
Reveal why Yu Qian is silent: the truth behind Guo Degang is exposed!

author:Look at the text and say the little things

In the rivers and lakes of Chinese comedy culture, there is such a pair of brothers, whose names are often on the lips of cross talk fans in Beijing and even across the country - Guo Degang and Yu Qian. They were not born in a traditional cross talk family, nor were they starry at the beginning, but they used their hard work and intelligence to create one joyful night after another on the stage, giving new life to the art of cross talk. Their cooperation can be described as polishing sparks and illuminating the future of China's cross talk industry. Guo Degang, a leader in the cross talk industry and the head of Deyun Club, his start was not easy, he was poor since he was a child, but with his love and unremitting pursuit of cross talk, he embarked on the journey of his acting career.

Reveal why Yu Qian is silent: the truth behind Guo Degang is exposed!

In that era when information was not developed and entertainment channels were limited, Guo Degang stood on the tractor and used his own unique way to attract passers-by to stop and listen, telling stories from ancient and modern China and foreign countries. Although he faced various difficulties at the beginning, and was even deliberately embarrassed by the program team, he finally gained artistic recognition with his perseverance and gradually had his own place. When it comes to Yu Qian, the "queen" of the cross talk world, his background is also colorful. He was born into a family of intellectuals, his father was a high-level geological prospector in the Dagang Oilfield, and his mother was also an expert in the oil industry. Such a family environment made Yu Qian receive a good education since he was a child and read poetry and books. But it may be a little inconsistent with his family background, Yu Qian chose to embark on the road of cross talk. After studying in the cross talk class of the Beijing Opera School, he became a disciple of Shi Fukuan and entered the Beijing Quyi Troupe, where although the income was mediocre, it was enough for him to enjoy the joy of life. However, with the decline of the cross talk industry, Yu Qian's heart also rippled. He began to seek a breakthrough in the film and television industry, even if it was just a role, he could get along with people, and even often became the first choice of the crew. In order to consolidate his position in the entertainment industry, Yu Qian continued his studies, and after graduation, he continued to try in various roles, whether it was the emcee, host or fortune teller, he tried them one by one, although he did not succeed, but he also enjoyed it. It is in this context that the fates of Guo Degang and Yu Qian are intertwined.

Reveal why Yu Qian is silent: the truth behind Guo Degang is exposed!

The first collaboration took place in a modest theater on the outskirts of Beijing, where they wore coats and untouched hair, seemingly a far cry from their later glory. However, it is such an environment that has achieved countless wonderful stage collaborations between the two.

Reveal why Yu Qian is silent: the truth behind Guo Degang is exposed!

Since that time, the fate of the two has been bound, and more than 20 years of cooperation have witnessed the ups and downs they have gone through together. In the process of Deyun Club's growing strength, Guo Degang and Yu Qian support each other and complement each other.

Reveal why Yu Qian is silent: the truth behind Guo Degang is exposed!

Guo Degang, with his own talent and hard work, has made Deyun Club a vane in the cross talk industry, while Yu Qian has consistently supported his senior brother, both in art and in life. When the children of the two grow up, they choose each other as teachers, and this relationship is not only a tacit understanding on the cross talk stage, but also a deep friendship in life. However, not all apprentices can get along in harmony with Guo Degang like Yu Qian. As the reputation of the Deyun Society grew, some of the disciples began to become dissatisfied with Guo Degang, and they challenged the authority of the master and even caused trouble when the Deyun Society was in crisis. For a period of time, the disputes and confrontations within Deyun Club became the focus of media attention, and Guo Degang's patience and prestige were greatly tested.

Reveal why Yu Qian is silent: the truth behind Guo Degang is exposed!

In particular, Cao Yunjin's performance in many disputes is even more suffocating. But in all these disputes, Yu Qian always stuck behind Guo Degang, and his steadiness and open-mindedness allowed him to always maintain his loyalty to Deyun Club and respect for his senior brother. Yu Qian's support is not only the maintenance of personal relationships, but also the respect and inheritance of the art of cross talk. He may understand that in the flashy world of the entertainment industry, fame and fortune are fleeting, and only the awe of art and the emotion of like-minded people are the most cherished. In the end, just as their cooperation on the stage was as impeccable, in life they also used sincerity and mutual support to overcome one difficulty after another. The story of the two cross talk artists is not only a personal legend, but also a microcosm of traditional Chinese culture. In the ever-changing entertainment environment, they stick to their hearts, inherit the classics, and let the ancient art form of cross talk glow with new vitality in the modern society. Through the stories of Guo Degang and Yu Qian, we can see that whether it is on the road of art or in the journey of life, the real partners are those who are willing to bear the storm with you when you need it most. Their friendship transcends the realm of business and profit, and becomes a purer and nobler spiritual pursuit. In this materialistic world, their persistence and loyalty remind us that the best part of human nature is worth cherishing and inheriting. In the days to come, may they continue to work together to create more laughter and revelation, and bring endless joy and reflection to the world.

