
Stranger Things season 4 episode 04. Dr. Owens' men explained to Jonathan what was going on. It is said that Eleven is now being searched by some people in the government to follow Eleven

author:Wise Allison 8Y5

Stranger Things season 4 episode 04.

Dr. Owens' men explained to Jonathan what was going on. It is said that Eleven is now being searched by some people in the government, telling them to keep Eleven following Dr. Owens to secrecy. Aunt gave a letter to Mike, Nancy and they rushed to school, and Wheat told them the ins and outs. She believes that both died because of Vicna's curse, that the cursed person will have insomnia, headaches, nightmares, hallucinations, and Wheat is now in extreme danger.

There was a sudden noise outside the door, and Steven ran out to check the situation, but the person who came was Blackie, who told Dustin that Pa Jr. was frantically looking for his whereabouts. Xiao Pa came to Xiao Hei's house to find him, his sister Xiao Ai frightened him, and also exposed that Xiao Hei was actually with Dustin, Xiao Pa learned that he was fooled and quickly drove away.

In the basement of Mike's house, several people are still discussing how to break Vicna's curse. Nancy runs in, and she and Robin get a fake identity, they plan to disguise themselves as top students in the psychology department and approach Victor under the pretext of writing a thesis. Joey's side was already in Alaska, and she called home but couldn't get through. The science teacher told her to leave so much to her and hurry up to meet Yuri.

They arrive at the joint site, and a man tells them that Yuri was dragged out of the cabin by a polar bear and killed. They were stunned.

Seeing the money arrive, Yuri was very excited. Enzo in prison tells Sheriff Hope that he can start his escape plan, and while working, the sheriff steps on a rake and knocks him unconscious while the guards are looking for new tools.

Another guard notices that something is wrong, and Hope is still in the tool room trying to break free of the leggles, but just after the successful guard breaks in, the two fight and the gun is accidentally fired. The other guards heard this movement and hurried over.

The sheriff took out the guards and blocked the door with a table for a chance to run around the back from the roof. The guards who broke into the house found the explosives set on fire and ran out. The house exploded. The sheriff got on a snowmobile and headed for the forest, the guard fired but missed, and Sheriff Hope managed to escape the Ascension.

Yuri's side finally counted the money, and he called Enzo to confirm Sheriff Hope's life or death.

• The sheriff fled to a small town, where he sneaked into an abandoned church at the joint and hid. He pried open the box, which contained only some peanut butter, and he ate the peanut butter while running to the bed to rest. Unexpectedly, Yuri, a slut, wanted to eat two servings of extra money.

• He confides the location of the Sheriff's Street to the Warden, where the Sheriff is found, Enzo is betrayed, and even the science teacher and Joey are drugged.

The Doctor's two detectives remained at Will's house, both to protect them and to monitor them, and Will chattered anxiously. Mike threw Eleven's letter into the trash, and he confided in Will in a distraught manner, who comforted him and suggested that they must find a way to take the initiative and solve all this. Jonathan already had a plan.

They are about to return to the small town of Hawkins through Rapunzel's pizza cart, Mike packs his bags, he talks to Will and admits that he ignored Will's feelings, and the two good friends reconcile.

The three heard the sound of the car and thought that the pizza cart had arrived, and the black detective ran to open the door, but there was a mysterious man standing outside, he raised his hand and killed the black detective, and the other detective uncle could only cover their retreat. Not long after Brother Longhair arrived at Will's house, Will and they escaped with their injured uncle. The long-haired man saw the enemy approaching and quickly drove away. Here Wheat has written a suicide note and distributed it to Dustin and them. She was very sensible in the face of death, and Wheat insisted that Jonathan send her to several places to completely end the regret in her heart.

Nancy and the girls had already arrived at the psychiatric hospital, dressed as students, and discussed with the director of the psychiatric hospital about meeting Victor, who said that to meet such a dangerous patient, they must pass the application. The camshaft aged and said that he had applied several times and did not let them pass. Under her words, the dean agreed.

Wheat came to the house to leave a letter, and she saw her mother who was drying clothes running over, half-truthfully telling her that if something happened to her, remember to send the letter to her grandfather and grandmother, and their mother was comforting her. Unexpectedly, the sky suddenly changed, everything around became strange, and the mother holding her also became Vikna. Wheat finally wakes up from the hallucination and finds that her mother is gone, which turns out to be all Vicna's trap.

They continued to drive to the cemetery side, and Blackie was worried about Wheat, telling her not to bear it all alone. Wheat told him to go back to the car first, she still had personal business to do.

On the other side, the Dean takes Nancy and them to Victor's ward, Robin convinces the Dean to let him agree to meet Victor alone, and the guard takes them to Victor's hospital room and leaves. Viktor turned his head to reveal a horrible face, she had lost her eyes. She talked about what happened: the family moved into a new home, and life was supposed to be quite good, but his son first felt that something was wrong.

Sure enough, a month later, things went bad, there were many dead bodies of animals around their house, the bathtub was crawling with spiders, and their daughter had nightmares. She herself often had terrible hallucinations, and she felt that this demon had built a nest in their house, waiting for an opportunity to devour them. Sure enough, the demon first killed her wife, and then created hallucinations for Viktor to make her suffer from hallucinations.

But just then she heard another voice that led her out of the vision. But the demon killed her two children. In the mental hospital, Viktor blinded herself, and the dean saves her from dying. Nancy was about to ask what the voice was that helped her out of the hallucination, when the dean came with a guard who had confirmed that Nancy and Robin were not so-called schoolgirls and wanted to arrest them and take them to the police. Wheat read the letter to her brother at her grave, and she could not forget his brother. In order to save their lives, he kept his feelings closed, and tears flowed unconsciously while talking. After reading the letter, she suddenly entered the drowning world again. Steven felt that she had stayed too long and walked over worriedly, and found that she was already delirium.

Stranger Things season 4 episode 04. Dr. Owens' men explained to Jonathan what was going on. It is said that Eleven is now being searched by some people in the government to follow Eleven
Stranger Things season 4 episode 04. Dr. Owens' men explained to Jonathan what was going on. It is said that Eleven is now being searched by some people in the government to follow Eleven
Stranger Things season 4 episode 04. Dr. Owens' men explained to Jonathan what was going on. It is said that Eleven is now being searched by some people in the government to follow Eleven
Stranger Things season 4 episode 04. Dr. Owens' men explained to Jonathan what was going on. It is said that Eleven is now being searched by some people in the government to follow Eleven
Stranger Things season 4 episode 04. Dr. Owens' men explained to Jonathan what was going on. It is said that Eleven is now being searched by some people in the government to follow Eleven
Stranger Things season 4 episode 04. Dr. Owens' men explained to Jonathan what was going on. It is said that Eleven is now being searched by some people in the government to follow Eleven
Stranger Things season 4 episode 04. Dr. Owens' men explained to Jonathan what was going on. It is said that Eleven is now being searched by some people in the government to follow Eleven

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