
After the reunification of Taiwan, what is the new name? The former finance minister gave the answer, which made people applaud


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All along, the return of Taiwan Province has been an issue of great concern to the people on both sides of the strait.

And what Taiwan should be called after reunification has also become a topic of discussion among everyone.

The answer given by Wang Jianxuan, former "finance minister" of Taiwan Province of China, was praised by everyone.

After China completed the great cause of reunification, what did Wang Jianxuan think Taiwan should be called?

After the reunification of Taiwan, what is the new name? The former finance minister gave the answer, which made people applaud

On September 11, 2023, Wang Jianxuan, who is in his 80s, announced his withdrawal from the 2024 Taiwan leadership campaign.

As soon as the news came out, many people on both sides of the strait felt a great pity. If he is elected, perhaps the Taiwan issue will be resolved soon.

In March, the announcement that he was going to run for election made many people very excited.

The reason why Wang Jianxuan wanted to run for the post of leader of Taiwan Province despite his old age was because he was very disappointed by the Taiwan authorities' approach.

After the reunification of Taiwan, what is the new name? The former finance minister gave the answer, which made people applaud

In recent years, the DPP has become increasingly arrogant and frequently colluding with foreign forces, which has strained cross-strait relations.

They vainly try to achieve so-called "independence" and push the treasure island into the abyss.

He has lived on the island for decades and cannot watch it be destroyed.

During the election campaign, Wang Jianxuan clearly pointed out that if he came to power, he would reunify the two sides of the strait in two years at most, and would never buy arms from the Americans.

His statement was supported by many people, but those lawbreakers insulted him as a "provincial pig".

That's right, he is not a native of Taiwan, his birthplace is Anhui.

After the reunification of Taiwan, what is the new name? The former finance minister gave the answer, which made people applaud

In 1949, Wang Jianxuan, who was only 11 years old, followed the Kuomintang to live in Taiwan Province with his parents.

To the deliberate smearing of others, he retorted:

"Compared to you, I, the 'provincial pig', love Taiwan more!"

He ran for election at the same time to awaken Taiwanese who have been deceived by the DPP and tell them how serious cross-strait relations are at present.

In the hearts of ordinary people on Baodao, Wang Jianxuan's reputation is good.

During his tenure as Taiwan Province's "Minister of Finance" in 1990 and his subsequent political career, he dared to fight against lawless forces, did not accept bribes, handled various affairs impartially, and donated most of his salary.

After the reunification of Taiwan, what is the new name? The former finance minister gave the answer, which made people applaud

In addition, he is a staunch supporter of the "one-China principle."

His special experience as a child made him a patriot who has been campaigning for cross-strait reunification.

When asked what the new name of Taiwan Province would be after reunification.

The answer given by Wang Jianxuan was both surprising and unexpected.

He did not follow the ancient titles of Taiwan Province such as "Yizhou", but combined with China's policy, saying that it was best to call it "Taiwan Special Administrative Region".

The five words "Special Administrative Region" imply his attitude towards the Taiwan issue.

Of China's more than 30 provincial-level administrative regions, only Hong Kong and Macao are followed by "special administrative regions".

These two places have a lot in common with Taiwan Province, such as being colonized by foreigners in history and "separated" from the motherland for a certain period of time; Also part of the territory of China, etc.

After the reunification of Taiwan, what is the new name? The former finance minister gave the answer, which made people applaud

Wang Jianxuan added the phrase "Special Administrative Region" after the reunification of Taiwan Province, indicating that he considers this place an inalienable part of China, and hopes that Taiwan Province will return to Taiwan peacefully like Hong Kong and Macao, and on the premise of abiding by the "one-China principle", retain some existing local systems and enjoy a high degree of autonomy.

Having experienced the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, he knows very well how important peace is to the common people, and does not want the people on both sides of the strait to be in dire straits again.

In addition, it shows his recognition and support for the "one country, two systems" policy advocated by Deng Gong.

For historical reasons, the political systems of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Province are different from those of the mainland and follow the capitalist line.

In order to ensure that the local economy and other aspects would not be affected after the return of the three localities, Deng Gong formally proposed the principle of "one country, two systems" on January 11, 1982 in light of the national conditions.

After the reunification of Taiwan, what is the new name? The former finance minister gave the answer, which made people applaud

In 1997 and 1999, Hong Kong and Macao returned to the motherland and implemented this policy. Today, the economies of the two places are still prosperous, which is enough to show the advanced and correct nature of "one country, two systems."

There have been two successful cases, and after the reunification of Taiwan, "one country, two systems" can still be implemented in the region.

I have to say that Wang Jianxuan is quite wise, and the name he gave to Taiwan Province after reunification is really amazing!

As he said, cross-strait relations are now grim, which is a big test for China.

After the reunification of Taiwan, what is the new name? The former finance minister gave the answer, which made people applaud

Although Taiwan Province will change its "leaders" in 2024, the hope of resolving the Taiwan issue cannot be placed on them.

On the other hand, the intention of the United States and other countries to use the situation in the Taiwan Strait to contain China is becoming more and more obvious, and China cannot sit still.

Only if China grasps the initiative, the lawbreakers cannot stir up trouble.

The central authorities have sufficient strength to resolve the Taiwan issue by force. But considering the Taiwan compatriots, the central government did not do this, and no one wants to see a devastated and scarred Taiwan Province.

Therefore, the central authorities have always hoped for peaceful reunification through negotiations and other means.

If the Taiwan authorities are obsessed and want to do evil acts together with outsiders, at a certain time, the central authorities will have to use force to solve the problem.

In any case, I hope that the Motherland will be reunified at an early date!

For the name of Taiwan Province after reunification, what do you think is the most appropriate name, welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss.

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