
Solidly promote Chinese-style modernization with the spirit of great struggle

author:China Industry Network

Original title: Solidly promote Chinese-style modernization with the spirit of great struggle

The great spirit of struggle is the glorious tradition and precious spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation, and the spiritual symbol and banner of the Communist Party of China. In the face of the unprecedented pioneering cause of promoting Chinese-style modernization in the new era and new journey, strong material support is important, but strong spiritual support is also indispensable. In order to accomplish this historical mission, the only way to do this is to vigorously carry forward the great spirit of struggle and solidly promote the Chinese-style modernization drive with a never-slackening spirit and an indomitable attitude of struggle.

The magic weapon of the century-old party in promoting modernization

The great spirit of struggle is the fine tradition and magic weapon of the Communist Party of China, which runs through the different historical periods of China's revolution, construction and reform, and runs through the party's struggle to promote the country's modernization. During the period of the New Democratic Revolution, the Communist Party of China led the Chinese people to carry out a thorough social revolution on the one hand, overthrow the "three mountains," establish a new China in which the people are masters of their own affairs, and create fundamental social conditions for China's modernization. Revolutionary spirits such as the spirit of the Long March, the spirit of Yan'an, the spirit of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and the spirit of Xibaipo have provided a strong spiritual impetus for the Party to explore modernization and achieve the victory of the new democratic revolution. During the period of socialist revolution and construction, the Party promoted socialist modernization with the vigor, revolutionary enthusiasm and revolutionary spirit of the revolutionary war years, established an independent and relatively complete industrial system and a national economic system on the basis of establishing the basic socialist system, and put forward the strategic objectives of the "four modernizations" and the "two-step" strategic plan. The consolidation of people's power has provided abundant nourishment.

In the new period of reform, opening up, and socialist modernization, the party has not only carried out reform and opening up with the spirit of daring to think, dare to do, dare to break through, and dare to try, and found a "Chinese-style road to modernization", but also built a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way with vigorous, high-spirited, and righteous spirit, and also promoted the building of a harmonious socialist society with the spirit of forging forward in the face of difficulties, perseverance, hard work, and courage. The historic leap in people's lives and the great leap in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics have provided ideological support. In the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Party has coordinated and promoted the overall layout of the "Five-in-One" and the "Four Comprehensives" with a great historical initiative spirit and a strong sense of responsibility, persisted in carrying forward the spirit of struggle, and promoted the cause of the Party and the country to achieve historic achievements and historic changes.

The practical need to promote Chinese-style modernization

The party's achievements over the past 100 years have been created through carrying forward the spirit of struggle and great struggle, and all the achievements in the past 10 years in the new era have also been made by the party and the people vigorously carrying forward the spirit of struggle and working together. To embark on a new journey and promote Chinese-style modernization, we must also continue to carry forward the great spirit of struggle.

Judging from the world situation, the new period of turbulence and change in the world and the new external environment in China require us to overcome difficulties with a great spirit of struggle. The world is undergoing major changes unseen in a century, with prominent instability and uncertainty, the trend of anti-globalization and global problems intensifying, unilateralism, protectionism and hegemonism on the rise, the global economy continuing to be sluggish, the recovery is sluggish, and local conflicts and turbulence are frequent. At the same time, the external environment for the mainland's development is becoming more and more severe and complex, with the "chaos in the West" in sharp contrast to the "rule of China," trade wars, science and technology wars, public opinion wars, diplomatic wars, and financial wars one after another, and the struggle in the ideological field being extremely acute and complex.

Judging from the national conditions, the new missions and tasks and the new contradictions and problems all require us to work hard in the spirit of great struggle. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward five Chinese characteristics, nine essential requirements and a "two-step" strategic arrangement for Chinese-style modernization, which are unprecedented in arduousness and complexity in order to translate Chinese characteristics into practical requirements; unprecedented difficulty and resistance in order to implement the essential requirements in place; and unprecedented in onerous and innovative nature in order to smoothly advance the strategic goals, all of which require carrying forward the spirit of struggle and putting in arduous efforts and unremitting struggle. To advance the new and arduous cause of Chinese-style modernization, we must also carry forward the spirit of struggle and forge ahead with the spirit of perseverance and perseverance.

