
Zhu Ting's good girlfriend is pregnant! The fierce opponents of the women's volleyball team are facing a change of secondary offensive line, and the Rio cycle will be expected to return

Recently, the deputy attacker of the Serbian women's volleyball team, Rasic, announced that she was pregnant, and revealed that it would be a daughter, which will also mean that Rasic can only temporarily leave the volleyball arena, the Serbian women's volleyball team will face a change of secondary offensive line, and Stevanovic, who was once the main player in the Rio Olympic cycle, is expected to return to fill Rasic's position. As for Rasic, it is possible that he will come back after childbirth, emulate his teammate Vilikovic, and cannot give up his volleyball willingness, and if the conditions are ripe, he may still play for the Serbian women's volleyball team.

Zhu Ting's good girlfriend is pregnant! The fierce opponents of the women's volleyball team are facing a change of secondary offensive line, and the Rio cycle will be expected to return

Lasic is a well-known deputy attacker in the international women's volleyball world in the past 10 years, representing the Serbian women's volleyball team since the 2010 World Championships, and has experienced 3 World Championships, 2 World Cups and 3 Olympic Games, and is the most famous secondary attack in the history of the team. Rasic's mobile net judgment is very strong, often can predict the opponent's second pass pass purpose, early swing hand to grasp the opponent's attacker line, and in the attack of her second and third position all-round ball, not like many young secondary attackers today, focusing on the second position behind the fast ball or the third position in front of the fast ball, such a comprehensive technology also makes Rasic become one of the world's top two secondary attackers.

Zhu Ting's good girlfriend is pregnant! The fierce opponents of the women's volleyball team are facing a change of secondary offensive line, and the Rio cycle will be expected to return

Lasic and Zhu Ting are teammates of the Turkish Super League Wakif Bank, but Zhu Ting has only played 3 seasons in Wakif Bank, when Zhu Ting, Lasic, Sloterjes and Robinson were called "Wakif Bank F4", which is also a recognition of the strength of the club's four major foreign aides, in the days when Wakif trained together, the four main players established a very close friendship, after all, from different countries, and are all foreign aid identities, each other's topics will be more. Rasic and Zhu Ting won the crown of the Turkish Super League, the Champions League, the World Cup and other competitions for Wakif Bank, and tasted the hardships and happiness of winning the championship along the way.

Zhu Ting's good girlfriend is pregnant! The fierce opponents of the women's volleyball team are facing a change of secondary offensive line, and the Rio cycle will be expected to return

Among the brilliant records created by the Serbian women's volleyball team, in addition to the third place in the 2006 World Championships without The figure of Rasic, the rest of the competitions have Rasic sitting on the secondary offensive line, the 2011 European Championship champion is serbia's first intercontinental champion, and then Lasic and his teammates together won the double runner-up of the 2015 World Cup and the 2016 Rio Olympic Games, the 2018 World Championships was the first time to win the championship, and the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games Lasic won a bronze medal. Now that he is married to a 7-year-old water polo player and has a crystallization of love, the only thing to do is to wait for the birth of his daughter.

With Rasic's temporary departure from the field, the overall strength of the Serbian women's volleyball team has been further weakened, Serbia has failed to reach the final of the Tokyo Olympic Games, which is already a sign of early weakening, Mikhanovic's offensive power has been greatly reduced, the young main attackers Mirenkovic, Braggjevic and Busa are not mature enough, the entire main offensive line has no reliable person, the secondary offensive line Rasic is somewhat aging but still struggling to support, the young Kosic, Alexic have not won the trust of head coach Terdic, The only bright spot may be that Boskovic's little attack is more practical, but volleyball is a collective sport, and Bos is difficult to lead the whole team.

Zhu Ting's good girlfriend is pregnant! The fierce opponents of the women's volleyball team are facing a change of secondary offensive line, and the Rio cycle will be expected to return

Serbia women's volleyball team this year's new coach took office, from the Italian Kony coach Santanreli was successfully elected, the past and Terdic quite a contradiction in the steva nović is expected to return, she is currently playing in Serie A Busto Aszio, the state has been good, it is possible to fill the gap of Rasic, leading the young young kosic, Alexic, M-Popovic together to defend Serbia's secondary offensive line. Wilikovic, who has returned after childbirth, has not yet returned to the best state, European and American women's volleyball players have repeatedly made comebacks, Turkey's Naz, the United States Akin Radvo are examples of this, Andrasic may return to the field again after childbirth if he is willing!

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