
TIM Tim_Horoscope of the Day from March 27 to April 2, 2022

It is suitable to lie flat during the following periods:

Monday from 7:11 a.m. to 9:32 p.m

Wednesday from 11:37 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. On Thursday

Saturday morning from 6:51 to 9:50 a.m.


This week has been a stable, relaxed, gentle and productive week. Many small things can evolve into big things in the future (about 12 months). For projects and relationships, it's a "time to start," a time to sow. Build a base, a home, a comfortable place to be with others.

Inflation will peak next week (mid-April).


The start of the week is full of happiness and hope, and Monday through Wednesday will be better than Sunday. (Because the future planned on Sunday will run into formidable obstacles, and Monday/Tuesday you can "see" a future full of autonomy, love, and development — smooth sailing, with few obstacles.) )

Socialize with friends on Sundays/Mondays.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, retreat rest, contemplation, reflection and planning. Dealing with governments, organizations and seeking advice.

On Thursday/Friday, your energy, influence, glamour and timing will reach a beautiful peak. Going out, seeing others, being seen by others, and most importantly starting something important, a project, a relationship, etc.

Make trades on Saturdays, ask for a raise, patronize the flea market, and more. Saturday.


Don't overwork this week. Get enough sleep and eat and don't take on the heavy lifting yourself. Now is a good time to plan for the future, or to deal with institutions or governments. This is especially true from Tuesday to Friday (largely until the beginning of May). The bosses are still full of anger: smile and endure.

Sunday/Monday "do the best" in work, career and field. (You may find that your life has been tied to land, children, and/or safety for the past few years and even in 2025.) )

Happiness, hope, friends, prestige – these will all visit you on Tuesday or Wednesday, but the results are not very strong because you are in a month of low energy.

Thursday/Friday, lie down, rest, think and plan. Everything went smoothly. A good time to apply for government or institutional assistance (e.g., scholarships, or renovation grants).

On Saturday, your energy will be restored.


Gemini, an important life wish may come true in the coming weeks. Or, from mid-May to summer 2023, you might be on a path to the fulfillment of a huge desire. The two may be the same. In any case, this week will become more and more popular, social events will become more and more interesting, people will become more optimistic, and the future will be more "bright". People who haven't been in touch for a long time may call or email.

On Sunday/Monday you may be fascinated by an Aquarius person. Meet people again on Sunday nights, especially Aquarius and Taurus.

Work Tuesdays and Wednesdays because your boss will watch you perform. You'll brilliantly pass any test, ask for a raise or promotion.

On Thursday/Friday, optimism, popularity and attention are back and rushing forward – all lights are green.

Saturday rest, sleep, nap, think and plan, meditate. All good!


Focus on your work in the coming weeks. Fight for promotions, socialize with customers and bosses, and more. Communication will start at the top – especially Thursday/Friday, when your ambitions may be clear but may gradually rise – and work hard these two days. The secret side of life continues to appeal to you, mostly money/investment/debt or physical intimacy. Research, dig deep into valuable information. A relationship either comes to fruition or ends in a matter of weeks.

This "secret side" appears on Sunday/Monday. Legal, publishing, cultural, international and academic interests will be highlighted on Tuesday/Wednesday and touched by a lucky wand until early May. My advice: rush forward!

Keep up the effort on Thursday and Friday.

Saturday is a day of gathering, optimism and celebration for friends.


Your mind is open, and your heart is open enough to embrace all humanity. International, academic, legal and cultural themes will drift into your consciousness. You may travel far. If it's a student, the school will be doing well. Relationships are sweet and sour, but most of the time they are sweet – isn't something brewing? You'll know by June.

Sunday and Monday should be diplomatic and proactive. - Don't let a distraction "throw you off".

The secret side of life emerges mid-week (Tuesday/Wednesday) and offers reliable opportunities – investment, private sexual relationships, research will pay off. (You were very popular in these "secret" areas until early May.)

On Thursday/Friday, your mind is open and you may be able to convince others that your feelings and opinions are "real."

Your career will get attention on Saturday, and the action and conversation are great!


Work Sunday Monday. Virgo, something is being "built." (Maybe it's your reputation.) Two things: suddenly wake up, computers, electricity should be careful. You may be frowning at your co-workers. This will last until mid-April. Tuesday/Wednesday emphasizes relationships, relocations, opportunities, public deals, and this area is beautiful until the beginning of May. Many single Virgos meet their "roommates." (Learn to accept someone who is somewhat conceited and omniscient – he/she may be the right choice, especially in business relationships.) )

Thursday/Friday "announced" what this month is about: sex, economic opportunity, debt, research, healthcare and lifestyle areas. Act like you're lucky because you're really lucky.

