
Jianghan District held a work scheduling meeting to optimize the business environment

author:Jianghan release

A few days ago, Jianghan District organized a work scheduling meeting for optimizing the business environment in the whole district, Xu Guanghui, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and deputy mayor of the district, attended the meeting, and the Publicity Department of the District Party Committee, the District Court, the District Procuratorate, the District Bureau of Justice, the District Development and Reform Bureau, the District Human Resources Bureau, the Wuhan Financial Management Commission, the District Administrative Examination and Approval Bureau, the District Taxation Bureau, the District Market Supervision Bureau, the District Enterprise Service Center, the District Construction Bureau, the District Planning Sub-Bureau, the District Big Data Center and other units attended the meeting.

Jianghan District held a work scheduling meeting to optimize the business environment

At the meeting, the District Development and Reform Bureau (Business Affairs Office) reported on the progress of key work in 2023, existing problems, next steps and suggestions. The participating units reported on the progress of key work such as enterprise start-up, government services, building permits, market supervision, intellectual property protection, tax payment, real estate registration, contract enforcement, bankruptcy, bidding and bidding, labor market supervision and obtaining credit.

After listening to the speeches of the participants, Xu Guanghui emphasized that the business environment work is closely related to the economic and social development of the whole region, the construction of the business environment is closely related to the construction of the cadre team and even the construction of work style, and the efficiency of the department is not high, mainly reflected in whether the business environment continues to improve.

Jianghan District held a work scheduling meeting to optimize the business environment

In view of the work on the business environment, Xu Guanghui put forward three requirements:

First, it is necessary to pay close attention to key work.

Firmly establish the sense of responsibility that "everyone is a business environment, everything is related to the business environment", so that the main leaders personally grasp it, the leaders in charge of promoting implementation, the overall personnel participate, and repeatedly study the rules of provincial evaluation and municipal assessment, so as to get into the mind. Focusing on the construction of "seven environments" and the improvement of "four senses", continue to improve ideological understanding, truly promote reform with evaluation, promote excellence with evaluation, and effectively improve the satisfaction of enterprises and the masses.

The second is to identify the gap and promote innovation.

Benchmark the experience and practices of advanced urban areas, find gaps, analyze the causes, focus on the hot spots of general concern of the masses and the blocking points and difficulties reflected by market entities, seek good strategies, highlight hard measures, and seek practical results, through the four major special actions of "continuously refreshing Jianghan efficiency, constantly optimizing Jianghan services, fully deepening Jianghan innovation, and actively improving Jianghan credit", promote the construction of "Yishang Jianghan" and achieve results, further boost the confidence of market entities, and stimulate the vitality of market entities.

Third, we should actively strive for pilot demonstrations.

Deeply study and understand the spirit of "optimizing the business environment with cost control as the core", fully implement the work deployment of provinces and cities, actively report the innovation highlight work to the superior department, strive for guidance in business work and innovative measures, and promote various reform matters in Jianghan to be piloted and replicated and promoted.

On June 25, the District Business Office organized a business environment innovation promotion meeting, implemented the work arrangement of the district-wide scheduling meeting, remobilized and deepened the district's business environment reform and innovation work, and the leaders in charge of relevant departments attended the meeting and conducted in-depth discussions and studies on promoting various innovative matters, and continued to report to their superiors after improvement. At the same time, the District Business Office will issue a work reminder letter to the leading departments of key indicators this month to further promote the implementation of the work.

Jianghan District held a work scheduling meeting to optimize the business environment

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