
Xiaomi has won! The court ruled that Ling Jianping deleted the article from the media, which had long smeared Xiaomi!

According to media reports, Xiaomi requested the court to rule that the "International Investment Bank Research Report", also known as the "Ling News Agency" article content infringement, the latter's person in charge Ling Jianping needed to delete the relevant infringing article, the ruling was immediately executed after service, and many netizens shouted "Canteen Aunt has made a contribution".

Xiaomi has won! The court ruled that Ling Jianping deleted the article from the media, which had long smeared Xiaomi!

It is understood that the WeChat public account "International Investment Bank Research Report" has long released negative news about Xiaomi's mobile phones and industrial chain IPO policies, most of which have subjective negative emotions, and even some content is suspected of distorting facts and fabricating rumors, which has caused a serious adverse impact on Xiaomi's image. On March 29, Xiaomi issued a statement that it had mastered the fact that ling Jianping, the person in charge of the account, had long smeared, rumored, and misled the public, and the next day filed an application for behavior preservation with the Beijing Internet Court, hoping to get support.

Xiaomi has won! The court ruled that Ling Jianping deleted the article from the media, which had long smeared Xiaomi!

Since the evidence provided by Xiaomi is very sufficient, after nearly a month of investigation and trial, the court ruled in support of Xiaomi's claim, and the defendant Ling Jianping immediately deleted the articles and videos that infringed on Xiaomi's reputation by posting on relevant social media. According to the April 25 injunction, Ling Jianping needed to immediately remove the articles on his platform, which once again proved that the Internet is not an "extralegal place" in the eyes of some people, and that words must be based on facts.

Xiaomi has won! The court ruled that Ling Jianping deleted the article from the media, which had long smeared Xiaomi!

Many fans joked, it seems that this time Xiaomi "canteen aunt has made a contribution again", from this paragraph can also be seen that Xiaomi has indeed made some progress in maintaining its reputation in the past two years. From the era of China Cool Union more than a decade ago, Xiaomi as a new force emerged, the traditional factory to lose the armor and unload the armor touched the interests of countless people, since you moved other people's cake, don't blame others to find you "black material", even if there is no black material must be created to hit Xiaomi.

Xiaomi's road to rights protection can be divided into three stages, the first stage in 2011 to 2016, the second stage in 2016 to 2020, the third stage from 2020 to now, we can clearly find a context, summarizing the transformation of Xiaomi facing Internet smear.

Xiaomi has won! The court ruled that Ling Jianping deleted the article from the media, which had long smeared Xiaomi!

The first stage: Xiaomi came out with an Internet identity, not only beating the traditional brand without any counter-strength, but also almost destroying the copycat brand. At that time, in the face of network "black material", Xiaomi was almost completely laissez-faire, because of the strong support of netizens, what kind of black material is better than super cost-effective, the smear at that time was like a punch on cotton, and the stone sinking sea did not have much effect.

The second stage: the traditional big factories regrouped, have learned from Xiaomi to launch Internet brands, and some self-media have also mushroomed. At this stage, various negative news about millet began to fly all over the sky, such as the most familiar "quality control is not good", "assembly plant", "a penny for a penny", "low price misleading the country" and other big hats poured in, causing a very serious impact on millet, but it was not taken seriously at that time, so that the impact has not completely disappeared until today.

Xiaomi has won! The court ruled that Ling Jianping deleted the article from the media, which had long smeared Xiaomi!

The third stage: seeing that Xiaomi has no action, the smearers began to intensify, for example, the Xiaomi 10 series hit the high-end that year, and began to spread rumors such as "Hulu Screen" and "Allegro". It was at this time that Xiaomi strengthened the construction of the legal department, vigorously rectified the relevant rumors and smears, and sued a number of malicious rumors. The most typical is the Xiaomi Mi 10 Supreme Commemorative Edition, the second day of sale, there are comments "used for a week" to summarize the shortcomings of N, the results confirmed that the above content is fabricated.

After the above three stages, Xiaomi has formed a rapid response mechanism in the face of smear and rumors, first collecting evidence, and then suing for deletion of content has played a good deterrent effect. At least in the past year, there has been a significant decrease in false smear information about Xiaomi, and it is hoped that this state of affairs will continue and there will be no similar situations in the future.

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