
The 54-year-old sister Bi replied shyly: Since you are in love, then you buy me a gold necklace! The 63-year-old uncle said proudly: That is not a thing. Unexpectedly, Sister Bi had to inch in,

author:Big fool to say blind date

The 54-year-old sister Bi replied shyly: Since you are in love, then you buy me a gold necklace! The 63-year-old uncle said proudly: That is not a thing. Unexpectedly, Sister Bi had to make inches and put forward more excessive requirements.

Sister Bi is an authentic rural person, the family has 20 acres of land, an annual income of 30,000, her husband was widowed in his early years, and she pulled the eldest two daughters alone.

After the eldest daughter got married, in order to train the younger daughter to study, the eldest sister not only spent all her savings but also borrowed 20,000 yuan of foreign debt, and finally bought a school district house in the city with a down payment.

But the younger daughter could not bear her mother to suffer for her, and after graduating from high school, she chose to go to the society to work.

The two daughters are not around, the eldest sister is empty every day, coupled with the pressure of the mortgage foreign debt, she has the idea of finding a wife.

Although the eldest sister is a rural person, she looks gentle and elegant, has a kind face, speaks softly, and chats with her, just like the spring breeze, very comfortable.

When the red lady posted her blind date information on TV, there were four eldest brothers who suddenly took a fancy to her and wanted to run with her.

But the eldest sister is not fluttering, she has self-awareness, for the other half's requirements, she has a scale in her heart.

She said: I myself am a rural person, so it is better to find a rural person, although the big brother in the city has temperament and cultivation, I see that I am dizzy, but it is not suitable for me.

I just want to find someone with better rural economic conditions, rare people, and it doesn't matter if they are older.

So among the four suitors, the eldest sister gave up two big brothers in the city and one big brother in the countryside.

Instead, he chose the 63-year-old big brother Ju, a big cattle breeder.

Elder Brother Ju was also widowed in his early years, had a son, and the family planted 13 acres of land with an annual income of 40,000 yuan.

In his free time, he is also strong and strong, he also goes up the mountain to climb trees to pick pine nuts, and he also has an income of 10,000 yuan a year.

Knowing that the eldest sister he had photographed on TV was coming, the eldest brother seemed particularly excited, and he cleaned up the house neatly and cleanly, and he looked like a good man living a life.

As soon as the two met, they had a good feeling for each other, and the eldest sister said: I just want to find one like this, and it is a good way to work at a glance.

The eldest brother was even more praised: very good and good, exactly like what I saw on TV, I liked it at once.

This can make the red lady happy to close her mouth, today's blind date is too smooth, it is good to put off work early.

Two people with love in their hearts sat together at the round table and talked deeply again at close range.

In the face of the favorite big beauty, the honest big brother has also become lively and cute.

Like a young man who has just opened his heart, he can't suppress his inner excitement and boldly shows love to Big Sister Bi:

I like you as a person, but I don't have enough confidence, I'm afraid you won't like me.

The eldest sister said: I don't pick, as long as I can live a good life and work.

The eldest brother is very happy: Anyway, I just like you, whether you like me or not, I don't know.

In the face of the big brother's obsession, the eldest sister seemed to be worried and smiled very reluctantly.

It turned out that she had her own little nine-nine in her heart, and she was worried that she knew the face and did not know the heart.

So she began a series of temptations.

With the encouragement of the red lady, the eldest sister finally plucked up enough courage and said what was in her heart.

If it works, you'll have to buy me something, I just want a gold necklace.

The eldest brother immediately said: This is no problem, it can be. I like you this person, I pay what I want, isn't it a matter of ten thousand dollars? Very simple.

But in fact, this is just the big sister's stone throwing to ask for directions, and the focus is still to come! But she was smart enough to say it would backfire. So I turned the topic around and inquired about the temper of the eldest brother first.

The eldest brother is indeed a good man, not only capable, but also a good gentleman, with a good temper.

He said: You have a good temper or not, I can tolerate you, I am a person who never quarrels with my wife, let alone fight, you can rest assured.

