
Comfortable small home, it took four months to complete, the whole house is simply decorated, it is a pleasure to visit with my son!

author:Then and then

Home, one word, contains infinite warmth and expectation. Especially for those young people who are about to enter the palace of marriage, the first new house is the place where the dream begins. Today, I'm going to share how a young couple turned a blank house into their dream home. Starting from scratch, the couple didn't choose to hire a designer, but decided to build a nest of their own. It's a challenging decision, but they believe it is a better way to reflect their personal style and needs. This story starts here. As a homeowner, she took inspiration from countless renovation cases and embarked on the road of no return. Every detail, every corner, has been carefully considered by her. From the start of construction to the completion of the project, it lasted four months, and every step of the progress touched the hearts of her and her family. Let's start with the entrance door. As soon as I opened the door, a separate entrance came into view. The simple yet sophisticated design makes people feel at home as soon as they enter the door.

Comfortable small home, it took four months to complete, the whole house is simply decorated, it is a pleasure to visit with my son!

In this space, the design of the left and right sides is even more ingenious - shoe cabinets. Taking into account the actual needs of family members, the owner has specially designed a shoe cabinet with a shoe changing stool on the right side, which is convenient for family members to sit down and change shoes, while the upper and lower layers of the shoe cabinet on the left side are designed to make full use of the space, which is amazing for the thoughtfulness of the homeowner. You may wonder how the owner's family felt about the design, and according to the owner, when she brought her little ones to visit, the children responded enthusiastically. The children curiously opened every cabinet door and explored every corner of their new home. Their laughter and laughter became the most beautiful decoration of this new home. Walking into the living room, you'll find that the layout is much simpler – no TV wall, no complicated sofa backdrop. The walls are covered with gray wall coverings, an atmospheric and popular color that gives people a modern feel and makes the space appear more spacious and bright. The restaurant section is also worth mentioning.

Comfortable small home, it took four months to complete, the whole house is simply decorated, it is a pleasure to visit with my son!

A slate-shaped square dining table is just the right size for family gatherings or a change of position when needed. The black dining chairs match it, and the contrast between black and white makes the whole restaurant look both calm and atmospheric. The upper and lower sideboards next to it not only provide enough storage space, but also are a clever embodiment of space utilization. However, behind all this seemingly simple design, there are countless days and nights of thinking and choices of the homeowner. There is no luxurious decoration, no complicated modeling, but everywhere reflects the care and intention of the owner. A home, no matter how big or small, whether simple or luxurious, the most important thing is that it can give the warmest hug to the family. This home, despite the high expense of hiring a designer, has all the features and warmth that a family needs. Here, they will record every important moment and witness every growth and change.

Comfortable small home, it took four months to complete, the whole house is simply decorated, it is a pleasure to visit with my son!

I believe that the story of this new house is not only about the four-month renovation process, but also a symbol of an attitude to life - to live with heart and enjoy simplicity. Through their own efforts, the young couple has created a warm haven for their love. And this home will also accompany them through every spring, summer, autumn and winter in the future. I hope that through this story, you can feel that decoration is not only a transformation of a space, but also a creation of life. No matter how big your home is or what your budget is, as long as you put your mind to it, you can create your own happy nest. Can you imagine that warm corner, after four months of hard work, gradually showing its charm. Yes, this is not just the metamorphosis of a house, but the beginning of a life, the birth of a home. Let me take you into this new home and explore every nook and cranny of it, bit by bit. The first thing that catches your eye is the wall covered with wall coverings.

Comfortable small home, it took four months to complete, the whole house is simply decorated, it is a pleasure to visit with my son!

Up close, you can feel the uneven textures, as if telling the story behind the wall. They are unassuming, but they reveal infinite texture in the details. Turn around and you'll see a fabric sofa quietly taking over the center of the living room. This is only a preliminary layout, no appliances, no soft furnishings, but it can already foresee the warm scene of the future: the family reunites in front of the sofa, laughter and conversation are intertwined into a beautiful music of life. On the top, there is a chandelier that I carefully selected, with several downlights, which is not only beautiful, but also bright enough to illuminate this small world. Push open a sliding door and the balcony greets you. Sunlight shines through the cracks in the door on the floor, making me imagine that after moving, this will be a good place to drink tea and read a book. The study is cleverly designed, with a whole side of custom-made desk cabinets next to the window. At first glance, it seems a little disorganized, but I know that when everything is settled, this will be a haven for my soul.

Comfortable small home, it took four months to complete, the whole house is simply decorated, it is a pleasure to visit with my son!

Imagine yourself sitting at your desk, the scenery outside the window and the thoughts in your heart reflect each other, and the tranquility is exciting. Of course, every corner has been carefully considered. The cabinets are all custom-made and exquisitely made. The floor is covered with wooden floors, which are warm and cozy, without the cold touch of that tile. Bookcases are made in the same way as sideboards, with transparent glass doors that allow you to see what's inside, making it a sure way to place books or trophies in the future. Walking into the master bedroom, a dirty pink wall cloth comes into view, revealing a hint of girlish fantasy. In the room, a large white double bed and a wardrobe stand in the ceiling, satisfying the dual needs of storage and rest. The bay window and built-in display cabinet are designed to make the right use of space without blocking the light inside. The details reflect the convenience and sense of science and technology of living.

Comfortable small home, it took four months to complete, the whole house is simply decorated, it is a pleasure to visit with my son!

For example, the bathroom is equipped with an LED smart bathroom mirror, which has its own lighting and defogging function, so that the bathroom can remain clear even when the steam is filled. The tiles on the walls and floors are made in a stain-resistant gray color, which is beautiful and reduces the burden of cleaning. As for the children's room, it has not yet been fully furnished, and I have retained a hint of mystery and am not in a hurry to show it at the moment. But what can tell you is that the aesthetic standards are consistent across rooms. At this moment, I am standing in this space, everything is not quite in place, but I can feel the perfection that is coming. The owner's son, even though he is still young, is still smiling when he comes here to visit his new home, and his excitement and anticipation have become the motivation for me to continue to improve this home. Next, add some soft furnishings and plants, and I'm sure the effect will be amazing. Here, I would like to share a little secret - I have endless stories and love for this first new house in my life.

Comfortable small home, it took four months to complete, the whole house is simply decorated, it is a pleasure to visit with my son!

Through a photo, I hope you can feel this love with me. They came from my friends Emily and Dan, who documented the family's journey from nothing to nothing. That's all for today's sharing. I will continue to update this little family bit by bit, and I hope you will continue to pay attention to its growth. In the days to come, it will witness our laughter, tears, and growth. Thank you for walking with me on this journey.

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