Saturdays are soft, thoughtful, and turn your attention to international, philosophical, legal, and cultural love.


Libra, this month is full of emotional stimulation. Sociable, adaptable, and willing to join – these are your two talents. At the same time, romantic cues, feelings, and attractions will surround you. Be willing to state your situation, express your feelings, embrace love – or walk away. Until May 10th, you still have to deal with a lot of work and chores – put your head in the hard work, and the rewards that come with it will be.

Sunday/Monday is romantic, creative, and joy-oriented. Single people may meet a future partner.

Focus on work on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, eat well, dress appropriately. You'll accomplish more than you did at the beginning!

Relationships, relocation themes, opportunities and deals flood Thursday/Friday. Accept anyone you are with.

Saturday is about sex, secrets, intimacy, finances, promises and consequences.


April is full of work. Soon (late May to mid-2023), value will be your main focus – and lucky. You can prepare weeks in advance and decide on a career path 22 years from now. Until May 10th, you'll be lucky in terms of love, romance, kids, beauty, joy, sports/games. Your family is illuminated by two romantic planets (Venus, Mars), so love can happen in your home.

Sunday/Monday you get closer to home, family, and can trigger lasting attraction. Also suitable for home décor/improvement - start before Sunday dinner time.

Love flows on Tuesday/Wednesday. Chase it, get into it, there are no obstacles.

Solve housework on Thursdays and Fridays, pay attention to diet and dress, and do not get colds, otherwise it may last for months.

Saturday is Love Day.


Love is a top priority. Kids, creativity and sports/games will fill this month. Sunday or Monday brings affectionate, even flirtatious messages — which can ignite the flames of love — to make the conversation passionate. (If couples are dating, choose Thursday or Friday.) )

Tuesday/Wednesday turns your attention to family and safety issues – all is well. Hug your child.

The romantic atmosphere increases on Thursdays/Fridays. Welcome it, chase it, but don't spend your money on someone who despises you. Protect your daily health and eat a sensible diet.


The focus remains on families, until the end of April, safety, gardens, nutrition, families, rest and recovery. It's also a good time to prune – cut out the stale, unhelpful relationships, the condition, and plant new, greener ones. Until May 10, communications, travel still need your attention – handled in a timely manner, especially if it involves the government or "unit".

Your money will be in the spotlight on Sunday/Monday. Earnings before mid-April looked good. Act after Sunday afternoon. Don't spend too much money.

Information, documents and travel appear on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. - Everything, enjoy yourself.

Read the first two sentences above on Thursday and Friday about family, safety, and more. A good interval, so, once again rush forward, start a family project and so on. But don't take your social circle home.

Saturday brought romantic thoughts. Enjoy, but also be realistic.


Immerse yourself in a document, a phone call, a trip, and a messenger. This is a great time to plan a summer (or later to mid-term) trip or special visit. Your romantic charm is still high – accept attention, encourage it, embrace it/him/her. Your fortunes will be fine until May 10th.

You're at your peak on Sunday/Monday – your energy and charisma make you productive. Gather allies and launch important projects. It would be better after 4pm on Sunday.

Chase money, valuables on Tuesday or Wednesday. Everything is fine, so go ahead.

A whole bunch of documents, information, etc. are delivered on Thursday or Friday. Everything went smoothly.

Saturday is the day to go home, take care of the kids, have safety, and take a nap.


The main focus is on income, buying and selling, sex, property, until the end of April. It was a fairly easy, mature time with mature relationships. Your connections with the government, headquarters, or management are active, even interesting. You may have a crush on a civil servant, a boss, a psychic, a hospital worker, or something. Possibility of promotion or good investment. You're lucky, cheerful, and optimistic, especially in your career, until May 10th. Always working in this direction. The results can be unexpected (but until July 23, don't pursue publication, and don't rely on or seek legal process.) )

On Sunday/Monday you'll be in management, government, and something like that. Your energy and charisma are low, so take a nap and protect yourself.

Your energy and vitality are quickly restored on Tuesday/Wednesday. - Start doing things, and the "eggs" that contain future events, actions, and situations fill up on Sunday nights, Monday mornings, and Wednesdays. All right – hatch those eggs!

Chase money on Thursday/Friday, buy/sell, hug someone, remember something.

Saturday errands, business trips, phone calls, paperwork.

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