Therefore, the eldest sister's courage also grew, she said: In fact, I still have a foreign debt of 20,000 yuan, I have to say this, you accept it or not, it is two different things.

The eldest brother expressed understanding, he said: This problem is not big, let's work together, this debt will not be able to pay off in a year.

In a word, let the eldest sister feel that she has found the right person, and learned that the eldest brother will also go up to the tree to pick pine nuts, and the eldest sister is extremely admired, she said mischievously: After that, also take me up the mountain to pick pine nuts.

The eldest brother waved his hand and said painfully: You can pull it down, how can you do this?

Then, the eldest sister still had a worry, but she was a little difficult to open her mouth.

Red Niang seemed to see her thoughts, and immediately interjected: The eldest sister is fragrant, yesterday in addition to you, there are three men who have taken a fancy to her, you must fight for it.

Big Brother immediately developed a sense of crisis. So the eldest sister made a third request.

She said: I have a little daughter who has not started a family...

The voice did not fall, and the eldest brother said: The same, like my son, I will take responsibility. Your daughter is my daughter, and of course, my son is also your son.

Then, the eldest brother swore again: My son I have already prepared money for him to start a family, and there is no worries about this. You rest assured.

In the face of the eldest sister's doubts, the eldest brother proudly talked about his family history: I married at the age of 26, I am 63 years old this year, and it is not a problem to save 120,000 yuan a year.

In order to firmly capture the heart of the eldest sister, the eldest brother took the initiative to let the eldest sister take charge of the financial power in the future.

Every penny earned is turned in.

However, he also put forward a condition, that is, if he wanted money to use, the eldest sister should also give it to him, because he had a car, and it would cost money to refuel.

For such a big brother who plucked out his heart and lungs, the eldest sister completely let down her guard and accepted him wholeheartedly, her face was like a peach blossom, and her smile was particularly delicate.

This blind date was particularly smooth, when leaving, the eldest brother was reluctant to give up, and he had to have a zero-distance contact with the eldest sister, he held the little hand of the eldest sister, and did not want to let go for a long time.

The eldest sister felt the enthusiasm in his heart, shyly pulled out her small hand, and left with the red lady satisfied.

The eldest brother looked at the back of the eldest sister in a daze, resulting in infinite reverie... If you were Big Brother Ju, would you do it like him?

The 54-year-old sister Bi replied shyly: Since you are in love, then you buy me a gold necklace! The 63-year-old uncle said proudly: That is not a thing. Unexpectedly, Sister Bi had to inch in,
The 54-year-old sister Bi replied shyly: Since you are in love, then you buy me a gold necklace! The 63-year-old uncle said proudly: That is not a thing. Unexpectedly, Sister Bi had to inch in,
The 54-year-old sister Bi replied shyly: Since you are in love, then you buy me a gold necklace! The 63-year-old uncle said proudly: That is not a thing. Unexpectedly, Sister Bi had to inch in,
The 54-year-old sister Bi replied shyly: Since you are in love, then you buy me a gold necklace! The 63-year-old uncle said proudly: That is not a thing. Unexpectedly, Sister Bi had to inch in,
The 54-year-old sister Bi replied shyly: Since you are in love, then you buy me a gold necklace! The 63-year-old uncle said proudly: That is not a thing. Unexpectedly, Sister Bi had to inch in,
The 54-year-old sister Bi replied shyly: Since you are in love, then you buy me a gold necklace! The 63-year-old uncle said proudly: That is not a thing. Unexpectedly, Sister Bi had to inch in,
The 54-year-old sister Bi replied shyly: Since you are in love, then you buy me a gold necklace! The 63-year-old uncle said proudly: That is not a thing. Unexpectedly, Sister Bi had to inch in,
The 54-year-old sister Bi replied shyly: Since you are in love, then you buy me a gold necklace! The 63-year-old uncle said proudly: That is not a thing. Unexpectedly, Sister Bi had to inch in,
The 54-year-old sister Bi replied shyly: Since you are in love, then you buy me a gold necklace! The 63-year-old uncle said proudly: That is not a thing. Unexpectedly, Sister Bi had to inch in,

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