
China announced the "evacuation of overseas Chinese", but it can only take commercial flights! Israel wants to take the Chinese hostage?

author:Lotte pie little squirrel

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China's neutral and humanitarian stance in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has continued to change in recent years, and various conflicts and disputes have emerged one after another. Among them, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is one of the hot events of global concern. In this context, the touching picture in the movie "Wolf Warrior II" - the plot of Wu Jing holding high the Chinese red flag and leading the Chinese to evacuate safely has become the pride of many Chinese.

China announced the "evacuation of overseas Chinese", but it can only take commercial flights! Israel wants to take the Chinese hostage?

China, as a world power, will do its best to protect the lives and safety of its overseas Chinese every time there is turmoil or war abroad. This is not only a responsibility of a country to its citizens, but also a manifestation of the country's great strength. As we say, "This is the country, this is home." "In early October, with the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the safety of Chinese citizens in Israel was seriously threatened. To this end, the Chinese government responded as soon as possible and took urgent action to ensure the safety of the lives and property of the Chinese in Israel. On October 7, when it was learned that 300 Chinese citizens were trapped, the Chinese Embassy in Israel quickly organized rescue efforts to ensure the safe evacuation of these compatriots.

China announced the "evacuation of overseas Chinese", but it can only take commercial flights! Israel wants to take the Chinese hostage?

However, many people have expressed doubts about why only commercial flights were used for evacuation. As a rule, the Chinese government should send warships or special planes to rescue them. However, the reality is that because Israel has expressed concern that China is sending warships or special planes, which it believes may exacerbate regional tensions, it only allows the evacuation of overseas Chinese by commercial flight.

China announced the "evacuation of overseas Chinese", but it can only take commercial flights! Israel wants to take the Chinese hostage?

Behind this, we can see the complex political relations and power game in the Middle East. Israel, although a powerful power in the Middle East, has long been widely criticized by countries around the world for its policies toward the Arab world, especially Palestine. At the same time, China's relations with the Arab world have become increasingly close, and China's neutral and impartial position has been recognized and supported by many Arab countries.

China announced the "evacuation of overseas Chinese", but it can only take commercial flights! Israel wants to take the Chinese hostage?

Therefore, when Israel tried to use the Chinese as a bargaining chip to blackmail China, tried to get China to side with it, and even participated in military operations, the Chinese government flatly refused. China has always adhered to the peaceful settlement of disputes and opposed any form of terrorism and aggression, which is also China's long-term foreign policy.

China announced the "evacuation of overseas Chinese", but it can only take commercial flights! Israel wants to take the Chinese hostage?

In the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the calm and decisive attitude of the Chinese government not only safeguarded its own national interests, but also guaranteed the life and safety of the Chinese in Israel. At the same time, the Chinese Government has also worked hard through various channels to promote Palestine and Israel to return to the negotiating table and achieve the goal of peaceful settlement of disputes.

China announced the "evacuation of overseas Chinese", but it can only take commercial flights! Israel wants to take the Chinese hostage?

Finally, for those countries that try to realize their narrow interests through conflict and strife, there is an old Chinese saying: "Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, who will the sky spare?" "I sincerely hope that the countries concerned will have a clear understanding of the situation, put aside their interests, and take measures that are truly conducive to solving the problem for the sake of regional and world peace and stability."

China announced the "evacuation of overseas Chinese", but it can only take commercial flights! Israel wants to take the Chinese hostage?

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