
Wuding County held a meeting of the leading group for the coordination of the construction and reform of the industrial worker contingent in the new period

author:Sichuan-Yunnan economy

On the afternoon of March 31, Wuding County held the first meeting of the 2022 Leading Group for the Coordination and Reform of the Construction and Reform of the Industrial Worker Team in the New Era, which was presided over by Lu Zifu, a cadre retained by the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress at the deputy department level, the chairman of the County Federation of Trade Unions, and the deputy head of the County Industrial Reform Coordination Leading Group. Huang Fei, deputy secretary of the county party committee and head of the county industrial reform coordination leading group, attended the meeting and made a speech. Attending the meeting were the leaders in charge of the member units of the county industrial worker team construction and reform coordination leading group, the members of the county federation of trade unions, and the responsible persons of the office, the organization department, the propaganda and education network department, and the rights protection department.

Wuding County held a meeting of the leading group for the coordination of the construction and reform of the industrial worker contingent in the new period

Li Tingfeng, secretary of the party group and executive vice chairman of the Wuding County Federation of Trade Unions, and director of the office of the county industrial reform coordination leading group, conveyed the spirit of the 1st meeting of the Chuxiong Prefecture Industrial Worker Team Construction and Reform Coordination Leading Group Office in the new period, and elaborated on the drafting of the "Work Plan for Industrial Reform Demonstration Points (Draft for Comments)" created by our county, put forward work suggestions for the division of work responsibilities and task arrangements of each member unit, and arranged the work tasks of the office of the county industrial reform coordination leading group.

Wuding County held a meeting of the leading group for the coordination of the construction and reform of the industrial worker contingent in the new period

Huang Fei, deputy secretary of the Wuding County CPC Committee and head of the county industrial reform coordination leading group, made an important speech on the main purpose of the work, the significance of this work, and the problems existing in the work, and put forward 3 work opinions: First, we must improve the political position and firmly carry out the reform responsibility and mission of compacting the construction of the industrial worker team. It is necessary to further strengthen political awareness, awareness of the overall situation, and awareness of responsibility, adhere to the goal-oriented, problem-oriented, and effectively do a good job in policy convergence and implementation; second, we must focus on key and difficult points, and continue to promote the reform of the construction of the industrial worker team. Focus on the ideological and political guidance of industrial workers, the activities of building meritorious careers, the improvement of quality, the improvement of status, and the growth of the contingent; third, we must strengthen overall planning and coordination, and make every effort to gather the powerful joint force of the construction and reform of the industrial workers' contingent. It is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen coordination and cooperation, strengthen public opinion publicity, and strengthen supervision and inspection.

Wuding County held a meeting of the leading group for the coordination of the construction and reform of the industrial worker contingent in the new period

Lu Zifu, chairman of the county federation of trade unions, and deputy head of the county industrial reform coordination leading group, stressed: First, timely convey the spirit of the study meeting and actively report after the meeting; second, vigorously grasp the implementation of the work and implement the work plan against the standard; and third, strengthen supervision and inspection.

(Wuding County Federation of Trade Unions Yang Zhiyan Yunnan Economic Daily reporter Yang Dexiang)


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