
Heartache! Both brothers drowned! The swimming champion demonstrated the self-rescue method →

author:Love Guangrao

Summer temperatures climb

Playing in the water together has become the first choice for children

But then came the drowning accident

Happens all the time

Since June of this year

Many children and adolescents have drowned



Shaoyang City, Hunan Province

Heartache! Both brothers drowned! The swimming champion demonstrated the self-rescue method →

On June 16, a water accident occurred in a puddle downstream of Zhongzhou Power Station in Sangesi Town, Longhui County, Shaoyang City, Hunan Province, resulting in two deaths. The deceased were verified to be two local children aged 9. After a preliminary investigation by the public security department, it was found that he accidentally fell into the water and drowned.


Yueyang City, Hunan Province

Heartache! Both brothers drowned! The swimming champion demonstrated the self-rescue method →

On June 15, in Yueyang City, Hunan Province, a child fell into the water in the Daoren Reservoir in Daoren Village, Maotian Town, Yueyang County, and a pair of brothers drowned in the reservoir, the elder brother was 10 years old and the younger brother was 6 years old.

Heartache! Both brothers drowned! The swimming champion demonstrated the self-rescue method →
Heartache! Both brothers drowned! The swimming champion demonstrated the self-rescue method →
Heartache! Both brothers drowned! The swimming champion demonstrated the self-rescue method →

According to incomplete statistics from the National Health Commission and the Ministry of Public Security

In 2023, there will be a total of 17,504 drowning accidents across the country

More than 30,000 people were killed and more than 50,000 injured

Younger children and adolescents

It is a high-risk group for drowning accidents

Strengthen children's safety education


Tell the baby again and again

Don't go for a wild swim!

Don't go out and play alone!

Don't go into the water to rescue without permission!

Tell your child to remember!


Drowning prevention six "no"

Heartache! Both brothers drowned! The swimming champion demonstrated the self-rescue method →


What should I do if I fall overboard?

World swimming champion Yang Lina demonstrates in person

Correct self-help method

The breakdown action is as follows


Don't panic

When the hand comes out of the water, the head will sink

Heartache! Both brothers drowned! The swimming champion demonstrated the self-rescue method →


Hold your breath and keep your hands in front of you

Tilt your head back and breathe through your mouth

Heartache! Both brothers drowned! The swimming champion demonstrated the self-rescue method →


Still with strength left, stretch your hand forward

Knees slightly flexed and chin raised

Heartache! Both brothers drowned! The swimming champion demonstrated the self-rescue method →

The above drowning prevention knowledge

Please keep it in mind!

At the same time, please send it to your friends and family

At the critical moment, it can really save lives!

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