
This simple and effective way to protect your heart, don't miss out on the new year! 【Healthy and Happy New Year】(59)

This simple and effective way to protect your heart, don't miss out on the new year! 【Healthy and Happy New Year】(59)

"Life is in motion", the benefits of exercise are known to everyone, but when it comes to really exercising, there are always people who can find ten thousand reasons to shirk:

"I'm too busy at work to exercise."

"When I wanted to exercise, my phone got tangled around me, my pet kept me, and even my bed hypnotized me."

Heart disease patients have a good reason - "the heart is not good, need to rest." ”

In fact, whether it is for healthy people or heart disease patients, moderate and scientific exercise is a very important way to protect the heart.

New Year and new atmosphere, let's move together in science and start a new journey of protecting the heart!

This simple and effective way to protect your heart, don't miss out on the new year! 【Healthy and Happy New Year】(59)

So, how should we exercise scientifically and in moderation? Especially for heart disease patients, how should they exercise?

Before exercising, first understand the personal medical history and family medical history, and assess the physical condition. Encourage the development of exercise programs under the guidance of a family doctor or professional, and it is recommended to first go to a medical institution for cardiopulmonary exercise tests, such as a flat exercise test or cardiopulmonary function test. Doctors prescribe personalized exercise based on an objective quantitative functional assessment.

The science movement has a "three-step process"

Step 1: Warm up

That is, the preparation activities before exercise, you can perform freehand exercises, stretching, walking, etc., for 5 minutes to 10 minutes.

Step 2: Formal movement

The form of exercise is recommended to be based on aerobic exercise, such as running, swimming, upper and lower limb power cars, climbing stairs, etc. On this basis, drag training is added, such as dumbbells, tensioners, counterweight strength equipment, flexibility training, etc. Start from 10 minutes each time, gradually increase the exercise time to 30 minutes to 60 minutes, exercise at least 3 times a week, preferably more than 5 times.

Step 3: Tidy up

That is, the relaxation and consolidation activities after exercise to relieve muscle tension for 5 minutes to 10 minutes.

This simple and effective way to protect your heart, don't miss out on the new year! 【Healthy and Happy New Year】(59)

Many people express doubts, often saying that exercise should be moderate, and what are the standards for moderate moderation?

First of all, it is recommended to start with low-intensity exercise, gradually increase, step by step, and also be vigilant about whether there are symptoms of physical discomfort during exercise. Slight sweating during exercise, slightly accelerated breathing, does not affect the dialogue, relaxed and pleasant after exercise, no continuous fatigue or other discomfort, after the end of exercise, the heart rate after rest for 5 minutes to 10 minutes to recover is the appropriate amount.

People who are mainly based on physical labor, should pay attention to the combination of work and leisure, avoid overwork, and change a relaxed way of exercising after a period of work, reduce muscle soreness and stiffness, eliminate physical fatigue, but the amount and intensity of exercise should not be too large. Some special groups, such as pregnant women, the elderly, chronic disease patients (including heart disease patients), the disabled, etc., are recommended to exercise under the guidance of doctors and sports professionals.

Three exercises are recommended for patients with heart disease

Walking can improve cardiopulmonary function and cardiopulmonary endurance, significantly increase the undulation of the heart, improve coronary circulation, and reduce the probability of cardiovascular disease and cardiac emergencies. You can walk for 20 minutes to 1 hour at a time, once to 2 times a day. If your physical condition permits, you can appropriately increase your walking speed.

Taijiquan Tai Chi Chuan has gentle movements and has a good preventive effect on hypertension and heart disease. In general, patients with better physical strength can practice old-fashioned tai chi, and those with poor physical strength can practice simplified tai chi. Can not play a full set, can play half a set, weak and poor memory can only practice individual movements, sections of practice, do not have to be coherent.

Swimming heart disease is mild, the doctor evaluates the heart and lung function is appropriate, the physical strength is better, and the person who can swim can completely adhere to swimming exercise. It's just that swimming has a higher load on the heart, so be sure to moderate it. If you find it uncomfortable, you must go ashore in time, the water temperature is too cold, it is best not to go into the water.

Author: Zhang Yang, deputy director of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Clinic of Jilin Central Hospital

Review: Expert of the National Health Science Popularization Expert Database

Cai Jun, chief physician of Fuwai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences

Planner: Tan Jia Yu Yunxi

Editor: Liang Jing

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