
Yang Zi's new style stepped on thunder, with a short waist and thick arms, and fans touted him to lose himself

author:Brother Hua's back garden
Yang Zi's new style stepped on thunder, with a short waist and thick arms, and fans touted him to lose himself

At the end of the year, it is the time for celebrities to compete for beauty, and it is inevitable that there will be comparisons when there are many stars, who is higher and who is low, who is really beautiful, and who is blown out, for example, Yang Zi, who has always been praised for her appearance and rejuvenation, exploded at the Starlight Awards just now.

Yang Zi's new style stepped on thunder, with a short waist and thick arms, and fans touted him to lose himself

She wore a black waist-cinching dress that night, judging from the pictures released by the studio, she was extravagant and generous, beautiful and elegant, and fans also praised her again and again, saying that her sister got rid of the title of "ordinary girl", but when she got to the picture, her original shape was revealed, H-shaped body, no waistline at all, and the proportions were cruel five or five points, and the trapezius muscles were particularly prominent, almost exposing all the physical defects, which was very embarrassing.

Yang Zi's new style stepped on thunder, with a short waist and thick arms, and fans touted him to lose himself

In fact, Yang Zi's own figure is very abusive, and the figure is not like a face, the face can be made up, and the body proportion is not good, that is not good, in the past few years, she would choose a one-shoulder dress whenever she had this kind of activity, just to cover up her body defects, at that time, fans also attacked the stylist for being lazy, not giving Yang Zi a new look, just taking money and not doing anything, and not being able to make her sister more beautiful and fairy and press others.

Yang Zi's new style stepped on thunder, with a short waist and thick arms, and fans touted him to lose himself

The stylist is just a part-time worker, Yang Zi knows her shortcomings such as short waist, thick arms and thick legs, so she insists on choosing a one-shoulder dress, and the stylist can't disobey her.

Yang Zi's new style stepped on thunder, with a short waist and thick arms, and fans touted him to lose himself

And Yang Zi herself is still very concerned about the comments of the outside world, and she wants to get rid of the title of "ordinary girl", especially since this year, she has strengthened weight loss and body shaping exercises, and has seen some results, and then under the praise of fans' rainbow skin, she really thought that she had achieved a gorgeous reversal, so she made a bold choice this time, such a dress that was not suitable for her, so she stepped on the thunder without accident.

Yang Zi's new style stepped on thunder, with a short waist and thick arms, and fans touted him to lose himself

Now that Yang Zi's reputation that she had accumulated so hard before was ruined, the beauty label came to naught overnight, and it didn't matter if there were more netizens who ridiculed her, and more importantly, many high-end luxury brands were watching and inspecting her in the past few months.

Yang Zi's new style stepped on thunder, with a short waist and thick arms, and fans touted him to lose himself

It can only be said that Yang Zi should save some effort, her first label is an actor, not a model, acting well is the top priority, the route of Yan Ba on the red carpet is really not suitable for her, the style, it doesn't matter if it is not brilliant, just don't make a mistake, after all, compared to a stunning red carpet look, it is still a wonderful work, and the long-tail effect brought by it is more beneficial to the star.

Yang Zi's new style stepped on thunder, with a short waist and thick arms, and fans touted him to lose himself

Yang Zi's anxiety is understandable, the current entertainment industry is in a state of rotten and involution, which is manifested in terms of appearance, professional ability, etc., the appearance has generally declined, in the past, it was all over the place, but now it is a common woman and ugly man, and he has to kidnap netizens morally, saying that he can't engage in aesthetic bullying, in terms of professional ability, it is always a sentence that he has been improving, and the progress has been visible only to fans for a long time, and the volume is reflected in their all-round development, endorsement must be high-luxury, clothes must be high-end, and the filming and singing production team must also be high-matched, which has a very interesting problem, the strength does not match what he gets, and how high is the shelf, which makes this star more like a clown.

Yang Zi's new style stepped on thunder, with a short waist and thick arms, and fans touted him to lose himself

Of course, there are some celebrities who have really worked hard, such as Yang Zi, she has indeed lost weight and shaped her body, we can see with the naked eye that her state is much better than before, but some things can not be reversed by hard work, Yang Zi's congenital conditions determine her ceiling, of course, if you meet a divine magician, maybe you can develop her ceiling, and before that, she is in a field that is not suitable for herself, so don't be too bold to try.

Yang Zi's new style stepped on thunder, with a short waist and thick arms, and fans touted him to lose himself

In addition, Yang Zi's disaster is also inseparable from fans, really sometimes fans don't spoil too much, your brothers and sisters are not jealous of everyone, they have been raised by fans and staff to live in the castle, can't stand a little storm, sometimes the criticism from the outside world is not all malicious, you should listen to it or listen, or make it so ridiculous and generous, you go to the death to save your respect, aren't you tired?

Discussion: Do you think Yang Zi has lost herself in the praise of fans?

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