
Beihai Park's "Fangshan Restaurant"

author:Mustard old wine

"Fangshan" is to imitate the cooking methods of the chefs of the "Imperial Dining Room" of the Qing Palace.

Beihai Park's "Fangshan Restaurant"

The "geographical location" of the "imitation restaurant" is also the "Yilan Hall" in the northern foothills of Qiongdao Island in Beihai Park.

This is the place where Emperor Gaozong "gave feasts to civil servants" during the Qianlong period - it can be called a model of "eating and paying attention to the environment". It is said that it is a "Wenchen", because only the "Wenchen" will pretend to be a belly "wind and snow", and only the "Wenchen" can "sing and meet with the poetry" with this mercurial tianzi in this environment.

It is said that in addition to the "Nanyuan Yinhu" and the "North Sea Fishing", The fish caught by QianlongYe was immediately sent to the "YilanTang" imperial kitchen for on-site cooking -- what he wanted was to "catch and eat now" that mouthful.

Beihai Park's "Fangshan Restaurant"

Shi Zai The officials who compiled the "Continuation of the Three Links" were entertained here. There are also foreigners who work in the palace, such as Lang Shining and Jiang Youren, who have also paid "that mouthful of fresh children" here.

The "Wuchang Uprising" sounded a cannon and collapsed the "Jiangshan" of the Qing Dynasty for hundreds of years. Most of the "imperial cooks" in the palace were "laid off" and scattered in the hutongs of the capital to serve their own families.

When General Feng planned to "return to the horse gun", the little emperor Puyi was "picked out of the palace", and all the imperial chefs were completely "not thinking about it" this time. So I opened this "imitation restaurant" in the just opened "Beihai Park".

Earlier, Zhao Runzhai, the "big man" of the imperial dining room in the palace, even the previous "errand boys of the imperial dining room" were brought together, so: The imperial cook who originally only served the emperor suddenly changed to "serve the public".

As long as you have the work, you can meet a few relatives and friends to go to the "imitation meal" and get a table of "full han full table" to eat beautifully. Don't tell you about the light those: pea yellow kidney bean rolls chestnut noodles small nest head... It's enough for you to cool your stomach.

Beihai Park's "Fangshan Restaurant"

Another case is the word on the "imitation meal" signboard, which is very rare in Beijing.

Who wrote it ? That is: Mr. Shu Sheyu - the word "Lao She", Mr. Lao She is a low-key child, you can touch the four nine cities, to see if it is "rare to see".

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