
The Shenzhong channel is opened! Hong Kong netizens are hotly discussing going to eat food!


The bridge connecting Shenzhen and Zhongshan will be opened today (June 30), and many Hong Kong people are very happy, in addition to being able to eat delicious food, because Zhongshan is the second hometown of many Hong Kong people.

Some people are surprised, isn't it rumored on the Internet that Japan is the "second home"? That's because there were many Hong Kong tourists who used to travel to Japan, and in fact, the place where Hong Kong people bought the most houses in Guangdong was in Zhongshan.

The Shenzhong channel is opened! Hong Kong netizens are hotly discussing going to eat food!

In 1980, when real estate in the mainland was just starting to take off, Zhongshan already had the shadow of Hong Kong businessmen, Fok Yingdong and Stanley Ho invested in Zhongshan Hot Spring, which was the first Sino-foreign cooperative hotel in China.

Because of their investment, and the fact that 80% of Zhongshan is Cantonese, with the same voice, groups of Hong Kong people went to Zhongshan to buy houses, which reached its peak in the 90s, and the most popular travel at that time was Zhongshan buying groups.

The Shenzhong channel is opened! Hong Kong netizens are hotly discussing going to eat food!

For example, Zhongshan Xingchen Garden, after the launch of the 90s, sought after by Hong Kong people, 97 years on July 1 also launched a special exhibition to celebrate the return of the country, 09 years of Hong Kong sister champion also gave a villa for free, the owner 9 percent of Hong Kong people.

Of course, it is inevitable that Agile invited many celebrities to endorse it back then, among which the advertisement shot by Liu Qingyun and his wife on the spot, with the sentence "You and I are both worth having", made many Hong Kong people buy houses one after another.

The Shenzhong channel is opened! Hong Kong netizens are hotly discussing going to eat food!

However, in the early days, Hong Kong people went to Zhongshan, most of them took a boat to Zhongshan Port, and those who did not want to take a boat could only take a bus, since the opening of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, it was more convenient to go to Zhongshan through Zhuhai.

However, starting today, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor connecting Shenzhen and Zhongshan will be opened to traffic, which means that it is much faster to take a car from Hong Kong to Zhongshan.

The Shenzhong channel is opened! Hong Kong netizens are hotly discussing going to eat food!

Shenzhong Passage, that end is Zhongshan, this end is in Futian District, Shenzhen, what is the concept? From Hong Kong, after the Shenzhen Bay Bridge port, you can reach the Qianhai starting point of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor in 20 minutes.

The 24-kilometre-long Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor shortens the distance between Zhongshan and Shenzhen to half an hour, and also means that the drive from Hong Kong to Zhongshan will be shortened by at least 30 minutes.

The Shenzhong channel is opened! Hong Kong netizens are hotly discussing going to eat food!

A bus company in Hong Kong specializing in cross-border business has indicated that it plans to increase the number of direct buses by about 50%, from 20 to more than 30, which will not only provide more services, but also shorten the time and increase profits.

Hong Kong's travel agencies have also been gearing up, and they have formed a lot of teams today, such as a 199 Hong Kong dollar one-day tour, not only to take the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Channel, but also to eat Zhongshan pigeon.

The Shenzhong channel is opened! Hong Kong netizens are hotly discussing going to eat food!

If you think 199 Hong Kong dollars is too expensive, there is a team that goes back and forth for a day, 88 Hong Kong dollars! The Zhongshan Day Tour used to be called the "Hemorrhoids" group, which means a long-distance bus ride, but now it saves 3 hours back and forth.

The Shenzhong channel is opened! Hong Kong netizens are hotly discussing going to eat food!

Due to the reduction of bus fares, for Hong Kong people who are tired of going to Zhuhai and Shenzhen, there is no doubt that the option of traveling to the mainland has increased, after all, there are too many delicacies in Zhongshan, and the most important thing is that the price is cheaper than Shenzhen!

The Shenzhong channel is opened! Hong Kong netizens are hotly discussing going to eat food!

Of course, the bridge is not only aimed at Zhongshan, but also the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor to Nansha, which will play a more critical role in economic development, which was previously just a tidal flat outside the edge of Guangzhou.

Nicknamed "Guangzhou's Siberia" by the old Cantonese people at that time, Fok Yingdong took a fancy to Nansha in the 80s, and today, Nansha has become the center of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone.

The Shenzhong channel is opened! Hong Kong netizens are hotly discussing going to eat food!

Hong Kong netizens: With this channel, it is too convenient to go to Zhongshan, Shenzhen-Zhongshan special line, Qianhai DreamWorks North District Bus Station, just at Exit A of Liyumen Station of Line 1, turn around and see!

The Shenzhong channel is opened! Hong Kong netizens are hotly discussing going to eat food!

Hong Kong netizens: It's finally opened, now I live in Zhongshan after retirement, the food is very cheap, I can communicate in Cantonese, it's very comfortable, and I will go back to Hong Kong in the future, it's too convenient.

The Shenzhong channel is opened! Hong Kong netizens are hotly discussing going to eat food!

Hong Kong netizens: Shiqi suckling pigeon, Nanlang seafood claypot rice, Dongsheng crispy meat carp, Yangtze River Reservoir fish, Sanxiang sesame noodles, side fish porridge, Xiaolan chrysanthemum soup, Shenwan pineapple, bowl worm, Haizhou fish cake, Shaxi buckle meat and salty pancakes, there is no need to go to Shenzhen with this channel!

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