
#Three-child policy open##Three-child##三胎之后, do you know what else is trivial in life? #正在三胎坐月子的我, I no longer have the momentum of courage I had. It was an accident

author:Sen Miao SMaaKh

#Three-child policy open#


#三胎之后, do you know what other trivialities are in life? #

I was confinement with three children, and I no longer had the momentum of courage. When we had three children unexpectedly, we also thought about many problems that might occur after three children, and we were ready to face everything. Because it is life, cherish it!

At that time, the three-child policy had not yet been implemented, and we withstood all kinds of talks, public opinion, pressure, and perhaps no work to save the three-child force.

Dabao is 10 years old and can take care of himself, but he finds that the 3-year-old Erbao has a feeling of being ignored at once...

In the past, everyone revolved around the second treasure, a variety of games every day, the second treasure was long and the second treasure was short ~ Now, how much water the second treasure drank in a day was not taken care of, how to correctly use the tableware during the meal, not to mention the parent-child game cloud cloud...

Then, Erbao got sick... Everyone, it is even more seven hands and eight feet~

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