
The Gujing Tribute Wine 2021 Autumn Brewing Ceremony is about to begin, and the hot spots are the first to see

author:China Daily

This autumn Gujing tribute wine has a grand event, on October 9, 2021, the 2021 Gujing tribute wine autumn brewing ceremony will be held in The Ancient Well Dionysus Square! This is a festival for wine lovers, and it is a love and expectation of fine wine. So what are the highlights of this year's autumn brewing ceremony, let's take a sneak peek!

Highlight 1: Bozhou! There will be an important manifesto!

When it comes to the medicine town liquor capital Bozhou, it is impossible not to mention the ancient well tribute wine that has been passed down for thousands of years! The Gujing Gongjiu Vintage Pulp Traditional Brewing Area was selected into the third batch of national industrial heritage recognition list published by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which is located in Gujing Town, Tancheng District, Bozhou City, Anhui Province, and its core items include the Gujing Gongjiu Brewing Site and the Gujing Gongjiu No. 2 Cellar Pond Group, the main body was built from the Ming Dynasty to the 1970s and 1980s. Moreover, the ancient well tribute wine brewing site itself is a national key cultural relics protection unit, including two ancient wells, Ming and Qing winemaking sites, Ming and Qing cellar pond group four single body, of which the earliest Ming and Qing cellar pond group was built in the Ming Zhengde period, more than 500 years ago, is china's current longest continuous use of the ancient cellar pond group, these are every tourist to gujing town must go to the place.

The Gujing Tribute Wine 2021 Autumn Brewing Ceremony is about to begin, and the hot spots are the first to see

Bozhou, which has a number of brewing industry heritage, in the autumn of 2021, Bozhou will have an important industrial heritage declaration will be issued, what kind of declaration can make the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Industrial Culture Development Center, Anhui Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology, Bozhou Municipal People's Government, Shanghai University, Gujing Group and other representatives gather in Bozhou, let us wait and see!

The Gujing Tribute Wine 2021 Autumn Brewing Ceremony is about to begin, and the hot spots are the first to see

Highlight 2: Ritual! The ceremony of cao cao, the god of wine, was held as scheduled!

In 196 AD, Cao Cao, the god of wine, paid tribute to emperor Xian of Han with his hometown wine JiujiuChun wine, along with the ancient winemaking method "Jiujiu Wine Law". The Jiujiu Liquor Method, included in Jia Sixun's Qi Min Zhi Shu, is the oldest documented winemaking method for Chinese liquor, and was officially certified by the Guinness Book of World Records in 2018 as the world's oldest surviving distilled liquor brewing method. The Jiuqiu Spring Wine is the predecessor of Gujing Tribute Wine, so every autumn at the brewing ceremony, the Gujing people will first carry out a solemn and solemn ceremony of cao Cao, the god of wine, to express gratitude to the god of wine, and it is also the best inheritance of the spirit of wine.

The Gujing Tribute Wine 2021 Autumn Brewing Ceremony is about to begin, and the hot spots are the first to see

Highlight 3: Autumn brewing head wine, the on-site auction price will not reach a new high!

In the "Xunzi Royal System", it is said that "spring ploughing, summer yun, autumn harvest, and winter hiding, the four do not lose time, so the grain is endless." Autumn brewing is the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancient well people to adapt to time. They make peach blossom spring songs in the spring, and then after a summer time precipitation, they awaken the brewing factors and achieve the most exquisite autumn brewing head wine of the year.

The Gujing Tribute Wine 2021 Autumn Brewing Ceremony is about to begin, and the hot spots are the first to see

The autumn brewing head wine of the Ming and Qing dynasties and ponds of the Ancient Well Tribute Wine, brewed with ingenuity, is very scarce and is a rare collection of products. Gujing Tribute Wine Ming Dynasty Cellar Pool 2020 Autumn Brewing Head Wine once sold for a high price of 11.18 million yuan. It is reported that this year will also continue to carry out the auction of autumn brewing head wine, and whether the auction price can reach a new high will leave us with suspense.

The Gujing Tribute Wine 2021 Autumn Brewing Ceremony is about to begin, and the hot spots are the first to see

In addition, it is the opening of the Dubai World Expo China Pavilion during the Eleventh National Day, as the senior sponsor of the World Expo, the event site will be sold in the original pulp ancient 20 Dubai World Expo customized liquor, I believe there will be more wonderful, invite you to watch the media live broadcast, October 9, not to see the scattered!

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