
At the age of 73, Camilla was really in shape, but Charles laughed like a child, never before diana

author:Nib characters

There is a question in Britain that has attracted the attention of the whole world, that is, when Prince Charles will be able to ascend to the throne of the King.

It is well known that Queen Victoria has great prestige in the British folk due to her outstanding political skills and widely recognized personal charm.

Since ascending the throne, the queen has adhered to the responsibilities of the monarch and has maintained her perfect image, but some of her family members have sometimes flawed, which has dragged a lot of back on the royal family image.

Her son, Prince Charles, was caught in the whirlpool of public opinion over an extramarital affair when he was young, and it was not until 2005 that he married his sweetheart Camilla.

At the age of 73, Camilla was really in shape, but Charles laughed like a child, never before diana

Although Camilla did not receive the title of Princess, she accompanied the prince to various royal events as a duchess.

Princess Diana is a person who knows fashion very well, and as a latecomer Camilla will inevitably be pulled to compare.

At the age of 73, Camilla was really in shape, but Charles laughed like a child, never before diana

01 Increasingly bright style of dressing

Camilla's early dress style is still mainly dignified and calm, and her favorite is the check series, and the photos taken when she was young with Prince Charles are the check series.

This classic element, with rice, gray, black and other color matching that can not be wrong, even if it does not color, it also makes people unable to find anything wrong.

But as she grew older, Camilla's clothing choices became more and more beautiful, but the effect of wearing on the body was very average.

In fact, the elderly can also wear lively and playful colors, but this is really picky.

At the age of 73, Camilla was really in shape, but Charles laughed like a child, never before diana

Camilla's mother-in-law, Queen Victoria, played with this bright dressing style, and every appearance was a solid color suit, which looked cute and energetic, and was deeply liked by young people.

But this rainbow color dressing style is very demanding on the skin, and although the queen is older, her skin is still fair and wrinkled, and she looks rich and kind.

At the age of 73, Camilla was really in shape, but Charles laughed like a child, never before diana

Although Camilla is tall and slender, her skin is very bad, wrinkled, and even less maintained than her husband Charles. Of course, this may be related to her habit of drinking and smoking.

In addition, Camilla is a big facial feature and the lines are very tough, so when she wears bright clothes, it is very contrary. Some very girly elements worn on the body not only do not have the effect of reducing age, but are more old-fashioned and yellow-skinned.

But this does not diminish Camilla's confidence in the slightest, and she still keeps up with the queen in her costumes.

At the age of 73, Camilla was really in shape, but Charles laughed like a child, never before diana

02 Girly out of the street

For example, this denim blue dress, whether it is from the color or style, is a style that young ladies like very much. But this more comfortable thin skirt design is awkward to wear on Camilla.

Although Camilla is tall, her hunchback is very strong, and when she gets older, she has a posture of shrinking her neck.

At the age of 73, Camilla was really in shape, but Charles laughed like a child, never before diana

Although the whole skirt is not a design that shows the waist, the loose style is still difficult to cover up the excess flesh on the waist.

If the fabric could be more wide, it may look a little more energetic, but this denim fabric is obviously not slim, and sticking to the skin will highlight the problem of Camilla's sagging breasts more obviously.

The only part of the whole dress that has a stiff feeling is at the shoulders, but this actually increases the thickness and shortness of the neck space.

Camilla is still more suitable for clothes decorated with details, like this simple style to wear on the body, it is really a bit dull.

At the age of 73, Camilla was really in shape, but Charles laughed like a child, never before diana

In the winter, Camilla performs much better in terms of clothing due to the heavy clothes.

Like this single-breasted green trench coat is very suitable, the waist part is well modified, and the overall line is much more harmonious.

The inner lining is a floral collar, which gives maximum neck space while modifying the neckline, and the overall proportion is much better.

Camilla's figure is advantaged by slender calves, so this pair of black boots is also suitable.

At the age of 73, Camilla was really in shape, but Charles laughed like a child, never before diana

While meeting guests in the house, Camilla chose lighter clothes.