Reveal why Yu Qian is silent: the truth behind Guo Degang is exposed!

On the fertile soil of Chinese quyi, Deyun Club has continuously multiplied the tradition and innovation of cross talk with its unique artistic charm and unique management model. In this fertile cultural scene, Yu Qian, as a senior artist of Deyun Club, has gradually stepped into a respectable secondary position. His name may not be as loud as Guo Degang, but with his extraordinary sincerity and loyalty, he contributes his strength to the prosperity and stability of Deyun Club in front of and behind the scenes. In the years of Deyun Club, Yu Qian has always kept a low profile and silently assumed the responsibilities that are consistent with his identity. Even if he was promoted to the high position of vice president, he still adhered to his principles and only received his due salary, never taking more.

Reveal why Yu Qian is silent: the truth behind Guo Degang is exposed!

For the intricate internal affairs of Deyun Club, he rarely intervened, and it seemed that everything was left to Guo Degang alone. However, Yu Qian, who seems to be careless, has deep emotions and self-evident support for Guo Degang in his heart. With the expansion of the scale of Deyun Club and the increase in the number of performances, some situations inevitably appeared. As the president, Guo Degang cannot carefully check all the scripts, but once there is a problem, he always stands up and apologizes to the public as soon as possible. In the face of these circumstances, Yu Qian chose to remain silent, he would not interfere in the management of his disciples' affairs, but if someone caused harm to Guo Degang, Yu Qian would never sit idly by. In the music industry, the relationship between Deyun Club and the Quyi Association has always been tense. Some of the association's official articles are often difficult to agree with, and although Guo Degang has a straightforward personality, he sometimes has to respond with a sense of face. For these occasions, Guo Degang may be able to remain silent, but Yu Qian cannot tolerate it. Soon after the conflict with the Quyi Association, he resolutely fought side by side with Guo Degang, expressing his attitude in a sentence full of bitterness and grievances. At the same time, Yu Qian and Guo Degang's little interests in their personal lives are gradually known to the audience. Yu Qian became obsessed with perms, and the top of Guo Degang's head inadvertently formed a loving shape. Their mutual reliance and deep friendship are like a tangled but unbreakable red thread that binds them together. However, the two did not always get along smoothly.

Reveal why Yu Qian is silent: the truth behind Guo Degang is exposed!

The cross talk industry has its own unique rules, all on stage are equal, and there is strict discipline off stage. In this context, Yu Qian also touched Guo Degang's bottom line. Before a commercial performance, Guo Degang was anxious to find Yu Qian.

Reveal why Yu Qian is silent: the truth behind Guo Degang is exposed!

And when Yu Qian hurriedly appeared with a drunken spirit, Guo Degang had mixed feelings in his heart and it was difficult to choose. In order to stall for time, the performance had to be extended to an hour, and Yu Qian was almost forced to walk on the stage in the process of rapid sobriety. During the performance, Guo Degang was worried that Yu Qian would make a mistake due to the effect of alcohol, but Yu Qian was free and enthusiastic with the help of alcohol, and was completely immersed in his performance. Guo Degang's inner torment boiled down to a mouthful of depressed old blood, but at this critical juncture, he wittily turned over a fight, which won bursts of applause from the audience, and also made this performance a classic talked about by future generations.

Reveal why Yu Qian is silent: the truth behind Guo Degang is exposed!

Afterwards, Yu Qian was deeply remorseful for his misconduct, and he solemnly promised Guo Degang that he would never drink alcohol before performances in the future. Guo Degang is broad-minded and knows how to forgive and let go, and this episode has become a cloud of the past. On the road of art, Guo Degang always seems to be righteous and strict, he can afford to take it, and he can put it down, although he is often surrounded by people, but his inner loneliness is not known to outsiders. Yu Qian once compared it to a smart orangutan, simple and direct, one punch to come, one punch back. When the culture of the pear orchard and the pure encounter of the zoo, the relationship between the two is like an exotic encounter, the pear orchard is responsible for the rules and rituals, but in the zoo, it is a free-spirited soul. From acquaintance to acquaintance, and then to staying together, in more than 20 years, every laugh and tear they have become a testimony of each other's affection. As the years passed, on the stage of Deyun Club, Yu Qian and Guo Degang experienced countless ups and downs together. This is not only a legend of artistic partners, but also a demonstration of deep brotherhood. Under the witness of this emotion, we see not only the humor and wisdom of cross talk, but also the sincerity and care of human nature. In such a relationship, whether it is a twist or a dilemma, it will be turned into the power to move forward and become the most beautiful joke in the world. And Deyun Club, still under their protection, continues to write its own glorious chapter. Inspired by such a spirit, we should also learn to cherish our partners who work together, know how to rely on each other in the wind and rain, and make the journey of life more glorious because of trust and friendship.

Reveal why Yu Qian is silent: the truth behind Guo Degang is exposed!

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