong from beginning to end? No love for Cecilia Cheung at all? In love, the most feared thing is that two people do not love, but the child has become a concerned person. It is said that divorce is the greatest harm to children, two children after their divorce, almost all of them are pulled up by Cecilia Cheung, Nicholas Tse as a father, in addition to giving maintenance every month, in his spare time, he has never taken two children out to play, let alone took his children to participate in the show together.

On Nicholas Tse's social media, in addition to posting some things with Faye Wong, his children's things are rarely mentioned. Even if Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong are living happily now, there are still many viewers who are against them.

Nicholas Tse confessed that after 20 years of falling in love with Faye Wong, the eldest son is no longer silent! Did it really roll over this time?

Sixth, feelings can follow the heart, but must be responsible for the child.

The feelings of the entertainment industry have always been very complicated, it is normal to divide and merge, for Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse, there are also many viewers who express their blessings, they dare to love and hate, and they can do nothing for love.

Love can do whatever you want, but marriage can't, and marriage requires a sense of responsibility. This may be the reason why Faye Wong and Nicholas Tse have not been married, the two have always seemed to be in love in front of the media, and live in harmony, but there is no news of marriage.

Nicholas Tse confessed that after 20 years of falling in love with Faye Wong, the eldest son is no longer silent! Did it really roll over this time?

Some people can be righteous for the sake of feelings, but there are also some people who choose not to marry for the sake of children, Nicholas Tse belongs to the former, while Cecilia Cheung belongs to the latter, obviously the latter is much greater. When people reach middle age and have children, emotional things are no longer as important as children.

So all along, Cecilia Cheung has been respected by people, who did not make mistakes when they were young? However, to know that mistakes can be changed, after having children, Cecilia Cheung spent at least two-thirds of her time and energy on the children, and rarely had her own life.

Nicholas Tse confessed that after 20 years of falling in love with Faye Wong, the eldest son is no longer silent! Did it really roll over this time?

A woman, after becoming a mother, her eyes are full of children, she does not dare to have too much luxury, Cecilia Cheung's every step of the plan, will involve the child, this is the real love for the child. In such a comparison, the love between Nicholas Tse and Faye Wong is much thinner. The love of these two people can be described as arbitrary, completely following their own hearts, both people have no sense of family responsibility, or the same as when they are in love with young people. Purely for the sake of love together, if two people are still in the absence of marriage, such love is sung by people.

Nicholas Tse confessed that after 20 years of falling in love with Faye Wong, the eldest son is no longer silent! Did it really roll over this time?

However, both of them have children and families! Even if they are divorced, they still play the role of father and mother, but has Faye Wong fulfilled her mother's responsibilities? How does Nicholas Tse be a father? Even if the two of them can give up everything for love, they still can't get the blessing of the outside world. Love has long been mixed with a lot of substances, and it is impossible to be pure. Therefore, no matter how happy their love is, there will always be a voice of doubt.

Nicholas Tse confessed that after 20 years of falling in love with Faye Wong, the eldest son is no longer silent! Did it really roll over this time?

7. Summary.

It is said that the feelings of the entertainment industry are complicated, so why not be the same in real life? People's feelings now cannot be compared with those of previous people, and in the past, people never put divorce on their lips, and now people, as long as their feelings are slightly frustrated, they must be divorced. If the two parties really have no feelings, divorce is also the best choice, if there is no feelings, stalemate together, it is not good for the growth of children.

In terms of feelings, young people must think carefully and think about their future lives, even if they are divorced, they must also consider all aspects, not just for themselves. Life is not a one-man affair, and we cannot be emotional.

Nicholas Tse confessed that after 20 years of falling in love with Faye Wong, the eldest son is no longer silent! Did it really roll over this time?

Feelings are not children's play, after all, there is still responsibility, feelings can be said not to love, but if there are children, you must fulfill your responsibilities as parents, even if you are divorced, you can also raise and accompany your children together.

Does that child not want to have a happy family? What child doesn't want his father to fall in love with his mother? Every child with psychological defects has more or less parental emotional problems.

As a parent, you must be cautious, if two people really come to the end of their feelings and are divorced, I hope that the love for the child is still from beginning to end, and do not lack the responsibility of being a parent. Finally, I wish that all lovers in the world will eventually become dependents, and at the same time, I wish all children a complete home.

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