This is a dress that is mainly indigo blue and embellished with white details. The harmonious match of the two colors not only embellishes the waist with dark colors, but also adds vitality with light colors.

The collar part is open, which also solves the problem of the neck looking short and thick, increasing visual space. It's much better than the previous closed crewneck denim skirt.

At the age of 73, Camilla was really in shape, but Charles laughed like a child, never before diana

But in the choice of outings, Camilla is bold again, choosing the pink color of youth jumping.

This dress is pink except for the burgundy part of the shoulders, and the front has a horizontal design that runs through, which is a kind of pleated skirt.

At the age of 73, Camilla was really in shape, but Charles laughed like a child, never before diana

The design style of the dress is still quite appropriate, especially the neckline opens a small V shape, giving just the right neck space.

But the pink color is too pink, and people with white skin will look even worse when worn on Camilla.

Just imagine, if this pleated dress is based on some darker colors, such as dark green and dark blue, will it be more prominent in temperament, and it is a calm and noble feeling.

At the age of 73, Camilla was really in shape, but Charles laughed like a child, never before diana

03 Firm personality, confident and cheerful

But there is a saying that no matter what clothes Camilla wears, her personal aura is still very sufficient, and she has a sense of self-confidence in it.

Camilla's origin is still good, although it can only be regarded as an outer aristocratic circle, but she received a formal aristocratic education from an early age. Her aristocratic blood comes from the mother of the Shangde family, and her father's family is also quite substantial.

As a child, Camilla was in a country house, and the companionship of her parents, the fight between siblings, and the presence of pets made up the warmest part of her life, and it was this loving childhood that gave her a strong and brave character.

Her family and friends thought Camilla was like a lion, with boyish bravery and fearlessness.

At the age of 73, Camilla was really in shape, but Charles laughed like a child, never before diana

Camilla's first encounter with Charles was also contributed to by this confidence and bravery.

Camilla was in love with her ex-husband, Andrew, but Andrew, who was still a boyfriend at the time, had a hot fight with Princess Anne.

Camilla naturally did not want to hold her breath, so she went to the racetrack to befriend Princess Charles, the brother of Princess Anne.

When introducing herself, Camilla was very bold and blurted out: "My great-grandmother is your grandfather's lover, what will be our relationship?" ”

This aggressive and bold opening immediately attracted the introverted Charles.

At the age of 73, Camilla was really in shape, but Charles laughed like a child, never before diana

Compared with the 12 years of great-grandmother and Edward VII, the attraction between Camilla and Charles runs through the long life of the two people.

It's all because of Camilla's confidence and optimism. She always made Prince Charles happy and gave him great mental strength.

On the other hand, Charles and Princess Diana always got along in a different frequency mode. At first, Princess Diana, who was more than ten years younger, unilaterally fell in love with Charles, and was full of expectations for married life like Cinderella.

At the age of 73, Camilla was really in shape, but Charles laughed like a child, never before diana

But Charles's heart is in Camilla, so the interaction between the two is always like Princess Diana's bitter love monologue. After Diana gave up the redemption in the later stage and chose to cheat, the discord between the two was put on the table.

The two did not even have basic eye contact when they attended the event, and were even caught by reporters when the conflict broke out, fearing prince Kars's tired behavior of gritting his teeth at Diana.

At the age of 73, Camilla was really in shape, but Charles laughed like a child, never before diana

Prince Charles, on the other hand, looked exactly different in front of Camilla, even though the two were in their seventies and still happy as children when they whispered to each other. This emotional satisfaction is indeed the best secret to keeping love fresh.

Standing next to Charles, Camilla, no matter how old she is, no matter what her posture is, no matter what clothes she wears, she is the same calm and confident.

Because Charles's side is Camilla's home, no matter what she does, she can get Charles's affectionate attention and a bright smile, a smile that has never been around Diana.

At the age of 73, Camilla was really in shape, but Charles laughed like a child, never before diana

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