From the perspective of the party's situation, comprehensively and strictly governing the party and deepening the party's self-revolution require us to continue to exert efforts in the spirit of great struggle. On the new journey, the party's ruling environment is still relatively complicated, and even some problems unique to big parties have emerged, and the building of a clean and honest government and the anti-corruption struggle are also facing many stubborn and frequent problems, and some party members and cadres have the mentality of long-term peace and mental slackness, lack of the spirit of responsibility, weak fighting skills, and insufficient spirit of hard work. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasized that it is necessary to lead the social revolution with the party's self-revolution and improve the party's self-revolution system and normative system, which requires us to unite and struggle, and to pioneer and innovate with the spirit of hard work and perseverance.

Write a new chapter of Chinese modernization with the great spirit of struggle

In the face of profound changes in the world, the country and the party, we must rely on the spirit of struggle to effectively respond to unprecedented risks and challenges and create a new situation of Chinese-style modernization.

Maintain the posture of struggle in the courage to struggle. Promoting Chinese-style modernization has a bright future but a long way to go, and it has no experience to learn from, nor does it happen overnight, and even faces many major tests. We must always maintain the attitude of "the more difficult the more forward" struggle, not only strengthen the will to struggle, but also enrich the experience of struggle, but also practice the real skills and kung fu of struggle in the course of practical training, open the way in the face of contradictions and build bridges in the face of water, and enhance the ability of scientific thinking and practical work in professional training.

Temper the will to struggle in the arduous struggle. We must always maintain the spirit of not seeking easy things and not taking refuge, inherit and carry forward the spirit of hardship and hard work, self-reliance, and hard work, always maintain the sobriety and firmness of "catching up with the examination", always adhere to the ideals and beliefs of the communists, continue the spiritual blood of the communists to forge ahead, forge ahead, and inherit and cultivate the noble feelings of being willing to struggle. Fearless of hardships and forged ahead, we must dare to wade into dangers, break problems, gnaw hard bones, and take responsibility for entrepreneurship with indomitable strong will and self-improvement.

Gather the strength of struggle in unity and struggle. To promote Chinese-style modernization, we must unite the whole party and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to think and work together under the overall leadership of the party, gather the people's hearts, people's wisdom and people's strength, and carry forward the spirit of unity and struggle within the party, deeply understand and comprehend the decisive significance of the "two establishments", enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve the "two safeguards" To achieve the unity and centralization of the whole party in ideology, politics and action, it is necessary to ensure that the party unites and leads the people to work together, adhere to the people-centered, give full play to the creative power of all the people, resolutely safeguard the fundamental interests of the people, and improve the people's livelihood and well-being. All forces that can be united, including compatriots at home and abroad, have forged a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation and gathered together the majestic power of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.

Temper the ability to struggle in the relay struggle. It is necessary to maintain strategic concentration and strategic sobriety, always strengthen the confidence in realizing Chinese-style modernization, and do a blueprint to the end, stick to the goal and not relax, but also carry forward the spirit of hard work, stubble after stubble, stick to stick to run, generation after generation, and finally achieve the goal in the relay struggle of the majority of young people, but also to enhance innovative thinking, innovation ability, innovative thinking to promote reform and innovation, Strengthen the impetus for development, vigorously promote theoretical, practical, institutional, cultural and other aspects of innovation, stimulate the relay motivation in innovation, and strive to draw a new picture of Chinese-style modernization.

(The author, Chen Huoxin, is secretary of the Youth League Committee of North China Electric Power University, and Qi Xiuqiang is an associate professor of the School of Marxism, North China Electric Power University)

Source: China Youth Daily

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